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RSS Justinyamhk

Reward Points:1
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1 point

We should not look for aliens. Looking for aliens is basically a waste of money and time. Chances are that there are actually no aliens, and even if there really is, the chances of really seeing one or finding one will be nearly none. The US government is spending millions and millions of dollars each year supporting these types of explorations when they can transfer these money into helping those in need and perhaps creating a better healthcare plan for their people. By investing money, time and human power into searching for aliens is creating a market failure where the government is spending money into a non-existing market with such high risk that they might lose all of their investments.

You might argue that searching for aliens might help us learn more about space. Yet, have you considered of the opportunity cost and potential risk of looking for one? You will waste most of your lifetime trying to find something that is almost non-existing and trying to "learn" for life when you can probably earn lots of money from another job and use it for a better retirement life. In the case of really finding one, we are likely still not going to understand the universe much more since the only thing that we'd probably learn is that there are lives in outer space. This information is not worth the look. Maybe we should just let the aliens come looking for us.

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