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RSS Kagura

Reward Points:3
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3 most recent arguments.
1 point

yes for one do you want a child molester out on the street in what is it 3-5 years like thats going to fix him/her two they cant be rehabilitated and last but not least it's costing to much money to keep them alive they have cable 3 meals work out time showers game time mail etc. all that money could be going to the schools to help kids stay off the street and stay out of prison gos to these people you can save alot of time and cash Cali is in det this would help alot and you have lots of choices gun, hagging, head cut off, etc all cheep and fast the death penalty works great and i don't want to hear its in humane i think we should only be humane to those who are humane and rapists molesters killers and people who sell drugs to kids should be put down

1 point

yes i don't want the money i have to pay to be given to a drug attics i under stand the need for food stamps but if you have money to spend on drugs you have money to spend on food and don't need it food stamps should be for throws who relay need it not for the druggies that have the money

1 point

i know a man that was hanging out with a woman they had sex once he then found out she was sleeping with others (he got tested he was OK) she got let go from her job for some thing els the one night my friend and her seeped together she said she was on the pill this was a lie she had been trying to get pregnant by any man thinking he will marry me if she has his kid well he lucked out she had moved to another state and found out she was pregnant but had to think about the time line of who she seeped with then she put child support on him when he got a new job the child support found him and charged him it took her 3 years to find out who was the dad she told him he had to leave his girlfriend and married her or she would make him pay

she had planed it all out we found out but after she had been let go so no one new she was pageant this has fued up my friends life and the child's life she is being mad fun of at school for not having a dad and when she gets older and finds out what kind of person her mom is that will ruin her relationship with her mom this lady only thinking about herself cased a lot of problems i know as i was there when this all happened and the law wont do a thing about this great place we live in

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