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RSS Kaysie

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

Why do you disagree with the fact that Jefferson is more well known than Hamilton? I believe that people need to be more educated on their government and it's history, and that Hamilton is a very important character that plays in it. But you can't deny that Jefferson wasn't important, either, being a president, purchasing half the US, and writing the Declaration of Independence.

1 point

Alex, Thomas Jefferson purchased the Louisiana Territory, giving us the western part of the US. Without it, we wouldn't be half the size we are today.

1 point

Yes, legacy is anything handed down. Would you agree that ideas can be handed down?

1 point

so·ci·e·ty   /səˈsaɪɪti/


noun, plural -ties, adjective


1. an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes.

2. a body of individuals living as members of a community; community.

3. the body of human beings generally, associated or viewed as members of a community: the evolution of human society.

4. a highly structured system of human organization for large-scale community living that normally furnishes protection, continuity, security, and a national identity for its members: American society.

Sylvie, our economy may be based on Hamilton's ideals, but our society is not based upon him. Our economy is his, but our society and common practices are not. We are not his legacy, for everyone has different beliefs. A legacy is anything handed down, like a belief. Those, like yourself, who strongly believe in Hamilton may be living his legacy, but those who don't, aren't. Those who strongly believe in Jefferson may be living his legacy.

1 point

I am commenting on side of Thomas Jefferson because he has less voters, but I am 100% torn between both Jefferson and Hamilton.

A legacy is anything handed down from the past, and both Jeffersonian and Hamiltonian views have been handed down, both leaving a legacy. There are those that believe in Thomas Jefferson and his views, following his legacy. There are those that believe in Alexander Hamilton and his views, following his legacy. It is a continuous pattern. I don't believe there will ever be an answer to this question, for the answers are split among the people. There are only opinions, not answers.

Thomas Jefferson handed down the Declaration of Independence, and while I am aware he was not the only mind in creating this historical document, I believe the document would not exist without him. If Jefferson had never had written this document, America would most likely still be under control of Britain, and Hamilton's legacy would have never taken place. Jefferson also had a larger impact on history than Hamilton. He was the 3rd president of the United States, and I doubt America would be even half the size it is now without him. He handed down the Louisiana Purchase to us, letting America's population and reputation grow. Thomas Jefferson created a political party with people that strongly believe in it, having an impact in the decisions made in our government today. His legacy is left in our political society.

Alexander Hamilton handed down his idea of a modern economy, which is in use today. I do agree that we live, economically, in a Hamiltonian society. He created the national bank, and the idea that debt was necessary. His idea was that debt is good to have, so that, when paid off, trust can be ensured into thee. Our America is in enormous debt, but debt nonetheless. The Louisiana Purchase also could not have taken place without Hamilton's economy, for that is what it was carried out on. His ideals have carried on through our federal government, as with Jefferson's. He created a political party with people that strongly believe in it, having an impact on the decisions made in our government today. His legacy is left in our society, as well.

-Kaysie L

1 point

I don't understand how our country has benefited from its enormous debt. Please explain.

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