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RSS Kevincxw

Reward Points:9
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9 most recent arguments.
kevincxw(9) Clarified
1 point

I feel that it is a more of a political problem as well. Your elaboration for your point is not very valid and needs some fine-tuning. The Spiderman's quote was also inappropriately placed.

kevincxw(9) Clarified
1 point

you do not have a topic sentence and and your second sentence has a grammatical error. try not to use the word "etc" . for the sentence "On August 3, 1990, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 660 condemning the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and demanding...." , it should be " and demanded".

1 point

your argument has relevant points, especially about the part of women integrating to the working world. However, you should bring up some examples relating to Singapore since questions wants your society's experience with the gender revolution.

kevincxw(9) Clarified
1 point

Ido not see the link between racism and the gender revolution. Your argument requrires more links in order tomake it substanial.

1 point

Adding on to Sherin's comment, since your argumwent was based on jobs being strenuos of toherwise for women, i think it would be better to show how technology has made jobs easier to be carried out by women and give an example related to it. Your current points are valid though, but you need to link it to technology which could use a bit more work.

1 point

Your argument makes sense. However, the questions states "with examples drawn from your society's experience of the "gender revolution"", thus in your answer i think itis safer that you have an exmple which originates form Singapore instead of Asia, even though Singapore is a part of Asia.

1 point

Generally a good argument. You may want to show more links between the main points of your argument to make it even better.

1 point

Good job. Overall a good argument substaniated with relavant examples. However, you may want to bring in the figures of Singapore's fertility (not infertility) rates of the early years of nationhood when most people were stuck in " the mindset of our grandparents" with today's fetility rates. Watch your language , especially grammar as they break the flow of your agrument.

1 point

Chan Wai Leong claims that technology has help to assist in the gender revolution. He claims that the invention of machines has help to reduce the amount of menial work that humans have to undertake, thus reducing the business of staying alive, whioch subsequently allowed women to enter the workforce. I agree with the views of the author as technogical advanceas has indeed improved the lives of people, including the women in society. Technology has given women a helping hand in their daily activites, including their careeers and even help women to break into the occupations that were once dominated by men. For example, with the invention and introduction of computers to Singapore, some jobs becoame less repetiitve. Hence, the number of women who have professional careers rose from just a few handful during the 1970s to almost half of the working female popluation by 2000. As such, it can be evidently seen that technology has contributed to the gender revolution.

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