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0 points

Lastly, starting school earlier doesn't really have a great impact on the student's success, academically. According to multiple researches, it has been shown that early risers report that actually waking up early gives them quiet time in the morning for organization, to arrange all their plans out for the day. Secondly, this time can be valuably spent on goal setting and planning out their days and assignments ahead of time or weeks ahead. It has also been found that actually their is a great correlation between the time the students get up in the morning, and the grades they achieve. According to a study conducted in Texas university,

Students who happen to wake up earlier had an GPA score of 3.5. However, the students who wake up later achieve on average a GPA of 2.5.



2 points

In fact attending school simply a few hours later, will not only create complication among the students life with their family and go in the way of their daily athletic routine, or any routine by this point. It will also affect the people surrounding them, specifically the entire school staff. Including teachers, directors, principals, athletic instructors, etc. Since, some people worry that a later start time as well as a later release time will often lead to teachers reducing the time spent with their families. According to studies, an average healthy family member needs to sit together in meals, and talk more about their life, and doing simple activities such as doing household chores together. And a later release date will eliminate all these factors for both teachers and parents, which can cause more harm than good, eventually, even lead to instability in the household. This means eliminating all these factors, simply just to attend school a few hours earlier.

Source: them/

2 points

It has been found that starting school later can result in complication among the family's daily life routine. Since, Most families have a highly coordinated schedule worked out to balance the many activities of each of its members.That can be the case because, in most cases the parents work, and the child's school, begins in the same block of hour. Therefore, if the school district decides to begin school at a later time, transportation will be a great challenge, if the parent drops the child off to school while driving off to work, this entire routine will then have to be modified. This means willing to actually pay transportation fees on a regular basis, both to get and to leave school, simply for the reason of attending school a few hours later than the original mandatory time .


1 point

School should proceed in starting earlier, since according to multiple studies, high school athletics are very important to countless students from all age levels, and starting school later in the day will decrease the amount of time one can do sports, after the school day has ended. In other words, there will be not enough spare time for after school activities and anything aside from school tasks, by the time the students arrive home. Considering, that most students use public transportation.The last thing the students want is spending eight hours of their day during school and arriving home completing assignments and going to sleep.It becomes difficult to schedule sports practice and extra-curricular activities.It is difficult to squeeze academic schedules, sports events and extra-curricular activities into available daytime hours if schools started late


Winning Position: School Should Start Later

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