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RSS Melodyk

Reward Points:6
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6 most recent arguments.
1 point

They were nearing an end to the worst global war in history and something needed to be done to defeat Japan. If the United States just invaded Japan it would have resulted in the death of as many as 250,000 American and many Japanese. Although many civilians were killed in the attack, many civilians were also killed by Japan and the Axis throughout World War II. The dropping of the atomic bomb was not the first civilians were a casualty of war. It seems as though regaurdless civilians would have died whether it was by atomic bomb or invading of Japan. With the attacks on Pearl Harbor Japan neeed to be invaded or we would be at risk.

1 point

Ryyuukyuzo, I disagree that Truman didn't care about the emperor and just wanted to test the atomic bomb. Although there was evidence that the Japanese would surrender if the emperor kept his throne, the Japanese did not want to surrender. Keep in mind this is still a war and America could not relax and wait to see what happens, Truman needed to take action and prevent attacks on America and do what he saw fit to end the war swiftly. The Potsdam declaration demanded the surrender of Japan and the emperor would lose his position. Japan wanted to the emperor to keep his throne and Prime Minister Suzuki said Japan would " resolutely fight for the successful conclusion of the war." The Japanese wanted to win the war and did not want to stop fighting until they won the war or they were forced to surrender. Truman had to drop the bomb to show them our power and end the war as fast as possible while trying to preserve lives. Although America agreed to let the emperor keep his position if he agrees to be a subject of the Allies when Japan surrendered shortly after the bombing, it does not mean Truman just wanted to test his bombs. Truman and the Allies wanted to an unconditional surrender from Japan and were willing to fight until the end. The bombings still could not convince Japan to surrender unconditionally but to finally end to war and stop the killing of soldiers and civilians America agreed to let the emperor keep his position. I disagree with you that Truman just wanted to test the bombs.

2 points

Guitaristdog, I agree that it was necessary to drop the atomic because if we invaded Japan it would have resulted in more deaths of civilians and soldiers. The Japanese soldiers and civilians were ready to fight until the end of the war and it was necessary to drop the atomic. The civilians were preparing for an invasion and many more American lives would have been had we invaded Japan. Although the civilians may not have played a pivotal role in the outcome of the war had there been an invasion, their involvement would have made it much more difficult and costly for American soldiers. An invasion would have resulted in the loss of 250,000 American lives. I agree that it was justified to drop the atomic bomb because the Japanese civilians were forming a militia and a land invasion would have resulted in more soldier and civilian deaths.

1 point

The United States was justified in using the atomic bomb to end World War II. President Truman made the right decision to drop the atomic bomb. They were nearing an end to the worst global war in history and something needed to be done to defeat Japan. If the United States just invaded Japan it would have resulted in the death of as many as 250,000 American and many Japanese. Although many civilians were killed in the attack, many civilians were also killed by Japan and the Axis throughout World War II. The dropping of the atomic bomb was not the first civilians were a casualty of war. Unfortunately, civilian casualties are a reality of war. Many more civilian lives may have been lost if the United States invaded Japan instead of dropping the atomic bomb. The United States was justified in using the atomic bomb because Japan also attacked the United States with the attack on Pearl Harbor and that was when the United States declared war on Japan. When we are at war we must use whatever force is necessary to defeat our enemy and in this the atomic bomb was necessary. The United States created the atomic bomb as weapon and weapons are supposed to be used. It was important to show the rest of the world the power of the atomic bomb we created. The atomic bomb was also justified because the Japanese were also ruthless to American soldiers and committed war crimes during the Bataan death march. They mistreated American and Filipino prisoners of war by not giving them food, water, executing them and many other horrendous things. The United States was justified in using the atomic bomb because of the war crimes committed by Japan, the attack on Pearl Harbor, it saved American lives and United States needed to try something drastic to defeat Japan swiftly.


Give Me Liberty! Chp 22 pg 841-874

1 point

The Constitution should not be ratified. Democracy has neverbeen witnessed on this large of a scale and a single government cannot manage acountry as large as ours. Strongcentral government is a threat to our rights and the President will turn into amonarch. The government under the Articles of Confederation is sufficient. Thecentral government will become too strong and we will lose our rights. Thegovernment will serve the interests of the wealthy minority. Our rights need tobe protected or we could end up being ruled by a government like the won wejust fought a war to get freedom from. There is no protection of individual rights in theConstitution and until there is it should not be ratified. There needs to be aBill of Rights to guarantee us rights and protect us from the government. TheConstitution should not be ratified.

1 point

I disagree that the Constitution should be ratified. The checks and balances are not inplace to protect out rights or stop the government from becomingoppressive. Our rights are notprotected and the national government will look out for the wealthy minority. Idisagree that political tyranny is impossible. The powerful government couldeasily turn into a monarchy over time. Although Hamilton says the Constitution is the"perfect balance between liberty and power", it is not. Without a Bill of Rights there is noliberty and all power. There needs to be a Bill of Rights to protect thecitizens of the United States. Wehave fought a war for this freedom so why risk losing it by creating a powerfulcentral government. TheConstitution should not be ratified.

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