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Reward Points:37
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I find it absolutely insane that you want RIGHTS to be taken away from us.

I think many people (not all) agree that third wave feminism is "evil", but nobody is banning it because they have the right to do and say whatever they want as long as they're not breaking any laws.

If you want to live in a place with restricted freedom, then get out of America.

1 point

We are in America. As long as they're not breaking any laws they're allowed to do and say whatever they want.

2 points

There are people who ACTUALLY get beat up and harassed every single day. The people supporting safe spaces and trigger warnings for university students just want safe spaces for when they "get offended" by a statement somebody says that they dislike or don't agree with.

Deal with it, or get out of college. We need to teach people how to toughen up.


If they have an actual SERIOUS problem where they're actually being attacked then you or somebody else can report it to the police.

2 points

Funny how you said "...YOUR man Trump..."

I saw you're profile and you live in the United States, so technically hes OUR man because Trump is OUR President.

1 point

I didn't read the entire question because I don't feel like it, but as Americans we have the right to not do something we don't want to do... but it would be funny to see a feminist at a male convention.

1 point

Honestly, homework is good for you. It really does help you, and maybe a little homework is OK. We also have to remember, they're at schools for 6-7 and sometimes 8+ hours a day, and need some time to relax and have fun. Kids won't be kids forever. They need time to spend with their families and can't focus on school 24/7.

I would also like to add that I'm a sophomore in high school, and I'm at school from 6:50 in the morning (my mom has to drop me off earlier so she can make the train, but school really starts at 7:20) to 3:00 in the afternoon, and as soon as I get home I do my homework/study and sometimes I don't go to sleep until midnight. I don't even play sports or have activities after school other than the gym. (I haven't even been going lately because I have way too much work)

1 point

This question can be interpreted in many different ways, but I think the question is meant to ask "While prisoners are in prison, should they still have the right to vote?"

(I'm not actually sure though :P)

1 point

I understand where you're coming from, but that doesn't mean they have the right to stay here. My mom lived in the Philippines. She had no relationship with her dad, and she was abused physically and emotionally by her mom and brother EVERY SINGLE DAY. My mom has also almost been MURDERED, KIDNAPPED and RAPED by her moms ex-boyfriends on MULTIPLE different occasions.

My mom didn't even finish high school because she had to work.

Her life was so bad, but she still managed to wait to become a legal citizen of the United States of America because even she knows no matter how hard life is, breaking the law is never OK.

If you're really poor and can barely pay your bills, you don't rob a store. You actually have to WORK HARD an EARN your money.

I think it's wrong that those people are living in conditions like that and us Americans should work together to help other people who are less fortunate than us, but coming here illegally is NOT the right answer.

1 point

I agree, and sorry about the way the question was worded.

It was literally my first time using this website :P

1 point

Obviously you didn't understand what I just wrote, because I meant they're breaking the law just by being in America.

That's why they're called "ILLEGAL immigrants".

They're here I-L-L-E-G-A-L-L-Y.

Just because I care about America, and want people to follow our laws doesn't mean I think I'm living in the 1700's. It just means that I respect the law, our government, and the American citizens in it.

It's also kind of funny that you said I still think I'm in the 1700's because I wasn't even born in the 1900's. (In case you wanted to know, I was born in 2002)

I also just wanted to give you some advice.

When you're having a debate with someone and all you can do is call them names, it makes you look like extremely uneducated. I don't want to know what you think about me, I just want to know about facts and have an actual debate.

About Me

"I'm 15 and love to have debates with people at school, but my mom doesn't like it.. so now I'm here."

Biographical Information
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Education: High School

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