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RSS Minook

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
2 points

I respectfully disagree with Philisa Tan.

Firstly, I would like to restate my position by defining the term,responsible.

Not all the violent teenagers' aggression in this world are caused by violent games as you proved in your evidence.

However, you pointed out that it is the choice that matters. You are right that the violent game itself is harmless. However,if teenagers who choose to play violent games and they end up behaving violently, isn't it the violent games that are responsible for their aggressive behaviours?

There is also another point in your comment that needs to be addressed. in your evidence, about the study done by two European psychologists, the duration of the research is not stated.

In one of the studies done by Dr. Anderson, he studied three groups of teenagers from different backgrounds who played violent games and observed their behaviours afterwards. It was found out that there was a gradual change in their behaviours. it took at least minimum of 3months to 6months of observation.

However, you have failed to show specified evidence therefore, it is not convincing enough.

1 point

I agree with the statement.

First of all, I would like to explain the meaning of the statement,

‘Violent video/computer games are responsible for aggressive behavior in children and teenagers.’

I would like to define it that not ALL the teenagers in the world who are violent are to blame violent video/computer games for their aggression, but rather if those teenagers are exposed to such games, then violent video/computer games ARE responsible for their aggressive behaviours.

Based on the studies done by Craig Anderson, a distinguished professor of psychology at Iowa State University and the director of Iowa State's Center for the Study of Violence, kids in both the U.S. and Japan who reported playing lots of violent video games had more aggressive behavior months later than their peers who did not, which appears in the November issue of the journal Pediatrics.

Then, while we get to the root of the problem and especially those who disagree with the statement might come upon this question, do children become more aggressive after playing video games or are aggressive kids more attracted to violent videos?

While this issue remains murky and controversial, there have been many studies that linked violent games to violent behaviours in kids.

One of the studies done by Dr. Anderson included three groups of kids; 181 Japanese students ages 12 to 15; 1,050 Japanese students aged 13 to 18; and 364 U.S. kids ages 9 to 12.

Japanese children rated their own behavior in terms of physical aggression, such as hitting, kicking or getting into fights with other kids; the U.S. children rated themselves too, but the researchers took into account reports from their peers and teachers as well.

In every group, children who were exposed to more video game violence did become more aggressive over time than their peers who had less exposure

What they found was that in all three samples, a lot of violent video game played early in a school year leads to higher levels of aggression during the school year, as measured later in the school year even after the kids were controlled how aggressive they were at the beginning of the year.

He also says that exposure to violent video games directly causes increased aggressive thoughts and behavior, and decreased empathy and prosocial behavior in the youths exposed to them. Anderson's team says these study conclusions hold true across geographies, cultures, and study methods.

they can now say with utmost confidence that regardless of research method, that is experimental, correlational, or longitudinal, and regardless of the cultures tested in this study [East-Japan and West-U.S], he get the same effects; that exposure to violent video games increases the likelihood of aggressive behavior in both short-term and long-term contexts.

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