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1 point

adding on to the spartan bit their neighbors were quite warlike for example the persians which had a keen eye on taking them over and eventually did in the battle of Thermopylae of which Sparta and their allies (led under king Leonidas and Demophilus) had around 7000 troops whereas persia ( led under King Xerxes I, Mardonius and Hydarnes II) had around 70,000-300,000 troops . The war ended with sparta losing 4000 troops and persia losing 20,000 troops (unlike the film)

( sorry if i used a bit of yours but i had to for it too make sens)

1 point

thats a dumb reason write a real one ur obviously oblivious to actual war and what it is like i personally agree that it is a necessary evil but this is dumb

1 point

believe that war is a necessary evil because even though it causes lots of pain, suffering and even death but it also can bring a massive amount of benefits as it can bring long lasting peace e.g. world war 2 it was tragic and evil but because of it many technologies were discovered such as the jerry can, the dyanmo powered torch, pressurised plane cabins, raido navigation, synthetic rubber and oil ,radar and more and also because of world war the EU (european union) was made which has made tons of benefits to every country in europe providing military basing rights, research agreements and a sort of inter european police force and also eurovision was formed which was made to bring countries together and to all compete in a friendly competition.

Another reason war is a necessary evil is because if a government or monarchy is not ruling justly or fairly the people will have to revolt to get equal rights for example the American Revolution which was because they believed the taxes were unconstitutional and now America has turned into the richest the country by arguably around 6-7 trillion dollars (not including the EU which could arguably have a higher gdp).

War is also a massive contributor to the population control and without it we could possibly be in a world hunger problem and we might not be able to support ourselves or we could be facing overpopulation or over crowding.

Conflict will also always happen as long as there are humans or anything that lives it is a part of human nature. It has been scientifically proven that there is very little difference between human reaction to danger or threats and those of animals. Animals feel the need to fight to prove themselves, to gain more territory and land to maybe graze on or to get the best food from and also to defend their territory which is just like humans and if there wasn’t any of this no one would be ahead of anything and without conflict we wouldn’t have been able to kill the mammoths in the pre-historic period thus many of us would have died also the only reason stone tools were invented were because of conflict and stone tools then got adapted to suit agricultural purposes such as for gardening hoes, shovels etc and is probably one of the greatest and most revelutionary technologies ever discovered.

damn son

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