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RSS Moon314

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

What the Nazi did is unconscionable. There should be no statute of limitations on the disgusting acts carried out by all who participated.

1 point

In my definition of "personhood" I will limit it to humans, only because this is as far as I have thought about it to date. But it might be possible to encompass non-humans as well.

The way that I came up with my definition of personhood was after hearing about a pregnant woman who was murdered and the murderer was to be charged with two counts of murder. It got me thinking what if the pregnancy was unknown, should it still be 2 counts of murder? And so I thought that personhood is defined by having the ability to [independently] interact or cause an interaction in a specific and unpredictable way.

That might sound a bit abstract but I think it should be. What I mean by it is this, in the murder example, it was clear that the woman was pregnant thus the big round belly was the specific "interaction". It is specific to the fetus because its growth caused an increase in the size of the uterus to the extent that it was visible to all. It was unpredictable in the sense that it was something the could not have been known before the interaction occurred. Often times women are unaware that they are pregnant in the first early weeks of gestation and therefore under most circumstances that embryo would not have the qualities of personhood although it has the potential.

To me this definition can not specify at what date the embryo or fetus is granted personhood, but that's kind of the point- it's different for everyone. All that matters is that the agent that is capable of exhibiting its "personhood" quality has the ability to "interact" [with an already existing person] in such a manner that is independent, unpredictable and specific.

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Biographical Information
Name: Amanda 
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Political Party: Democrat
Country: United States
Education: Post Grad

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