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RSS Neocon

Reward Points:7
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2 most recent arguments.
1 point

It is quite hypocritical of him to be blaming us for such violence. It is reasons for theocracies like Iran and Afghanistan that such atrocities happen. We invaded Afghanistan to stop the constant murdering of thousands and public executions of many. Maybe if Muslims were actually tolerant, my perspective would change, but they show to be bloodthirsty freaks. And if it is really our fault, then why do they go around bombing and causing mass shootings such as in France and Russia. Fuck off, Islam is evil!

1 point

I think it was essential that we invade Iraq. Saddam Hussein imposed tyrannical rule over his people for a span of decades. Women had limited rights to education, and even owning a satellite dish was punishable to death. Saddam Hussein committed genocide more than once (Once against the Kurds and the other against Shi'ite Muslims in Southern Iraq) and showed repeated aggression against other countries. Kuwait in 1991 (In which we would've doubled his holding of oil) and Iran. He was a bloodthirsty warmonger, and slaughtered thousands that challenged his rule and allowed thousands to be beheaded or hanged in public while everyone clapped. Imagine your own family members executed in front of you, and being forced to applaud and smile. How would you feel? He was also convicted many times for harboring terrorists such as Al Qaeda. He also claimed to have no weapons of mass destruction, but once told inspectors were to be sent, he refused. Suspicious don't you think? Although, I will admit we have been in Iraq longer than we should have been, it was essential we liberate not only the people of Iraq, but also the world from a bloodless tyrant. His sons were even worse, and were planning to take over the throne soon after. Uday and Qusay Hussein were even more sadistic freaks, and committed constant manslaughter against their people and political opponents. They took holding of most of the oil, and made sure it stayed as a private sector under control. As their palaces grew and became more lavish, thousands suffered and many were starving. How could anyone refer to such men as saviors?

Winning Position: In Favor of Intervention

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