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Reward Points:4
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3 most recent arguments.
3 points

It is my opinion that basic levels of education should be a right. They ensure people have the skills to make something of their life and better what they have got as well as ensuring the development of a nation. However that is not to say that it should be everyones right to go onto further education, this should be earned on peoples ability to study but not their ability to pay in order to ensure that education at the higher level is not only for the rich which disadvantages the poorer amongst society but also ensures that a degree becomes worthless

1 point

Of course it is, so long as they choose to be and do not feel forced into been a house wife. Many people feel that they want to be a stay at home mum, and why not it gives them more time with their children gives children more time with their parents, My mum is a house wife (although doesn't like been called that because she says she isn't married to a house), but she always said so long as we could manage financially she wanted to stay at home, it isn't anything to be criticized because it isn't doing anything bad or wrong. I know some people say it isn't right for a women to be seen like that (it been anti feminist) but whats wrong with someone wanting to help their family in whatever else they choose.

1 point

No it is not a valid argument. The bad that happens in the world are an important part of life as we know it, whether you look at it from an atheist or theist point of view. Bad things can not only be argued (as from a religious point) that they are a test but also in the less religious arguments that although they make many suffer and no one would wish to see them happen they give us a science of prospective on our own lives and how would we be able to appreciate the good that happens if we dint also experience hardship. Bad thing and good things alike are what make up everything that we know; our morals, sympathies, experiences our personalities and even the world as we know it and effect our society in a way we struggle to understand. For instance the 9/11 bombings was an atrocious act but did it not bring the modern world closer together in condemnation of those who did wrong, yes bad tings should not be encouraged to happen but they are another example of how everything we know is so cleverly designed and interlinked. How can that be a reason for god not existing

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