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RSS Nickpayif

Reward Points:1
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2 points

I don't believe that the america is a socialistic type of government but i see that you do recognize the down fall in our economy over the last eight years Obama has managed to hypothetically put everyone money into a giant pool for everyone to have equally if they are not employed! now people who are employed not only cant have access to this hypothetically pool of money but are taxed to put there hard earned money into it! that's right! and the wealthier you are the more money you have to contribute!you may ask yourself? where does this money go? well its equally distributed to anyone who files for unemployment benefits! this mean they can get paid for long periods of time without a job! do you think people who have low income would abuse this system! in fact the unemployment rate is a living proof and how does a economy work if there is population that dose not work! companies move there production facilities to low taxed country and jobs are lost in america because jobs are being lost and its ok cause the democratic party had agreed to this welfare idea in 2008! this happens for 8 years that enough time to help are debut even more ! the american people don't even have the money to fill the pool so we borrow money from china no just for the pool but for our military,industry,and debut plus interests ( if you understand finance then this all makes sense) 17 trillion in debut and its getting worse? we see the downfall in the american economy because of the democratic views!

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