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RSS Oregon

Reward Points:4
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2 most recent arguments.
4 points

No, of course it has not been proven scientifically. Many things have not been proven though that we know for sure to be true. Universal Gravitation has not been proven, but no one would deny that it exists. Similarly, micro evolution, organisms adapting to the environment, definitely exists.

Macro evolution, the evolution of one species to another, and the idea of a common ancestor, is not quite as widely accepted. However, there is a very strong case for it.

Note that evolution does not explain the creation of earth or life, simply the changes of life over enormous amounts of time.

3 points

PC's are much better for the educated user as it allows you to customize EXACTLY the way you want it. That being said, they do tend to be more complicated and error prone, therefore requiring more computer savvy to become as usable as a Mac.

PC's are also much cheaper, and for those who think otherwise, you obviously don't know what your talking about. For a base Mac you generally pay a $200 premium over the PC option, and for any upgrades you end up paying far more than what they actually cost.

And for those that think Mac's are good for "graphics", for the most part it is just a marketing ploy designed to reduce the geekiness of the Mac, while in turn making the PC look like the nerds computer. PC's can ALWAYS have better hardware than a Mac, especially when it comes to expansion cards, like graphics cards. This means that they are can be better for gaming, and programs that require top hardware. Most of the professional programs used for video editing, etc. are dual platform or on only PC. Very few are just Mac. This means that Mac has no advantage when it comes to software or hardware for "graphics" and generally has a disadvantage.

Macs do have the "stylish" look, but that is really their only advantage. Once upon a time they have been more usable, but Microsoft created Vista to be much more intuitive than XP, almost similar to OS X.

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