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RSS Qv23fuenere

Reward Points:9
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1 point

China does not have more political power than the US. In fact, there are only 5 remaining countries that are communist, if many other countries were following China's example, that those countries would have more communist values. Additionally, according to Business Insider, The US president has more power than the Chinese president, who comes in second on the list.

0 points

Economy- Although China's population outnumbers the US's by more than 700 million, the US economy is still the strongest. For all the money that China is making, only a little of it is actually going to its citizens, probably since all of the communist country's companies are government owned. In fact, even though China's GDP is growing at a faster rate than ours, their GDP per capita, which is the total GDP divided by the number of people in the country, is a mere $16,676, while the US's is $59,609. Additionally, America's currency is used all around the world and is used in 80% of all transactions worldwide, more than any other currency, even the euro, which is the national currency of 19 different countries.

Military- Even though the Chinese military outnumbers the US's by about 1 million active personnel, the US still remains the most powerful military with a budget of 597 billion dollars, compared to China's 215.7 billion dollars. This allows us to have the most advanced weapons and machinery available, so it is no surprise that we dominate in almost all areas of military. To add on to that, the US has more experience with war today, while China hasn't fought in a war since 1979, making us much more experienced. We also have a large number of allies that can help US (and are helping us) throughout the world. that can step in if America is ever in trouble.

Political Power- One of the key traits of superpowers are being able to influence the world around you. The US has the most influence worldwide that helps it remain very powerful. For example, in 2012 the US gave 32.7 billion dollars out to other countries in need. If America wants to do something, those countries that experienced the generosity of the US will most likely side with it. Also, we are one of the most popular places to immigrate to. In fact, in 2000, more than 500,000 immigrants came to the US from China alone. We also have an effective government and strong defense system that is appealing to many foreigners.

Links: inUSA.png/410px-Immigrationin_USA.png

1 point

The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not win the war for the US, the Soviets did. While Japan was nearly defeated from their long fight with The United States and Britain, they heard about the threat of the USSR joining, they surrendered, knowing a Soviet invasion would totally finish them off. Additionally, earlier in the war the U.S. cracked the Japanese code, so America knew they were desperate and not in any position to attack our land, but still decided to drop not one, but two atomic bombs. Furthermore, no matter year you are living in, killing huge amounts of innocent people is a horrible thing to do, so I think the US should have waited to find a more peaceful solution.

Supporting Evidence: Source: (
1 point

Killing more people than Japan did when they attacked Pearl Harbor did not prove we were stronger, just that we were more brutal and merciless. The Japanese were on the edge of surrender, therefore dropping the two bombs on Japan not a necessary move by the U.S., but was more like a mass murder.

Supporting Evidence: Source: (
3 points

The US was fighting a war against Japan's leaders and soldiers, not its citizens. While the attack on Pearl Harbor killed 2403 people, of which only 68 were civilians, the Little Boy and Fat Man bombs killed about 200,000 people total (almost all of them being civilians), and in a way that is so much worse then regular bombing. Additionally, this was a cruel and unnecessary move by the US, because instead of using the bomb as just a threat to get the Japanese to surrender, it was also meant to kill a bunch of innocent people.

Supporting Evidence: Source: (
1 point

If the U.S. goes to war with North Korea, it won't be just us and them fighting alone. China, who feels partly responsible for North Korea's protection from all the other countries, will most likely stand up to our forces, making it more difficult then we originally thought.

Supporting Evidence: Source: (
1 point

I agree with your point because although our feud with North Korea is just threats right now, even one misunderstood comment could be enough to push a country over the edge into a actual war. For example President Trump recently tweeted,"Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N. If he echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they won't be around much longer!" While citizens of the U.S don't actually think that Trump can do anything to N. Korea, many citizens of N. Korea really believe that the U.S. plans to harm them.

Supporting Evidence: Source: (
1 point

Although North Korea poses little threat to the U.S. or South Korea, a war against them could also break ties with China, who has been our ally since World War 2. Additionally, North Korea does have at least one nuclear weapon, and even though it won't cause as much damage as our bombs could do to them, many it could still kill many American citizens. Furthermore, having even a little nuclear power in the hands of Kim Jong Un could cause trouble.

Supporting Evidence: Source: (
1 point

I agree with your statement because veto can give a country a last chance to stop a corrupt decision, before millions of people get hurt. Also the veto power is mainly what makes the Big 5 still the main leaders of the SC, and taking it away might decrease the effectiveness of the UN.

Supporting Evidence: Source: (
1 point

Although veto power can stop the UN from doing something good, it can also stop the UN from making bad choices too. For example, many countries would vote for the UN to use violence to stop Kim Jong Un and his missiles, but since they know that China will immediately veto it, they will look for more peaceful solutions(sanctions), therefore saving a lot of innocent civilians that could've been hurt.

(Does not include example)

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