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Reward Points:22
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10 most recent arguments.
4 points

Health care can not be a right !! It is something you can have like cars !! everyone have a right to bay a car but it do not that the government should give you a car !!

3 points

I see you really want and believe with this !!! .

4 points

No its too free as it is.

The enormous cost of health care is paid for by the tax and national health insurance payers and always has been..It is mainly free to most folk ,those who do not and never have paid anything into the system. Yet too much is wasted on the takers taking, and stupid expensive operations for 90% implant jobs,transgender jobs,gastric bands for lazy people. Nothing is free, too many people want free all the while. Workers have to pay for it

3 points

no ,,, and I don't know him !! ^,^ .

randomMAN(22) Clarified
2 points

WHAt !! .

2 points

Yup ,, I am also asked why if i disagree with you , you vote down to me !!

4 points

Did you know that 46.3 million people in the US were uninsured in 2008 according to the US Census Bureau. In 2007, health care expenditures totaled $2.2 trillion - 16.2% of the US economy. Health care is the largest industry in the US, employing more than 14 million people.

Proponents of the right to health care argue that it would stop medical bankruptcies, improve public health, and reduce overall health care spending. They say that no one in the richest nation on earth should go without health care. A June 12-16, 2009 poll shows that 64% of Americans say health care should be a right.

randomMAN(22) Clarified
5 points

If health care is considered a right, then government bureaucrats will be making health, life, and death decisions that should be up to the patient and doctor to decide.

9 points

Allowing health care coverage to be driven by the free market without government intervention increases competition and the incentive for providing higher quality medical technology and service.

Providing health care to everyone is a huge expense and may result in tax increases thereby futher harming the economy and individual pocketbooks.

Guaranteeing health care for all Americans will lead to a problem known as "moral hazard," meaning that people will take riskier actions because they know that if they get hurt, they are guaranteed health care coverage.

6 points

Guaranteeing everyone health care will lead to longer wait-times for patients to receive diagnoses and treatment of illnesses, as is the case in Canada and the UK, potentially denying patients with chronic diseases timely medical care. [5]

Providing a right to health care is socialism and is bad for economic productivity. Socialized medicine is comparable to food stamps, housing subsidies, and welfare--all of which is charity. Distributing charity to society makes people lazy, decreases the incentive for people to strive for excellence, and inhibits productivity.

A right to health care is nonadministrative because it is too ambiguous what kind of treatment and services should be guaranteed.

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