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RSS Rbedi100

Reward Points:3
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2 most recent arguments.
0 points

Excuse me? The Macintosh 128K was released in the January of 1984-the first Macintosh to run a graphics-based user interface, while Windows 1.0-the first PC to run a graphics-based user interface, was released in NOVEMBER 1985: after the Mac! How's that for PC innovation?

5 points

Apple is the face of computing innovation. While Microsoft and PC hardware manufacturing companies are stuck in the past, Apple is forging ahead, first with the revolutionary iPhone, and with Mac OS X Leopard 10.5, which received critical acclaim far and beyond what Vista achieved. Vista was a step backwards-in security, in functionality, in user interface. Leopard was a step into the future. Don't forget-Apple first implemented mice user interface devices, graphical user interfaces, and computer drawing software. Microsoft , while leading in market share currently, is slowly falling behind the R&D;powerhouse of Apple. There are still those who argue that PCs have more software availability than Macs. To those making that argument, welcome to the 21st century. Macs run just about every consumer application in existence, can run most games, and if you need more, just run Windows on a Mac (Boot Camp, VMWare, Parallels)! Mac bundled software (ahem...iLife) kicks bundled Windows software's ass and will continue to do so. Surely, Apple will overtake Microsoft's market share in personal computing, if not because of their innovation and technology, then because of their user-friendly interface, little to no learning curve, and simply functional software.

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