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RSS Rustinn

Reward Points:7
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10 most recent arguments.
1 point

I don't want my tax money keeping a serial killer alive, ENOUGH SAID !!!

2 points

Same was said about the year 2000 and 6/6/06. The world will not end in 2012.

1 point

You say god is perfect.

If I don't believe in god I go to hell for all eternity right?

Well what if I was the nicest man on the face of the planet. I donated a lot, I cared a lot about strangers. But I don't believe in god. So what happens? I still go to hell for all eternity.

God isn't perfect. Religion isn't perfect.

1 point

There are a lot of people that speak English (majority) so lets just make it the main language I don't see why not I thought it already was!

4 points

The government has no right to decide what to do with someone's body.

2 points

I have no problem with creationism I just don't want it thought in schools. Its a nice PERSONAL fairy tail, just don't bring it out into society.

1 point

Well they're not the best but they are pretty decent cars. And as long as you take them in for inspection when you must you don't have many problems at all.

4 points

I believe they cherry pick news just like I believe MSNBC does with their news. That's why if you want the real new you must look outside the US media.

0 points

You know how many people said the world was going to end in 2000 and also on 6/6/06, yet we are still here.

1 point

You have a Boeing 767 with about 3,000 gallons of jet fuel. Jet fuel can't melt steel but you don't need to MELT steel to have a building failure. The hottest temperatures were recorded at 1,800F due to the jet fuel and the flammable office material. You need 2750F to melt steel but at 1100F steel loses 50% of it's strength. The building came down because the trusses on the floor of impact failed, therefore you have a "pancake effect" where those 20 some floors rip through all the other floors below.

That explains your building failure, not an explosive.

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I am probably a good person but I haven't taken the time to fill out my profile, so you'll never know!

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