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RSS Shogun64

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

if being american is going aroubd schools and shooting little kids because its american, maybe i need to leave.

0 points

true, if you want to hunt, get a bow, its more sporting anyway. whats the sport in shooting a deer 300 yards away?

1 point

who said shotguns isn't a deadly tool? you ever see what damage it does to a body? thats why the army uses them!!!!!!!

1 point

True, people kill people, no guns, but guns allow a person to kill many people in a short time. if that nut didn't have a gun, how kids do you think hw wouldv'e been able to kill with a knife or club before being subdued? A gun gives that person the feeling like he is invincible, which makes it easier for him to go on a killing spree. If he wasn't able to get a gun, all those kids would be alive today, except maybe one. If gun owners would think of that, instead of there own selfish desires to have a gun, alot of children would still be alive today. Reports show that a small percentage of gun owners actually use a gun to defend themselves, there are more killed with a gun, than those using a gun to protect themselves, they cain't say it's used for selfdefense. with all the guns in the hands of so called law abiding citizens, why are so many children massacred today? where are they using there guns to protect? Gun owners don't want to give up there guns because of there selfish desire to own one. They want to say "what about my rights", whats more important, there desire to own something they will rarely use, or those childrens rights that was killed to grow up? They don't need it for food, thats what stores are for. I guess they just like to shoot helpless beings to see blood, what a minute, that sounds like that nut who shot all those kids! Maybe we really do need to outlaw guns.

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