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RSS Sks9112006

Reward Points:4
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4 most recent arguments.
1 point

I’d tell him I’m not one of...”those” fans..... the fans who do weird fanfics,weird animations,and all types of weird stuff. And the fans who do weird stuff who are oblivious to the fact that they are doing it. I’d ask him many,many,questions until he’s not in the mood for it no more. If I ever do the weird type of sonic things I’d just be doing it to be derp and memey. Because.....because.

1 point

It’s Wrong to just see one thing or person doing something and blaming the entire group for that and saying all of them do it. Not ALL anime is lewd,disgusting,and disturbing. Anime can be great for kids. You just have to recommend a specific one for them.

1 point

Really? Just wow. . . I don’t know why I’m bringing Sonic the Hedgehog into this. But, In Sonic Adventure 2, A Black and Red hedgehog, Shadow, Does something wrong. Police know he’s a hedgehog, But they think Sonic, A BLUE hedgehog, Caused the problem. Are they just assuming that ALL male hedgehogs are evil. I know it’s not like that with confusing them, And the shadow is evil stuff anymore. But, Still. They were basically assuming that ALL male, Speedy hedgehogs were Shadow. JUST LIKE ASSUMING ALL ANIME IS LEWD, DISGUSTING AND DISTURBING! Not all of them are like that. Like how there is many people and things in the world who don’t act the same way as people who are similar to them in some way. Like, It’s not like you know EVERY single bad person in the world and if they ALL watch anime. Sorry for making you read this long Supporting Argument. . . . I’ll stop now.

1 point

I don’t think anime should be banned If people say yes because of the disgusting anime shows out there. Then why ban ALL of them. Not ALL of anime is disgusting and disturbing. Why assume that EVERY anime and anime art it’s self would be inappropriate? It’s just stupid. Just because most of something does certain bad stuff. Doesn’t mean all of that thing gets punished for the bad stuff that someone or something ELSE did.

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Gender: Female
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Other
Country: United States

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