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RSS Sosban11

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
2 points

As a Welsh first language speaker, English nationalism has certainly been bad for our language. The fact that the English have been so nationalist, so obsessed, biased and forceful with their own language has certainly damaged our own language. For example:

The 1536 and 1542 Acts of Union: The passing of the 1536 and 1542 Acts of Union made English the language of law and administration of Government. Although the Welsh language was not banned, it lost its status, and brought with it centuries of steady linguistic decline. The government made it obligatory to have the ability to speak English if you wanted a public job in Wales which was very damaging for Welsh and selfish by the English.

Welsh Knot: The Welsh Not or Welsh Note was a piece of wood, inscribed with the letters "WN", that was hung round the necks of children who spoke Welsh in some schools in the 19th century. The "not" was given to any child overheard speaking Welsh, who would pass it to a different child if overheard speaking Welsh. By the end of the day, the wearer of the "not" would be given a lashing. The idea of the "not" was to discourage pupils from speaking Welsh, at a time when English was considered by some to be the only suitable medium of instruction.

These are 2 examples of many more.

Therefore, I think nationalism is good if it is kept within the boundaries of that countries. Take your nationalism and start messing with other countries is morally wrong and you're asking for trouble.

3 points

Abolish the Monarchy. The monarchy is pointless, it's no advantage to the country and it's costly to keep. Historically it was important for the country but now it's old fashioned. The king/queen does nothing and the tax payers have to keep her going for nothing in return. They are uneeded now, old fashioned and outdated. It's time to move on.

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