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Reward Points:5
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1 point

Let me begin by giving you a little "synopsis" of evolution, and please forgive me for oversimplifying it.

Evolution is the process in which something not living becomes living, then eventually, it becomes a fish, then eventually it learnd to breath and live on land and then eventually we came as one of its product. Talk about wild imagination. I would treat it as fact, only I'm confused about some points. How did the first organism come to life? Sure the elements could have built a body, but what actually gave life? We have bodies both in life and death but what made the first organism alive, with abilities and etc? Or how about when the fish came out the water how did it last more than a minute or two outside the water?

The fact is evolution is a theory backed by narrow minded beliefs that have been taken to an extreme and it is in itself a form of extremism. Proof you say? What about a fish millions of years old, whose fossil was found with that of dinosaurs and was thought to be extinct yet was found alive and had not changed or evolved? What happened there? 65 million years and not a single change, or was it an exception? Surely this was enough time to grow to the size of a shark or add a limb or two, no? So then why is evolution accepted as fact when we know it is not?

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