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RSS Suezcue

Reward Points:2
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2 most recent arguments.
2 points

What is the harm in leaving it out? It's not like anyone is replacing it with "under Vishnu" or whatever. The current wording of the pledge alienates a significant minority. Leaving it out alienates noone. The only arguments for keeping it in are religious ones, which actually strengthens the argument for removal. Perhaps it wasn't added to endorse a specific religion (although I personally don't buy that) but it has certainly been used as an endorsement by those who argue to keep it. Instead of encouraging unity, it drives a wedge between Americans who are religious and those who aren't, although both sides love their country. Removing the phrase creates a pledge that we can ALL stand behind, and that, IMHO, is necessary.

2 points

The United States is not a "Christian" nation in the sense that it is a theocracy. People are certainly free to express their religion as they choose. However, adopting a pledge that alienates ANY significant portion of the populace is decidedly unAmerican. Leaving "Under God" in the pledge of allegiance only serves to strengthen the incorrect idea that one cannot be a patriot without embracing Christianity. What our founding fathers intended should never be the issue. Their opinions and decisions reflected the society in which they existed. Our decisions should do the same. As our understanding grows, our ideas about what equality and freedom mean should be adjusted.

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