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RSS Weilin

Reward Points:2
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1 point

Even though words have the advantage have getting a meaning clearly through to the audience, however the impact it will will have is little.

In this case, the definition of powerful may refer to the impact is has rather than the ability to convey a message accurately. Therefore, picture is now more powerful than words. For example, reading an article and just digesting all the facts compared to looking at the picture and interpreting it a little off the mark, however it manages to stir your emotions and even change your life forever. wouldn't you then agree that picture is useful and more powerful then words?

2 points

Pictures are more powerful than words.

Picture have been long chosen as a tool to influence the people's emotion. In the context of natural disaster, pictures have been used to show people the impact of disaster as it most likely Will make a greater impact than paragraphs of words writing about the disaster. For example, the Si Chuan Earthquake 2008, Haiti Earthquake of 2010 have been major global news recently and it is not hard to find the pictures of the disaster splattered across the pages of newspapers, websites. This shows that pictures are so important and useful in influencing people. During disasters, people will be encouraged to donate too, to help the victims. This is also done in the form of pictures where the show how horrible the incident had been and persuade people to donate.

Therefore, pictures are more important than words and it may also be use as a tool for charity.

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