
190407546's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 190407546's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

you should not kill a person because it is scary to see one of the person that you love goes away just because he did some thing bad they should at least send them to jail but dont kill them cause that is just cruel to do to some one

0 points

some people have lots of heart disease and can die cause of not doing exercise can make you have problems https

2 points

they still need exercise because if they don't exercise it well make you gain more Weight and can have problems in there body such as a heart disease strokes and more. also regular exercise improves your energy.

2 points

I agree because most people such as athletes die of doing to much exercise. they might break there backs and legs by lifting weights

2 points

students should be in PE because they are needed to exercise in the school and stay healthy. they need some type of exercise to keep them motivated to keep going to school inside of playing there phone, tablets

0 points

orcas should be in captivity because they are getting food to eat and if they are hurt they can come and get taken care of them and don't have to worry about hunting they prey hunting for them and don't have to run away. They well stay safe with no worries

6 points

I agree because these wales are in a small area with multiple other whales that they do not know who they are and they grow up to 32 feet and In sea world tanks are 50 there is about 3 or 4 whales in there. they don't know who they are don't know there language.

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