
2NE6's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 2NE6's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I prefer the AK. Being in the military, of all the combinations of M16/M4 I have shot and/or qualified, I only had 2 which ran an entire magazine without a hiccup. AK-47's on the other hand, of the handful I have fired, never stopped at all.

1 point

No I wouldn't and I also would not expect him nor want him to register or be part of an organization. If you read comics, I was anti-registration in the Marvel civil war. When you are part of an organization too much politics/corruption can get involved. As freelance, it's all about what you believe is right. Now yes, Superman CAN go evil, but that's why there's kryptonite. Weaponize it, then take him down should he ever choose evil, but as long as he fights for good, let him do his job unfettered by politics. But as far as killing him right off the bat as a pre-emptive strike because of "what if" scenarios I think that is strongly unneccessary.

1 point

I'll give you that!

Except in Predator 2 where the group of humans "thought" they were prepared vs the Predator in the slaughterhouse. They ended up getting slaughtered even though they knew what they were up against. =P

2 points

Yes, but not because he is an "evil" person nor because he should pay for what he has done yadda yadda, but we should celebrate the fact that the people not killed or dead under his regime now has a chance of a better quality of life =P

1 point

Yes, hence the "Except for the first movie..." ^_^

And even then, how many did the Terminator kill before it was finally stopped? If one human (or two) kills one Terminator but the Terminator has killed like, 10 then clearly the Terminator is superior lol

1 point

I have never, ever cussed because my fuckin' parent won't allo...darn.

1 point

Terminators win. Terminators would include T-800, T-1000, and all future models. The ability to use different vision modes render the Predator's cloaking technology useless. Predators may be able to skewer human flesh easily, but reinforced metal exoskeleton isnt so. The ability to shapeshift and mimic sounds and voices allows later Terminator models to infiltrate Predator's HQ.

1 point

Not true. It took about 5 special OPs trained human's deaths before the 6th took down 1 Predator; the Predator wins in this battle. In Predator 2 there were like what, 20 human deaths before the Predator got killed by a human? Except for the first movie, humans never won against the Terminator without the assistance of another Terminator. John Connor would have died 10 times without the T-800 in T2 and probably 20 times in T3.

1 point

The unstoppable force would either get deflected/richocheted off the immovable object. Seriously was that so hard? O.o

2 points

No, because it strips the idividual of any form of expression. I hated school uniforms when I was in school. I had to wear it a certain way, my hair had to be a certain way, etc etc. I udnerstand the need for certain restrictions (no profanity, racism, or religious remarks on clothing nor extreme cloths such as see through mesh shirts, sagging pants that reveal your underpants/buttcrack, etc etc) but can someone tell me what is wrong with a pair of jeans, an OG (original gamer) hoodie and messy, puttied hair? Apparently even on dress down days (last Friday on every month) I would get reprimanded for having putty in my hair. They expect us to wear our sunday curch cloths or something. Girls would get in trouble for wearing "diva" type loop earrings. It's very totalitarianism. I'm not offending anyone. I felt so trapped in uniform. Worse, the school makes a cut by forcing parents to purchase a specific type of uniform through a specific company. One time right before school started I grew significantly over the summer and my uniforms wouldn't fit so I went out and bought the exact looking uniform but the principal found out it wasn't company X so I got in trouble and had to order a new pair (yes, I drew attention with putty in my hair lol). It just causes unneccessary trouble and heartache both for the faculty, parents, and students. It is self induced on the faculty's part. Get rid of it.

1 point

In an M rated game (AO rated games probably already have rape in them) I vote yes. Like many have said killing, murder, and torture are much worse crimes than rape and yet it is not censored one bit. I have played games where you see dismemberment, decapitation, disembowlment, impalement, pretty much anything you can think of when it comes to ending someones life. Yet, none of these gory actions are "fuzzed" out or censored yet you can't show a pair of breasts or genitals in an M rated game without it at least being black barred or fuzzed out. I'm not promoting rape (I personally know a close family member that has been raped) but I don't see what the big deal is with rape being in games.

1 point

Both are crucial to a good, functioning system but in my mind personal freedom is a tad bit better. However, there are limits. You may have the freedom to discharge a gun in public whenever you feel like it but I also should also have the freedom to not get struck by your bullet. My freedom trumps yours. In other words, as long as your personal freedoms don't go affecting anyone else it's good and that's where social order comes into play. It keeps personal freedoms from lashing out and affecting everyone else.

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