
Blitz77's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Blitz77's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The subject of Metaphysics has always been controversial. Especially for the believers in the Scientific method, such as I. We have been searching for proof for many, many years and found none. The current belief that the Universe is only 50,000 years old by the teachers of Intelligent Design is completely false.Carbon-14 dating is proof. Several stories in the "Bible" has already been proven to be false or misrepresented. The cities of Saddam & Gomorrah were destroyed by volcanoes and massive earthquakes not by the hands of an angry, fictional being that wanted to show how angry he was with us. There is no true evidence that the "Great Flood" ever really existed. Plus this new "God Particle" that was made up by high ranking religious scientists to make an attempt to give somewhat an answer to everything that is physics and other things has yet to be found. Not even by the largest detector in the world called the "Large Hadron Collider" cannot find it.

2 points

This argument dates back to the 1950's. As the economies around the world are degrading and we are facing another recession. It has become necessary that both heads of the household to have jobs,and be able to pay for all the bills and mounting debt. Per household, the US has more debt than any other modernized western country in the world. For women to have a career in a certain field of choice is not only liberating against backwards thinking people. But, is a good supplement to the family income.

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