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This personal waterfall shows you all of BlueFang24's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

The hypothetical rock could be infinitely dense, so in this case size wouldn't matter. The rock would have to be so heavy that God cannot lift it, or if that is not possible, then God wouldn't be omnipotent. It is simply impossible and by presenting this problem some atheists believe that an omnipotent God who can do everything imaginable is not possible.

1 point

I'm sorry but that's simply not the question I'm asking. I think NowASaint puts it quite well; "the explanation of jumping into a mortal body does not work because if God is limited to a mortal body, He is not God....and so you would be left with your absurdity of God creating a rock so big He cannot lift it." although it would not be a rock so big He cannot lift it, but a rock so heavy.

1 point





(of a deity) having unlimited power; able to do anything.

To me the definition of omnipotent; "able to do anything" would mean that the omnipotent being could do anything conceivable, though I suppose the definition is up to interpretation.

1 point

For a rock to be too big for God to lift, the rock would have to be bigger than God, and that is not possible since God is omnipresent.

That simply is not true as the rock could be made out of a substance that is ridiculously dense.

1 point

The paradox does not go into detail about how the lifting of the rock would work. It is just assumed that if an omnipotent being were to create a rock they cannot lift then they would account for all of the factors in order to make a rock they cannot lift. If they are truly all powerful they could manipulate gravity so that they could make a rock they cannot lift.

1 point

If there were to be an omnipotent being then they should already be able to lift Jupiter, no weight lifting classes or PEDs necessary.

2 points

The argument of the paradox is simply to show that an omnipotent being, such as God, could not do everything conceivable, at least according to logic.

1 point

We're talking about the abilities of an omnipotent being, so the argument about Earth makes no sense. The lifting of the rock could happen on any plane with the same laws of weight (gravity). The question itself is if an omnipotent being could make a rock that they could not lift. The place is irrelevant to the question and your argument is flawed either way as Jupiter is heavier than Earth meaning that it could take place on a planet larger than Earth. The two rocks could be stacked to use as a place to lift the one of the rocks from.

1 point

You can be omnipotent and still go into a simulation. Your physical might never changes, but your simulated might does. You are never not omnipotent in the example.

It's true that you could change your own strength as an omnipotent being, but the question is could an omnipotent being with all of their might available to them create a rock that with all of their might available to them they cannot lift.

2 points

The best part is they are trying to eradicate discrimination but they themselves are discriminating against other people, in this case cis white males.

1 point

I still am apparently not clear enough with my wording. I presented the question unspecifically not going into too much detail. The real question would then be Could God, the omnipotent being He is, create a rock that he, as an omnipotent being and with all of His strength (not downgrading His strength so that He cannot lift the rock) create a rock that could not be lifted with His omnipotent strength? This then leads to the two problems presented with both answers while still considering God (or any omnipotent being) to be omnipotent.

1 point

Perhaps I was not clear enough with my wording. The rock that God would not be able to life would be with all of His godly strength, therefore the explanation of jumping into a mortal body would not work.

2 points

Everyone has an opinion on everything, so as long as there are two different choices (the choices not being synonyms) then I think that all topics should be allowed.

1 point

Also along the same line of thought as "If God is possible what logic is there in being Atheist?" is "If there being no God is possible, what point is their in being religious?" or even "If it is possible that all of the Greek Myths are true, why be Christian, Jewish, so on?" It is up to what you believe in and what you think is true. If the reasoning is "Hey if it is possible to have eternal happiness why not get on the road just in case?" then I can say "Why be Christian if it is possible that the aforementioned Greek Myths are real? Why not worship those gods and goddesses instead?" It is all up to personal belief and some believe it is a waste of time to pursue religious endeavors since they don't believe in a God or any gods/goddesses.

1 point

Your body is not "Godly" as the side's hyperbolic title claims, but it should be treated with respect. Think about the amazing processes your body undergoes daily for you to live. Such a complex system resulting in life. If that's not good enough it should be treated well so you can better enjoy your time on Earth and also so that you can have more time on Earth if nothing else.

1 point

To live you need good health. To have good health you, most likely, will need healthcare. I believe everyone has a right to life, and if you are religious you should see that God would want his children to live as you would believe that he gave the gift of life and that we humans should protect everyone's gift and right to life.

1 point

That is quite the argument except I know liberals who support Trump. I am not at the liberty to disclose any personal information, but I do know some people. However I agree with your statement that supporting a party that supports those political views is simply supporting those views.

1 point

I don't support their views, they are not my own. I am sorry if I was not clear on what I meant with my original statement. It was simply to display how in the minds of the left it is possible for them to be anti-gun (because of their fear of death) and also pro-abortion. I don't agree with this sentiment and believe it is hypocritical to believe both but many left-wingers do. I was simply presenting a left argument for someone to dispute. I was perhaps not clear enough with the intention of my OP.

1 point

Why would you judge someone based on how they look? Isn't that a philosophy of liberals, "Don't judge a book by its cover."

1 point

If the women who wear them don't want to and are forced to, then I would say it is a form of oppression.

1 point

It should definitely be an option and readily available to any students who want to take a foreign language. About it being a requirement I'm not so sure. Some students won't use it and won't do well or enjoy it. It should be an option but perhaps not a necessity.

2 points

To be fair it's a simple mistake on a tweet. If this was on some important document then I would be worried.

3 points

Maybe next he will get two pieces of cake instead of one! We need to impeach him now!

2 points

do·mes·tic vi·o·lence


violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner.

Violent or aggressive behavior within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner.

By definition a man could be attacked within the home by his spouse/partner, therefore domestic violence on men is by definition real.

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