
CANE's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of CANE's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

i guess tat dictatorship is better..... bcoz in democracy, the freedom given to the people r misused,if not by all but atleast by some of them.......dictatorship is gud provided the dictator is a person who really is interested in the country's development....

1 point

never ever.......can women do watever we men do??????????????nvr..................

-1 points

living ten years more than men doesnt mean that women r better than boys......its better to live fr 50 years doing something worthy than living 100 years doing nothing.........................

1 point

i like to watch as well as play cricket........................................................

1 point

smackk down is the best....its colorful nd interesting................................................................

1 point

He too is equally good...................................................................................................................................................................................

1 point

He is the best .............................................................................................................................

1 point

i dont think so..... drinking coca cola does not make u fat.................its weird...........

1 point

yes 100%..........within some few years, India is going to lead the world and moreover america is going down slowly..........

2 points

it is surely a bane..............................increasing population leads to poverty, lack of jobs.............due to which the people suffer a lot.........

1 point

Modern music can never contribute to the downfall of society.


1 point

Modern music can never contribute to the downfall of society.


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