
Callisto's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Callisto's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Flash. The hedgehog is cute and all but every time he hits something he loses all his rings. Flash just bursts through everything.

3 points

Of course it isn't. It's a game, there's different "races" in there including skeleton's, gargoyle things and giants. You are also trying to bring in the games view on women as a last ditch effort to hate on the game. That's sexist, not racist. It is also not sexist.

Callisto(5) Clarified
1 point

What if it cripples you? Or blinds you? Or makes you lose a limb?

1 point

Not all change is good. Trump cares for Trump, so let's see how long it takes for his zealots to finally see him for what he is. A tangerine with a toupee.

1 point

Soccer. Or actual football. The announcers are funnier when someone scored a GGGGOOOOAAAAALLLLL

1 point

Why would you think he didn't?

There's evidence that he did, more than one form of it too.

TV, radio transmission, the astronauts themselves, mechanics.

1 point

Except you believe that you have the right to force your belief on all of America as well. You have the right to defend your rights and beliefs just like anyone else does but as much as you hate the activist or have a problem with them, you should realize that you are one yourself.

Callisto(5) Clarified
1 point

God's love is what people make it out to be, not always what God does. At least that's my opinion. The people who claims they are speaking for God while they preach hate aren't speaking for God, just themselves.

2 points

To clarify. I think there is potential for good vigilantes, however the potential for bad ones far outweighs the benefit. Look at how people are now. They jump to conclusions based on preconceived notions of right and wrong and beat on others without getting facts.

1 point

God doesn't hate. It's the people that supposedly worship him that do.

1 point

Laws govern the people and land are done by Government. Laws that govern soul and faith are given by God.

The two are not mutually exclusive since killing is typically wrong in both Government law and by God's law.

1 point

Grenache pretty much covered it. Jumping to conclusions in vigilantism makes it so easy to go from trying to get justice to just plain being a criminal. Without all of the information and all of the sides there is no way someone would be able to make a correct assumption on who is right and who is wrong.

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