
Dawazilu's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Dawazilu's arguments, looking across every debate.
Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

It's an insult, though, to call them "feminine hands", I'm kind'a partial to feminine hands!

Like myself, Nom is an oldschool leftist in the sense that even though he is pretty radical he is not an "SJW". In his case, he is not in either the positive or derogatory sense. In other words, he is not too focused on social justice issues pertaining to LGBT, feminism or race etc. He is not a newschool intersectionalist or any of that sort of shit, and in many ways that's a good thing because a lot of those people are nuts. Until of course you realize he is actually a bigot despite being a leftist, and is against "Social Justice" in general. I just realized how frequently he insults people based on race, gender and sexuality

1 point

Should humans? If so why, and what differentiates humans from other animals that would make animals deserve or not deserve those same rights/protections?

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
2 points

He's a nasty, worthless, manipulative troll

And you are calling me names to draw attention away from the scummy thing that you already know you are guilty of but are too dishonest and sociopathic to own up to.

1 point

Blah blah blah you said he should be leading by example as in being on the front lines in the context of that fucking sentence so shut up and stop trying to bullshit your way out of the corner again. No matter how many times you call me a troll and other names, it won't change the fact that you are a piece of human trash and I'm better than you.

1 point

The president should be leading by example, not abusing his authority to keep himself safe while others battle on the front lines

Shut up troll. Nobody is saying he should be on the front lines.

You said he should be leading by example, as in he should be one of the people "on the front lines" as you put it. You are so stupid that you can't even understand your own words, nevermind mine.

The point is that he's abusing his authority

Even a good president would do what he's doing if they were smart, because there is no point in taking unnecessary risks with the safety of the president other than to be impractical and stupid.

He's a fat coward, as he has proven consistently throughout his life, beginning right back when he dodged the Vietnam draft with the help of his equally corrupt daddy.

I agree that Trump is a fat coward, but even though his reasons are wrong what he did was actually right even in the Vietnam example. If it were me or anyone else who is intelligent they would do exactly the same thing Trump did for different reasons, because it is literally retarded to risk your life in a war just to kill people for the American establishment's corrupt interests.

1 point

The best band on earth is the one I am going to wrap around your neck and choke the life out of you with.

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

Stupid answers- all of them, but what can you expect from a pea-brained, half-witted nincompoop.

I agree. What is the point of a president being on the "front lines". It's not as if he is a medical expert. The smart thing to do is have the president avoid unnecessary risk, for the president to do otherwise is stupid because the nature of his job is not a hands-on one. His job is to sit on his ass and keep the plutocracy afloat, the public inspired (to keep following establishment propaganda) and to sign pieces of paper that benefit the aristocracy.

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

I can get behind that. i am sorry, for doing that, in the past. i have been suicidal for one year

Remember that time Nom encouraged you to commit suicide? He knew you were unstable and depressed. He is a scum bag of the highest order. I type fucked up things on this site constantly (but never actually harm anyone) while he keeps his sociopathy low profile while pretending to be a decent person. Every once in a while he lets his true colors show though and commits criminal-tier acts of bullying and harassment.

1 point

You don't express any point of view. You just come here to try to annoy people

Whenever I have ever tried to make a serious point on this site, I just got ignored or insulted by people who are less intelligent than me. What do you expect?

1 point

I am going to vandalize your rectum with a spicy sausage.

1 point

I see you making a snarky reply and I'm not going to read it Nom.

1 point

Giving equal freedom of expression to everyone's point of view and not censuring anything.

In other words, the opposite of Andy.

It's censoring btw you illiterate imbecile.

1 point

Neo Nazi shills are easy to debunk, why don't you just ignore Bronto and stop ignoring my IRREFUTABLE FACTS.

1 point

Given your general demeanor here, it looks you zip by the "right amount" continuously.

The fact that I am a dick by default does not say anything about my ability to responsibly consume alcohol. I am actually pretty good at consuming it in proper moderation.

Next time, try Quaaludes. It does the same thing

No it doesn't, it lacks the "flow state" inducing properties of alcohol, despite being similar.

Scientifically PROVEN to be 97% Askenazi Jew

What you are is roughly 97% Polish, what makes you hit the markers for "Jew" is the mixture of semitic and near eastern DNA which is actually insignificant quantity wise. In other words calling yourself 97% Ashkenazi Jew is like calling yourself 97% Nigerian because of the tiny percentage of it you have, only it's worse because the test doesn't even quantify how much actual semitic or Ashkenazi DNA you have. Instead it sees you hit certain markers so it arbitrarily calls you a Jew even though most of that 97% is regular Polish DNA. If you took someone with no Jewish ancestors who had a little bit of Palestinian DNA and Turkish DNA but a majority of European DNA the test might actually think they are an Ashkenazi Jew because they hit the same genetic markers. That is how arbitrary it is, and why the word "Jew" has no scientific relevance. It is nothing more than a conflation of culture and race.

2 points

Sure, but that includes atheism.

No, atheism is a fact. There is literally no possibility of their being a God and even if there was something like it the label of God is inherently arbitrary. First of all God is a title, not a description of what something is. A God is God (if it hypothetically existed) because it is worshiped, in the same way that Trump is president because people take his authority seriously. If no one believed Trump was president, then no one would respect his authority thus he would have none and without being worshiped any hypothetical God would just be whatever it is whether it be an alien, a creative spirit or whatever else.

1 point

You are literally inverting the dynamic here. You were always the aggressor since the beginning. The first thing you ever said to me was an insult and I even forgave you and tried to be your friend, and you faked being friendly to me until I disagreed with you at which point you reverted to your old self at the snap of a finger. Now all you do is insult, ignore and twist my words. I literally don't care about you at all and pretty much everything you say about me applies to yourself.

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

Believe it or not I am kind of serious about this but also self aware about how ridiculous it sounds. The thing to understand is that even though alcohol and weed (to a lesser extent when it comes to weed) impair left-brained thinking, they actually increase right-brained creativity. Over-consumption of alcohol will not help you, but if you consume just the right amount it creates a sort of "flow" in your thought process that is related to how it lowers inhibition. In other words, alcohol can "cure" writers block and other creative blocks, and as a creative writer I have personal experience that confirms this. As for weed, it causes you to use neuropathways that you don't normally use and can help you have ideas you wouldn't otherwise have.

1 point

What is actually wrong with you?

Do you expect me to have compassion for someone who goes out of their way to treat me like shit? I would smile upon the news of your death. One less ass hole in the world, one less carbon footprint, one less insult and lie machine to try and bring me down just for being different and superior.

1 point

Have I shown you my DNA test lately???

DNA tests are not science and there are blond haired blue eyed Germans who are supposedly the same race as you, because they are labeled Jewish. The conflation of Judaism with being a race was something that happened before DNA was even discovered, thus it is not society conforming to science when people call you a Jew but science being twisted to conform to what society made up. If you are going to keep claiming that a brown semite is the same race as a blond haired, blue eyed German "jew" just because society decided to redefine the word jew before DNA was ever discovered, and insist that this is "science" then you are clearly a retard.

1 point

I hope you both get it and die lol .

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

100,000??? Dude! That ain't near enough.. We should be ordering MILLIONS of 'em..

I heard there's already twice that many people dead in the US.

1 point

I hope you do get it. Good riddance. You have wished death on me just for being more intelligent and knowledgeable than you.

1 point

my dick's like a dinosaur dick

it'll leave Taylor Swift's vagina sore, bitch

I told you once and I told her twice the time before this

1 point

I am going to tie Nom's ballsack to the back of a stagecoach and drag him through the streets by it.

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

God is really cruel, and sexist, to women, and I think of walking away, every god damn day.

Yes, walk away. Christianity is stupid and evil. The only thing worth keeping is the philosophy espoused by Jesus, which is not followed by 99% of Christians and contradicts 90% of what the rest of the Bible teaches you.

1 point

Is it evil to witness someone stick their penis in your taco salad, but still let you eat it? Cause' I would totally do that.

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

I'm chillin' on your block with a couple goons

couple glocks, couple shots finna bust at you

white walker DNA, blood is iced out

you got a nice house but you're not a fuckin' jew

any way I'll bring my goons to your hood and we're all strapped

fuck around we'll blow your brains out your ball cap

1 point

I'm pretty left wing,

I bet you don't even know what being left wing means, just like you don't know what being a semite or a jew means.

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

I been the best dawg

I'mma hit you with chicken breastwith the crystal meth sauce

I split your neck crossed'

hit you in the ribs and chest, bitch I'll rip your flesh off

I been depressed, but my intellects boss

it's cause' the simpler shits think they're nimble, they're pricks

and like the stitch to the thimble I'm thinkin' to get crossed

fixin' to stitch all these weak sauce rappers, re-assemblethe articles that these farticle imbicillical twits

leaped on to adverritisably sell their little turds which

they think are an art form

but they are consisted of brazillian fart porn

my heart is the corn to the valley

formed in the alley

you tally that feeds all peasants who rally

in the name of the king but could equally rally to smash fallaciesout of his ass hole

1 point

Brit Troll you do not oppose the Muslim faith

I am not Nom, Nom is not as intellectual or well spoken as me. I oppose ALL faith, because faith is an enemy of reason. One must question everything to be truly wise, and that means faith is a no-no because it implies acceptance of a notion without thoroughly rigorous questioning.

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

Prove that a relationship with Jesus, causes, wars.

A relationship with Jesus in and of itself does not cause wars, however imaginary such a thing may be. The teachings of Jesus as documented in the Bible support a very peaceful lifestyle. The problem is all the baggage that comes with it, when your "relationship" comes in the form of organized religion with established human hierarchies that inject their own interpretation of Christianity into your brain. Not to mention all the contradictory messages in the Bible itself. If you followed only Jesus's own teachings, and not the church or the entirety of the Bible, then indeed you would have to be a peaceful individual.

i am a Christian, and I am antiwar.

As a child I went to church occasionally. A pastor once told me that the definition of a Christian is "Disciple of the Christ.". If that is true, then Christians are anti-war by definition as my above paragraph would indicate. But if you really look at those who label themselves Christians, they are for the most part not anti-war. This is because they do not follow Jesus's philosophy, instead they follow the "religion" of Christianity. They are not disciples of Jesus, they are disciples of the often mixed up and contradictory interpretations of the Bible that constitute the various religious institutions that peddle their version of things. The Bible itself has been revised, mistranslated, and doctored innumerable times. The only thing you can trust is the PHILOSOPHY you see characterized by the text, and whether it is logical and moral or not. If you agree with the philosophy of Jesus then you by necessity disagree with the majority of the Bible and with any institution of established religion, if you are a "disciple of Christ" then you do NOT believe in the religion of Christianity, but rather the philosophy of Christ. The character of Jesus Christ is an archetype representing a certain philosophy/mindset rather than a literal being. I can prove to you that Jesus is a character that has evolved over time, adapted and molded from various ancient mythologies.

how many Christians, fly planes, into buildings, dear hypocrite? you literally never, attack Muslims.

Muslim and Christian regimes have always been better or worse relative to each other based on the individual regimes themselves. In other words there have been Christian regimes that are better than Muslim ones and Muslim regimes that have been better than Christian ones. The overall religions themselves are very similar. What differs is how they are interpreted and which parts of the philosophy underlying the mythology of the religion are emphasized in a given culture.

1 point

Small business owners are evil because they make money. Wage slaves are evil because they help the capitalists make money. If you are a decent, intelligent person you should be starving to death (Nom logic).

1 point

Doing drugs is wrong, therefore you are wrong.

Doing drugs is actually not inherently wrong. It can be wrong when it brings harm to yourself or others, but technically taking life saving medicine or just smoking some harmless ganja etc. is doing drugs as well.

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

I hold you personally responsible for coronavirus .

0 points

You claim to be a socialist while belittling people for not having wealth and privilege.

1 point

It looks like you are not able to offer me any logic against my logic.

You are a talking bear that makes debates about Christianity and Democrats being evil. Your entire existence is illogical. Nothing is more logical than blowing sodium fluoride up your butthole and raping you with GMOs though.

1 point

I think it would be logical of me to inject gasoline into your fuzzy little bear scrotum and light it on fire, then to fist fuck your brain through your eye socket.

1 point

I think I am going to mutilate your face and your crotch with a rusty pick-axe made of aids and cyanide and dildo-bits.

1 point

In my honest opinion Anakin was simply just the best Jedi ever to have lived, and this is why he won.

He had the potential to be, but he never actually was. Especially not in the philosophical sense, because he actually didn't understand the jedi way at all. He tried to suppress his emotions until they boiled over instead of controlling them by being at peace with them and letting them rise and dissipate. There were many Jedi who were better than him at using the force, using a lightsaber, strategy etc. and there were literal younglings who had more self control and understanding of the jedi way than him. The only things that truly stood out about him were intelligence in a mechanical sense, raw force-power and athleticism as a fighter.

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

What? Come on VB4L, you know you love me.

I was friends with him for a while, but most of the time we were enemies or frenemies. He has converted to taoism now and isolated himself from the internet.

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

I am the alpha-beast and I will territorially piss on you if you come into my zone.

1 point

You are known for being an attention seeking retard

Funny how you are the only one calling me that, and you base it solely on the fact that you are salty about my handing you your own ass like 5 times in a row to the point where you had to blatantly lie to keep your ego intact and then run away from the debates.

1 point

Joe Biden is a walking bucket of human excrement who should be forced to make his way to uganda in a kayak covered in shark bait sauce.

1 point

I am the devil. I was the one who convinced your wife to leave you, and convinced Nom's stepdad to rape him which left him confused for life. Now he doesn't know if he is a boy or a girl, and you have a drinking problem. You're welcome.

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

That's why I said I've tried it many times.

Ok, just making sure because when you say things to me they tend to be an attempt to bring negativity into my world rather than an attempt to accurately state the truth.

Dawazilu(139) Clarified
1 point

It doesn't work. I've tried many times.

You have tried that exact method? Well, there are people who literally quit cold turkey so if they can do that, I think I can do this. The problem is probably just that you are a weak-willed person on top of being a douche bag and an idiot and ugly as shit.

1 point

You are the type of person who would sell penis flavored lollypops to children.

0 points

Nicoitine, for the wrong reason. It's fucking addictive! Don't fuck around with nicotine, if you can, help it.

I smoke cigarettes unfortunately, but I have a strategy to quit. I am smoking one less cigarette every week, and so far I have gone from 15 per day to only 10 a day. In another week I will be down to 9 and so on and once I finish the 1 cigarette week I will quit with minimal stress due to the gradual reduction of nicotine.

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