
DragonBorn's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of DragonBorn's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

At rapping?

Uum no, at being smart.

Sherlock himself has deduced that Mycroft is superior to him in intellect.

No he didn't.

1 point

Do you realise every comparison you made between them is LITERALLY the opposite?

No, care to elaborate?

2 points

MLK Jr. and Jesus were socialists?

MLK was, Jesus didn't actually exist.

LK Jr. and Jesus were the smartest people in history?

No but they have good quotes.

1 point

Sherlock is approximately a 7/10 and Mycroft is a 5/10 .

1 point

Where's your argument?

Sherlock has many more "feats" as in examples of his ability, this is largely because he's the main character but still it is clear who has done more to prove their intellect.

Sherlock works alone and is capable of solving crimes Mycroft cannot even though Mycroft has the system on his side and far more resources.

Mycroft is more normal in his behavioural patterns and outlook on life whereas Sherlock displays the eccentricity present in all geniuses.

Sherlock has many talents, skills and areas of expertise whereas Mycroft only displays a few. Sherlock can do everything from telling you where you work based on the state of your fingernails to playing the violin.

1 point

If you're going to ride a woman's ass all day long, the least you can do is pull her hair ;)

Yeah, and don't forget to sneeze on her boobs and set her curtains on fire.

1 point

How is it anything other than meaningless for me to call you ugly

I actually have seen him. He claims his looks have changed a lot but that's debatable.

I’ve probably been more meaningfully hurtful when I attacked his rhythm.

My rhythm is fine, you just don't know how to read rap lyrics.

1 point

Your statement rests on the false premise that your offensive behavior is initiated defensively.

You give me annoying and insulting nicknames, constantly condescend to people who are smarter than you, refer to a man who is a thousand times more intelligent and accomplished than you as "a waste of time", constantly spew misinformation and bullshit, and are pretty much a useless douchebag.

The amount of respect I owe you is approximately -5000.

1 point

The right, by definition wants less government control over individuals' lives.

LOL you are historically illiterate. One quick look on google will show you that the entire left/right paradigm was created to describe the people who fought for equality and liberty (left) and the people who fought to protect the aristocracy and the establishment (right) during the French Revolution.

1 point

The right, by definition wants less government control over individuals' lives.

LOL you are historically illiterate. One quick look on google will show you that the entire left/right paradigm was created to describe the people who fought for equality and liberty (left) and the people who fought to protect the aristocracy and the establishment (right) during the French Revolution.

DragonBorn(315) Clarified
1 point

In time you will learn to treat others with the respect

I will not treat anyone with respect who doesn't respect me.

You needn't sully your own image

My image is as it is, sullied are the eyes that look upon me in judgement but know not who I am.

1 point

Attacking people and sources and grammar is a meaningless hobby.

Not when you're a terrible person who uses biased sources and has poor grammar.

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