
Euroscope1's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Euroscope1's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If you asked me why i think that Jesus was supernatural i would probably have to gather my thoughts for a little bit, and give you a fairly long and detailed explaination (although not ridiculously long) on why i believe it so. So if someone asked you 'why is it that it is clear that it can only be this way thru common ancestry', what would be your semi-detailed explaination?

And by common ancestry you do mean that we all go back to one 'first' life form right? I'm pretty sure you don't believe that there were say 1,000 original life forms completely unlinked to each other and they all evolved into 10,000,000 life forms. That's what I believe, I don't believe we all can call the ameba our great ancestor, if you believe that then that is the explaination i would like to hear from you (and I'll research your response because I don't like to run away from view points that disagree with mine). I'll tell you what has me locked into my denial of macro evolution. Years ago I watched the movie 12 Angry Men and I remember one by one the jurors changed their minds to not guilty except 2 'guilty' jurors were left. So they asked the one guy for his thoughts and he said 'The woman saw him do it! That to me is IMMOVABLE evidence.' With evolution the lack of transitional fossils has always been immovable evidence for me, i just can't get around it. Every now and then they will come out with such and such a fossil that is the 'missing link' between A and B but it just makes me shake my head because the amount of transitionally minute changes a species would have to go thru to go from A to B is a lot, not one link! The fossil record would have to at least somewhat resemble Optimus Prime transforming into a truck (many inbetween stages). And this is where my debate with people at work usually ends because i simply don't know what else to say, I am genuinely very unimpressed by the fossil record

1 point

I agree that evolution is science, it is the very detailed examination of how living organisms function and change. Then there are other fields of science and they too are very detailed at taking us down to the smallest basement level details of the physical world. I agree with you that I have no more than the casual reader's knowlege of evolution or perhaps any field of science. But I guess we just don't see eye to eye. I will never understand how me attaining a master's degree level of information on how these things work will possibly help me to discover what is below that basement level. If it is a power source or just random mutation. We are all taking a leap of faith my friend whether we are theists or atheists. Surely you must know that there are people out there who do have masters degrees in biology and also believe in God. In all fairness can you really come back and say 'Yes all the theist scientists are idiots who think they know their field, but any scientist who has a clue would never believe in God.' I don't want to put words in your mouth but you have to know that such a statement is not true

1 point

The belief that the complexity of the universe, and of life, and everything, can not possible be the product of blind chance is held by many, probably purely by instinct and not by research. There are a lot of people out there that cannot ever come to believe that there is not a force/entity/God/thing, whatever you want to name it, holding all of this together. You simply can't blow these people away with impressive scientific concepts and change their minds because no matter what you reveal to them they will simply agree with your research and say 'uh yeah, sounds pretty damn impressive and organized, hence an organizer! (ID).

I'm sure you don't like the ID argument 101 which pretty much says everything we have ever observed in our life that has intelligent organization to it (a refrigerator, toilet, computer, etc.) has had a designer, therefore why would we not assume (based on a lifetime of experience not ignorance) that when we reach the top of the mountain (the universe itself and all in it, which is more impressively organized then anything) the same is not also true? Is not every single example in life of organization having an organizer good evidence to judge that which is beyond life (the power source of it all)? Is that really ignorant? I see it as a conclusion using simple probability. Do you really not see how holding this belief can totally have nothing to do with religion for people but merely a philosophical stance? All the facts you are telling me are the result of a designer or of random processes! I don't deny any scientific facts you point out but none of them can argue for or against intelligent design vs. random chance. Science is constantly observing and predicting and discovering new things about the physical world around us. But to make a claim about the driving force behind the physical world will always be totally unprovable, untouchable, you can't research it it's an idea without concrete data. It is a matter of religion or philosophy.

Einstein had a philosophy about the universe and so does your average high school drop out. But your philosophy about what power source drives this physical universe and your knowlege of how the universe opperate are 2 totally different things. Einstein knew 800 times more about how the universe works than I do, but he can't have a better guess than me about what is causing the universe to work that way because such a question can not be researched, it's philosophical. The whole ID vs randomness/evolution is actually a strange argument because it's not really a science argument anyway. Religious man sees scientific data, 'oh God's power is causing this'. Science man sees the same data, 'oh evolution is causing this.' How on Earth do you measure what force is causing it and tell the other guy that he's wrong? What me and you have basically been doing is going back and forth about who better understands how X operates, and how X changes, and how X reacts, and how X evolves, etc. THen saying to each other 'Well because I better understand how X works I am in a better possition to tell you what is 'causing' X to work. THat doesn't make sense, nobody has a better guess at what MAKES the universe work simply because they better understand HOW the universe works. Science can answer things like 'What', 'How often', 'Where', etc, it can't answer 'Why.' That is speculation for anyone.

1 point

What does germ theory or microbiology have to do with the origin of life or the origin of the universe. I'm sure you're well versed in telling people 'Sit down I am the authority on this subject' but you really need to realize that 'NONE' have authority on the subject of origins. You keep calling ID pseudoscience, where is the ground breaking evidence to the contrary of ID. What is your theory, that particles just magically started spinning the right way and Bam, life? Where is your proof? You take your expert status to levels where nobody is an expert. When it comes to origins all of us are limited to analyzing the different variables and making an intelligent guess on what makes most sense to us. You need to give it a rest on 'peer reviews' and 'the experts' on this subject

1 point

The theory of evolution keeps 'advancing.' Since the days of Darwin it has become more precise and exact! Have you ever asked yourself this question, is it true that everytime an objection is raised to evolution scientists tweak it's definition?

So why is it that evolution hard coded us with religious beliefs in a God that doesn't exist? Science suplies a brilliant sounding answer; you see this is how it works...

But wait, what on Earth would morality have to do with survival of the fittest? Science supplies another impressive sounding addition to the way it works; well you have to factor in this detail of the microorganism...

The more objections that get raised to evolution the more exact and detailed it becomes, and it always sounds so impressive and brilliant. No matter what objection you have to it science just say "Well yeah yeah see, that's how it operates..." Well what are they doing? Only thing they're doing is analizing how everything behaves and saying "Yeah that's how evolution works."

And again with the talk about peer reviewed papers instead of the actual arguements. I don't want to hear the term peer review when I ask why the Cambrien Explosion had a ton of life forms appear all at once when your precious evolution is supposed to be slow and gradual. I don't want to hear about 'peer reviews' when I ask you why there is no transitional fossils when even Darwin himself admitted that if they don't start popping up by the thousands then his theory is wrong. You do what I used to do all the time, you totally overrate what "They Say", what "The Experts Say!" It's Bullshit! THe whole world has an agenda. The universe is not comparable to your 'expert physician' analagy. Do you really think anybody has the entire universe on an operating table right in front of them like an expert physician does? Evolution has yet to give a good answer for the origin of life ever. You can't compare that to an expert who has all his data sitting right in front of his face. You are really giving these scientist way too much credit (as i once did) they have SO much undiscovered information it's ridiculous. They might as well be philosophers not scientists. I repeat myself, they don't even know where the oil went from the explosion in the gulf, IN OUR OWN PLANET, but they know how life started, they have the universe figured out, they know life evolved yet we have about 4 questionable fossils they claim to be 'transitions' when their should be millions and millions! You need to think about the specific factors for yourself and come up with your own conclusions (or your best guess). You can't say 'They Say' 'They Say' all the time, because 'They' are full of shit!

1 point

I have heard my share of totally brain washed religious people speak. People who are ridiculous at how rigid they are, who would never in a million years even admit that they question a part of their beliefs. Wow you are the scientific version of that. Bro, there are a lot of people out there who have serious problems with evolution who don't have a religious bone in their body. Lol, you would be screaming 'RELIGION!' at them and i would love to see the looks on their faces. I forget the name of the one guy, wrote a huge book trashing the theory of evolution, then he also wrote another book on how religious people are idiots. Like how on earth is the problem of irreducible complexity a religious rebuttle? Yes religious people point to it but you need to talk science with the non-religious people who have a problem with it. You can't tell those people to run back to church lol.

Now suppose cold fusion is a total joke like you say it is but a bunch of people believe it. Would you not see a reason to throw it into a high school science book? Even if you're right and the reason to put it there is to shoot holes in it? But if any ID arguement is impressing people your reaction is AHHHHHHH, RELIGION!! Stay away from science classes! Do they not teach even dead theories from before Einstein and Newton for reasons of completeness and science history? Your reason to exclude ID from science class is totally political

1 point

Whether you like the story line of the bible or not is a seperate issue. I do have a hard time with God's commands to wipe out this or that person or group. We are entering theology if we start talking about God's reasons for doing so and the greater good of his grand plan, etc. But here's the thing, you are correct that people murder in the name of the bible but the bible does not teach you to do that. That's like saying America, my great country, teaches me to murder and enslave. Can you imagine the things i can justify for myself by reading the history of the US and claiming to be a rebel for the forefathers. It would be like me killing a black person and saying i was taught to do so by the originators of the constitution, then throwing a bunch of civil war stories at you. You are all over the place with your interpretation of the bible.

The bible from the beginning tells us that prophets like Moses, Joshua, etc, are to do EXACTLY as God the father tells them! Now God the father's direct interaction with prophets and his orders to kill have long since ended. And even way back then you were not permitted to become a Billy The Kid and start killing without God's direct permission. Think of it this way, today it is a total different story for the government to commit capital punishment than for Joe Smith to take the law into his own hands. Many people understand and back up that distinction. How much higher is God's authority than the U.S government? If you admit more leniency for a government approved execution than a revenge murder than you should start to realize the difference between God ordering a death and a man just randomly killing someone. If you want to think about the issue a little deeper consider this, God kills everyone! If a 98 yr old dies of old age God just killed him. Anyway, God's direct interaction with prophets are over! These murder spree stories of the Old Testament are comparable to the president's orders to go to war with Germany and start murdering a bunch of innocent Germans who probably hated Hitler on the inside. Life has always had necessary evil, in the OT days God was the law, God was the sheriff, God was the King, etc. If you don't like that then that is not the point. The point is those days are long gone and christians are NOT allowed to play sheriff! They are NOT allowed to hang gay people because of Leviticus! If you are baffled that God would order the execution of gay people thousands of years ago then you are definately not alone i wonder this myself. But i can't help but realize that technically God murders everyone (because everyone dies). You can't play God nor can you take the law into your own hands, they are related concepts and people who murder in spite of the bible are playing God

1 point

Science actually doesn't know enough to be conclusive anyway. That's why the word 'theory' is still attached to everything. Don't get me wrong science knows a lot but the truth is that science does NOT know way more than it does know. Break thru discoveries always come along that make science throw out everything that they thought they knew and cause them to start over. To give a brand new example - Dark Matter. Now all of the sudden they are saying 'Damn, the rate at which the universe is expanding is inconsistant with the mass of the physical universe, along with the gravitational pull of everything. There must be some invisible force that lies outside of the physical universe. And they have the theory now that the answer is dark matter that composes 95% of the universe. Every field of science is still dealing with incomplete information!

I was going back and forth with one guy in here and he kept going on and on about how certain he is about the exact state of the universe right after the big bang...We don't even know where the oil went from the explosion in the gulf!! We seriously overrate how much scientists know, there is so much more info that they don't know then there is info that they do know.

And when you talk about evolution and hard coded morals i have no idea how you tie them together. Morals and evolution? Survival of the fittest is a good description for evolution. Why would evolution care about morality? In fact, why did evolution hard code us with an obsession to worship a creator that does not exist? And you're actually contridicting yourself, according to you the belief in religion has caused more murder and misery in human existance than anything else. Tons of people in here say it is the anti-morality. Well clearly evolution gave us the religion instinct because we are only products of evolution. But now all of the sudden evolution gave us the morality instinct. Which one is it? Did evolution hard code us with both morality and immoral religious beliefs? Why?

1 point

I'm telling you that people i know are pretty damn far from settled on the ID debate and you are telling me that the brilliant scientific community has 'settled' it! iT'S always a poor argument to quote experts or to quote 'the experts.' Every person should only interpret things according to themselves and how it makes sense to them. It is a cop out to say 'oh well since the experts say this is true than it must be true'

1 point

Wow! Seriously aveskde, you are not exactly talking to your prototypical christian here, not even close. I debate the history of the bible a lot and i enjoy the scientific view of deep subjects. So i like to read and watch dvds on the cases for and against evolution, intelligent design, etc. I side with intelligent design because of the scientific arguments, not a single shred of religion enters into it. For you to say something like 'It has been settled by the scientific community' is a total joke to me. I've let a few of my non religious friends watch some intelligent design dvds and they have all admitted that they make some strong points (even if they still don't believe it completely). To hear statements about the 'scientific community' settling this issue only leaves me with the impression that there is politics in popular science (politically correct science). There has not been a shred of religion talk in my ID material. On top of that there are anti-evolution scientists out there who not only publish books about their problems with evolution but these people also HATE religion lol. I mean come on dude, i don't need someone in create debate website to argue with me that ID has no scientific merit when i have personally witnessed quite a few non-religious people who were pretty damn impressed with ID arguements

1 point

If you want to talk percentages than my first does totally fit, the amount of christians who would murder because of the bible can not even approach the amount of christians who would restrain themselves from murder because of their belief in the bible, so my statement surely fits. Not to mention the person who is murdering because of the bible is WRONG. Now I would put a ton of money on the theory that their are more people who fall over the edge and murder because they have a core belief that there is no final accountability then there are people who would murder because the old testament says they should.

I disagree with gay threats of violence. THe christian who knows how to correctly interpret the bible also is against this. The main message constantly given in christianity is humility. To say to yourself 'I know that person A and B are sinners, but if i want to point a finger at a sinner all i have to do is look into a mirror.'

2 points

"intolerant of authoritarianism and charlatans?"

Untrue. A teacher in public school would get straight up FIRED for saying a prayer before class. You don't even have to aproach the level of authoritarianism to get in hot water with the liberal agenda

Neo Nazis can march anywhere and practice their freedom of speech but now liberals are turning any christian teaching that homosexuality is a sin into hate speech, and making it illegal. Now listen to what i'm saying, the BELIEF that homosexuality is wrong and that we should not hate homosexuals but pray for them is now hate speech! Whether you agree or not is not the point.

"Open minded and accepting new ideas?"

There are multiple cases now of science teachers being fired for entertaining the possibility of intelligent design (in a scientific way). Whether you think the arguements are weak or strong for intelligent design is not the point. The point is you will be fired for even mentioning the possitive arguements for it in public school. And i'm sorry but isn't science all about accepting challenges and testing out new hypotheses, etc. Make no mistake, liberals have a religion of their own and it is becoming more and more intolerant to oppose their beliefs (and even if their beliefs are true it is scary that religious people are being forced into silence). It is scary that people are not becoming freaked out that freedom of speech is in trouble

1 point

Was that the Biblical law in 3,000 BC? Yeah that sounds about right. I won't go into a Bible debate about the Law of the prophets vs the changes Jesus made to the law, all i will say is this; THis is such a typical reply from an anti-christian, to fire back with examples that are ancient. What else you got up you sleeve a speech about the crusades? TODAY, in this country and millenium, how many christians murder aduteress' and back up their actions with the Bible? I assume since it's 2010 we should use examples less than 5,000 years old! Even if you think the Bible is totally bogus and you simply view it as a tool to disipline the population then ok fine, go ahead and look at it like that. Go ahead and role your eyes when christians explain why the laws of Jesus have superceded the Old Testament laws. If you think this is illogical fine but you still need to admit that that is how christians think. They ARE NOT under the belief of the OT law anymore so why do liberals keep using the OT laws as a rebuttle to christian ethics in the year 2010?

1 point

Oh yeah God is the root of all evil! Tell that to the person who was about to murder their spouse for cheating but refrained from doing so because they believe that God is watching. How about that damn evil Mother Theresa too

2 points

Whether Christian, non-Christian, liberal or conservative I'm just saying that comon sense tells you that it is a very tasteless and disrespectful move (although i do agree it should still be in their legal right to do so). But why so terrified for a liberal to just admit it's a shitty move?

2 points

Now liberals are all for freedom of religion LOLOLOLOL! They don't even want Jesus mentioned at Christmas but now they are the icons of religious freedom. They contridict themselves all the time. Basically to be a liberal is to be in love with pointing the 'How dare you' finger at everyone and anyone. Now thousands of Americans who lost loved ones to 9-11 are evil religion haters if they oppose a mosque at ground zero. Nobody hates religion more than them!!!

I'm getting sick and tired of their holier than thou bullshit. There's no such thing as a liberal making a situational adjustment because something is of bad taste, liberals are spineless and hipocritical finger pointers. THey are hipocrites because all they do is preach 'Tolerance' 'Tolerance' yet if someone disagrees with anything they believe they are totally intolerant of them. 3,000 murdered at ground zero and liberals are too stupid and insensitive to see how a mosque built there is a total slap in the face to the victums and their families. Anyone with common sense would say to themselves "Hmmm, in this situation I wouldn't recommend it." But I'm not even saying that muslim's rights should be violated or it should be illegal for them to build a mosque there. What i'm saying is for the love of God you are out of touch with reality if you can't simply admit "Hey, that is a poor idea." (Even though a legal one). Liberals have no down to Earth common sense. On top of that i believe it's a terrible idea because of the violent reaction it would create. People are irate over 9-11 someone will burn that mosque to the ground within a year if it's built

2 points

If you can only obtain a gun illegally who will have guns and who won't?? Obviously the law abiding citizens are defensless and the criminals are uneffected

1 point

Huh? Aliens brought us here? Unfortunately humans are the smartest species on the planet but also the dumbest. Someone wanna tell me why China and US keep building nukes when we can already blow up the world 67 times over? We're so friggin dumb

1 point

No I don't think it will end but it would be great if something really cool happens when the galaxy lines up or whatever the hell it's supposed to do. Reality is a little too boring, give me some X-men mutants running around, give me some Clash of the Titans showdown on that day, i hope something fun happens. How about aliens pouring out of a worm hole on that day that everything aligns that would be cool. Something different

4 points

What is the opposite of 'LIFE?' Answer, 'DEATH.' Stop saying 'Pro-choice' the opposite of Pro-life is 'Pro-death' You're not Pro-choice you're Pro-death if you are for abortion

1 point

She's hot! Why on Earth do I need this to be 50 characters, She is Hot

1 point

-Molecular structure of a carbon atom has not changed

-A carbon or hydrogen atom today has the same structure as a carbon or hydrogen atom 10,000 or 10 billion years ago. Nor have the chemical reactions changed

-Nor was the big bang an explosion

-The level of radioactive decay for any given substance at the moment of origin will always be 0%

It's amazing how you know these things. If this isn't guess work what is? Nobody was around back then. Science is studying the past based on the present, there MUST be assumptions made. I get it the calculations and patterns are so predictable and exact it's amazing, but nobody can ever know what took place between now and the big bang because nobody was there. And don't think for a second that your perfect scientific dating methods have not been proven wrong before. People have sent rocks to multiple labs and gotten variations in the ages (on multiple methods) that stretched millions of years. They have found hellium molecules in rocks that are "Millions" of years old but yet it is proven that hellium is so light it would leak out of these rocks in no more than a few thousand years. I would have to look into the exact details I came across this stuff a long time ago but make no mistake there are some shady scientists out there covering up holes in their precious theories. Jaw bones of an ape that have been sawed and shifted forward to resemble a human more to just name one that I remember. I do think there is a lot of evidence to suggest a very old universe but years ago i did see a debate or 2 with a few young Earth creationist and no they did not just show up with their King James Bible claiming that science is of the devil, they made some interesting points that really made me think. And under no circumstance did they even mention religion, only science. I'm actually uncommitted to either old or new Earth because I think both sides have made interesting arguements. And like ANY scientist BOTH of these groups make assumptions because none of them were there

1 point

I actually agree with you. Science and religion both have their work cut out for them to actually be able to point towards the source of this universe. But anti religious people who believe in science are left with the same huge unanswered question and they are simply swapping out words. Person A says 'God', person B says 'Evolution' or 'Science.' I can just throw the same arguement right back at the science lovers; You tack 'Evolution' onto everything and that has no explanatory power. What is the definition of God? God is just a term used to define a certain eternal power, force, existance, intelligence, etc. that is the driving force behind everything. Science only measures this reality; how does gravity work, how does the sun work, how do the bacteria in our guts digest food, and on and on. Nobody has a clue. Philosophically we are all chasing our tails with our explainations, we are all left with the same question "What is the driving force that causes gravity, the sun, life, etc." Some people say God and when a scientist says 'Evolution' he's doing the same thing as the religious person who is saying 'God.' They look at science for new proof on how life forms work and say "Oh ok, that's how evolution does it!" And person B says "Ok, that's how God does it!" They believe in God but the name of their God is simply evolution. They assume a theist is ignorant if they say an intelligent force is causing it, but they are saying the same thing, an intelligent force of evolution. If you break it down neither the religious or non-religious person is being foolish it is a very very deep question. Religious people don't have their heads in the sand (not all of them) they know what science is, but science measures things it does not tell you the source of them. I think people are just freaked out so much by the term 'God' that they don't even realize they too have a term that refers to God when they say evolution (granted they are not attributing any personality traits to the source but they are naming the source - which they too know nothing about)

1 point

True, scientists have determined the effect the environment plays on decay rates TODAY. But what was the starting point, what did each rock look like one year after the big bang? It is absolutely impossible to know what the starting point was. Yes you can be right and thousands of years can be wrong, but there is no way to prove that the radiometric rocks could not of all started off with vastly different amounts of decay but yet all be the same age. If a house blew up you would have partially fried bricks, bricks that were barely burnt and absoluety melted bricks. No scientist on Earth can do anything more than quess how similar or unsimilar rocks were in relation to one another after the big bang. Is it not fair to compare a house explosition to the big bang? No matter how much math you throw out a 2010 Corvette will look a thousand years old if it was on fire for an hour

1 point

You are saying "If there is a supreme being than why would it possibly..." Do you realize the philosophical error in that? If a supreme being exits it can do what ever the hell it wants regardless of your opinion or mine. As a matter of fact considering the fact that it's literally impossible to have everyone agree with anything in this world it is absolutely impossible for there to be a supreme being that does NOT cause millions of people to say "Why is it doing this, why is it doing that..." It is philosophically possible for the supreme being to be absolutely evil and be hated by everyone if you think about it. So I don't think you can ever present an arguement of "If there's a supreme being why would it..."

1 point

See this video is the perfect example of what annoys me so much. I can't stand when religious people act like whack jobs! If you seriously believe that Jesus was who he said he was and you feel the need to make your case known to people why would you act CRAZY? I remember walking down the beach with this one Christian and he was like screaming prayers to people who were just walking by and he seriously came off like he belonged in a nut house. What are they accomplishing with that? If you think your knowlege of God is correct and you want to influence someone to see your point, isn't acting like a crazed freak the stupidest approach to have? Talk about making people roll there eyes and want to get the hell away from you. Not too long after my beach incident I found myself talking to the most down to Earth 'normal' Christian I ever met. He was SO normal and he just had certain beliefs and viewpoints. I don't know why some religious people lose their 'down to Earthness' and act like complete weirdos, it only scares and repels potential believers (in my opinion, apparently it attracts some people). Like if I was an atheist would I grab a mic and scream "THere is no God" all day long as I jump up and down and act insane to the public, no, so why do it if you believe there is a God?

1 point

Yeah but when it comes to evolution and creation you are not even committed to any certain religion, you are just committed to the concept of 'A God' no matter what in the world that might mean, an overseeing power, force, intelligence, whatever. You're less pot committed to any form of religion but yet people are still terrified to give any scientific credit to the theory that their may be a God. They seem to be afraid to be called a 'Religious Nut' as you put it. You don't have to fight religion to the death, if the concept of God makes sense in certain areas just admit it without the fear of advancing the spread of organized religion lol. I have arguements on both sides that I favor but most people seem to be too all or nothing. You're not a 'Religious Nut' if you say "Wow the big bang would seem to indicate some type of powerful creator." Even Einstein believed in a higher power, some type of God

1 point

Yeah but you been saying that just the mere fact that I do it at all defines me a being out of line. So you're admitting that if everyone knows where you're coming from (which would exclude strangers) then there is no harm done? Because my whole arguement was suppose that a 3rd person was in the room and I offended him or her. Then I turn around and fully explain how I was just messing around but they are STILL pissed off at me; that is the situation where I believe the person is too sensitive.

1 point

Their are old Earth creationists and new Earth creationists, each of which believe the universe is billions vs thousands of years old. I myself have heard good arguements on both sides of the fense so i'm not 100% sold on either view. One thing that is often overlooked when it comes to dating rocks, planets, etc, is that there is always a HUGE assumption that goes along with it. THe assumption is this; The rate at which things are churning today is the rate at which they have always been churning. As a made up example the continent of Africa is drifting by an inch every year so scientists will 'confirm' that rate per year. The rate at which uranium turns to lead is the speed of 'X.' So again they 'confirm' that rate.

But think about how unpredictable (since nobody was there) the consistancy and speed of developement could have been when the universe was forming. Think about cooking your dinner at a high boil and then lowering the heat to simmer. Who's to say that the rate of rock formation or the rate of anything was not at a super high boil at some point during formation and it is only resembling a simmer now. Surely it's not hard to imagine something at a much faster pace while it's being formed than after it has formed, that happens around us everyday. I totally could be wrong on this but it's possible. The fact is that when science dates things they are always making this assumption. The universe could be like a dropped bottle of soda that spent 30 seconds firing soda accross the room but now is only slowly dripping out.

1 point

Yeah but I have the sense to edit myself I'm not one of the people who don't acknowledge the fact that i'm in public. I would not make questionable jokes around strangers, and not because i want to hide my true ugly colors but because they'll have no idea where I am coming from. All I'm saying is that i believe in what George Carlin said when he said to just laugh your way thru life (paraphrasing). As an example I'm Polish and I love to hear Pollock jokes

1 point

You say that evolution has no need to upgrade intelligence, that it is unnecessary for the other species. Well does that include the ape? As far as i know the ape is still alive and well. If we came from apes then obviously evolution had no need to add intelligence to them (us according to you) because they were doing fine surviving and they still are. And my major point was that we humans are destroying other species and the only way they could 'evolve' to compete with us so that we don't kill them off would be intelligence. How else could an animal that's nearly extinct because of humans protect themselves against us? Being faster & stronger won't do the trick. They need evolution to advance their intelligence before we destroy them, but evolution ain't doing that for them.

But the intelligence is only one example of how humans are in a class completely by themselves (not in a good way either) as far as evolving goes. If we came from apes why on Earth would we evolve into a species of suicide, alcholism, drug abuse, etc. That does nothing but harm our survival rate. And the biggest question mark of all, why on Earth would we evolve into a species that obsessively believes in a God that does not exist? What animal is there that would stop running from a preditor because they believe everything will be ok in a fictitious afterlife? People in here go on and on and on about how much damage religion and the belief in God has done to us. Well why has evolution given that God instinct to us then? From the most primitive to the most modern society we are innately born with this God thing that weighs on us. And if I buy into the scientific explaination of everything then that means evolution itself has given us that trait. Clearly that doesn't make sense. That is absolutely in contrast to what evolution would equip any species with. Humans are cut from a different cloth in so many strange ways. We are unique

1 point

I want answers to some questions please. Why has evolution elevated human intelligence so high that we can send satallites and pathfinders to Mars but yet other species aren't even smart enough to make fire yet? What i don't want to hear from anyone is the typical 'Oh it takes 37 billion years' reply. During the industrial revolution your precious evolution allowed moths to change color because the soot on the trees were not allowing them to camouflage themselves from preditors, so their wings turned black. Darwin's finches evolved very quickly also to deal with the surface of the ground. So why is the evolution of intelligence so one sided? Humans are responsible for the extinction of many species but yet evolution refuses to upgrade the intelligence of other life forms to protect themselves from our wrath. Why so one sided? Does intelligence not evolve for anyone but humans? Coming from your own mouths we were all dumb apes years ago, what is evolution waiting for, why can't I play chess with a horse yet? We're tearing down the Amazon yet evolution hasn't equiped those species with the intelligence to fight back. Why?

1 point

99%, those number are so misleading. Do you also have any idea how high the percentages are for rats, chickens, pigs, horses? Not 99% but very high! The fact that all species are so closely related at a molecular level could be the fact that we all live under the same biosphere. Hell i've heard about certain comparisons done where humans are like 90% compatible with a banana

1 point

You complain about my lack of decency and respect yet i tell black jokes TO black friends, and they fire back at me, all in fun. There you go again lumping me in with disrespectful haters and not having a clue what the difference is. You are a 'head shaker' a 'finger pointer', etc when no harm is being done. Now if someone comes up to my black friend and insults him for real then i'm with you. So no i'm not angry at 'Decency', fact is i'm not being indecent you're just in love with yelling 'Foul!' You get off on your ficticious belief system that you are on a moral pedestal above everyone. But your problem is that you lecture people who are JOKING, KIDDING, etc. People like you make the world rigid and uncomfortable.

1 point

Lol, how dare you say that, you just offended this entire website

1 point

You're just flat out wrong. They get pissed if a white person says niggah too. Jacky Chan said niggah. Howard Stern did a whole show where he kept saying "niggah" and the blacks were in an outrage. It is dumb

1 point

Why do pro-choice people always run to the extreme rape defense arguement but in reality the huge majority of abortions are of a convienence nature. Oh damn the condom broke it's abortion time. What's your opinion on casual abortions?

2 points

The drug user should be sent to a hospital or a psychiatrist not to a prison

1 point

I'll say this, it's stupid to send people to jail for things that only cause harm to themselves. Think about the concept of prison, to separate people from society who are a danger to society. Why should a drug user be hiden from society? Now a drug dealer is a different story.

1 point

And the thing about the word 'nigger' is that Ice Cube and 2-Pac and Chris Rock and countless comedy movies have made it such a funny word that I love to jokingly say it. On top of that i love rap music, so what i'm not allowed to fully sing the lyrics because i'm white? The best analagy on how strangly confusing it is that black people are allowed to say it but whites aren't is that Jackie Chan movie. Where he was a foreigner and he was just following their lead so he said nigger just like they were saying it and they wanted to beat his ass?? It really makes no sense

1 point

If your mom had an abortion when she was 8 months pregnant with you would you be dead or alive right now? If she had an abortion when she was 4 months pregnant with you would you be dead or alive right now? If she had an abortion when she was 1 day pregnant with you would you be dead or alive right now? The time frame arguement kills me, no matter how far along she was with you you are dead right now if she aborted you (at any point). But yet right now you are alive and typing away on this website

1 point

Well it's hard to say that it will not be her choice the fetus is in her body it's pretty hard to stop her. However it's murder and straight up wrong. I love how people say there's nothing wrong with it. If that was true women wouldn't feel bad when they decide to do it. Why on Earth would you ever feel bad about doing something that is not wrong? It's inconsistant, that is your inner voice telling you it's wrong. The only women who can really believe it's not wrong is a woman who finds out she's pregnant, then casually leans over to grab her checkbook and says 'Gee how much will this abortion cost?' without a hint of regret. Without so much as one instant where she says to herself 'I feel guilty doing this.' I doubt many women do that. It's real simple you can't feel regret or guilt about something that you believe is not wrong, that's a contridiction of logic. If you feel an ounce of regret or guilt you have just confirmed to yourself that you are pro-life. You may go thru with the abortion and tell people you are pro-choice but you're lying to yourself. People do not feel bad about doing things that they consider 'not wrong', not for a second

1 point

I am white and this is ridiculous, black people are faster and quicker than white people. Don't live in denial about it. Having said that the UFC proved that black people are not tougher fighters than whites (i'd say equal). In boxing they own us but the UFC proves that's not the case in a street fight

1 point

Damn Google giving me bad info, i knew it was something along those lines

1 point

Haha 'Insensitive Asshole.' If you told this guy a dirty joke he'd have a seizure. Used to be pretty cut and dry when a person was being an asshole to you and when they were just clowning around. That has all changed with 'Sensitivity Boy!' Lol. I tell racist jokes to black people and they fire back at me and we both laugh at each other, it's all in fun. Something like that is a totally foreign concept to politically correct people. Wrapped way too tight

1 point

Human beings are the smartest species on the planet. But we are also the stupidest!

1 point

Another Einstein quote; "I do not know how the Third World War will be fought, but I can tell you what they will use in the Fourth - rocks!" Lol

2 points

I have no problem with gay people but it is not normal. I am not normal in certain ways but I am not afraid to just come out and say "Yeah i'm a little weird on this one." What is so difficult, to be attracted to the same sex is not normal. Funny thing is everyone who gets pissed off at this stance is a religion hating evolution loving person. And evolution would never allow homosexuality it is a cancer for procreation. That's simply a fact. Having said that I would totally be friends with a gay person. If I want to look down on a person's imperfections all i have to do is look into a mirror, we all have them.

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