
Debate Info

Pro Life Pro Choice
Debate Score:312
Total Votes:378
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 Pro Life (88)
 Pro Choice (81)

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sayyad99(773) pic

Should abortion be made illegal?

Abortion should be made illegal execpt in certain cases. I think that the fetus has a life and that fetus did not asked to be planted in the mother. For those of us that supports abortion, do you think that abortion will make a person become more responsible for their actions? How many people are having reapeated abortion? Can we not consider adoption instead of abortion? Why sould the government continue paying for the repaeated abortion of those on welfare causing a constraint in taxpayers?

I suggest you guys read up on the case Roe Vs Wade whic hwas decided by the Supreme Court and the real truth behind this case and abortion.


Guys post your thoughts. Anyone who would like to challenge me, i am open for challenges. Also check up my other arguments such as death penalty etc.

Pro Life

Side Score: 153

Pro Choice

Side Score: 159
7 points

I'm going to take for granted the notion that federal sanctioning of the taking of human life, be it in favor of whatever "greater good," should not be tolerated. If anyone would like to contest this, let me know and I'll elaborate.

While even the most ferocious of pro-borts openly admit that human life is scientifically defined as beginning at conception, others still insist that it is not, and some of their arguments should be taken into consideration.

But while we're pontificating on the nature of human life, it is extremely irresponsible to allow potentially millions of human beings to die in the name of another's convenience. Better to err on the side of life.

Side: pro life
3 points

I agree with you. We should not abort a fetus simply for the purpose that it will cause or bring convenience to us.

Side: pro life
4 points

I'm very against abortion, but I'm not stupid; I know there are times where it is a necessity. I think it should ultimately stay legal, but should be a lot more restricted. I don't see anything good from a 25-year-old going in and getting an abortion because she just doesn't want the baby.

Side: pro life
sayyad99(773) Disputed
3 points

So are you are saying that because she wants an abortion she should have it? Then why are you even against abortion? We are talking about a life here not just a fetus. I believe that everyone has a right to live. No fetus should pay the consequences because of a decision made by it's mother. In the year 2000, there were 1.3 million fetus that were killed and the same amount of families were waiting for children to adopt.

If you are saying that nothing is wrong if a woman needs an abortion, the you are saying she can have repeat abortions. What if a woman who has unprotected sex and knows the consequences of her actions but later decides she wants an abortion? What is your opinion on that?

Side: pro life
2 points

I think so too. Every father should have a right to have a say when it comes to an abortion because that fetus was formed from their chromosomes and genetics. I am surprised that advocates for abortion are saying that men have no right to tell a woman how to control her body but yet they don't have a problem with the decision of the U.S Supreme Court in which all of the judges were men.

Side: pro choice
aveskde(1935) Disputed Banned
0 points

I'm very against abortion, but I'm not stupid; I know there are times where it is a necessity. I think it should ultimately stay legal, but should be a lot more restricted. I don't see anything good from a 25-year-old going in and getting an abortion because she just doesn't want the baby.

Why should it matter to you if a person does that? That's awfully nosey and judgmental.

Side: pro choice
Tr3nt(2) Disputed
4 points

Murder is never a necessity. It is wrong no matter what the situation!

Side: pro life
4 points

What is the opposite of 'LIFE?' Answer, 'DEATH.' Stop saying 'Pro-choice' the opposite of Pro-life is 'Pro-death' You're not Pro-choice you're Pro-death if you are for abortion

Side: pro life
1 point

fairly stupid argument.

what is the opposite of choice? dictatorship?

If you do not want the mother and the doctor to go to jail, then you are pro-choice, even if you would prefer the mother chose having the baby.

Side: pro choice
3 points

The life of a fetus should have as much value as any other human life.

Side: pro life
1 point

The life of a fetus should have as much value as any other human life.

it is generally accepted that people can kill in self-defense with varying levels of imminent harm as justification - if you apply that same principle to the mother fetus relationship that would permit abortions with varying degrees of danger to life and health of the mother.

Side: pro choice
3 points

If abortion was made illegal but women still got them, would that not make them criminals? I would believe so, therefore they should have the same consequences as criminals. Right?

Side: pro life
2 points

Any Federal law on abortion is inherently illegal because the Federal government has no authority to regulate abortion. The States individually have the power to. I would be ecstatic if every State in the Union outlawed abortion, just like murder is outlawed.

Side: pro life
aveskde(1935) Disputed Banned
2 points

Any Federal law on abortion is inherently illegal because the Federal government has no authority to regulate abortion. The States individually have the power to. I would be ecstatic if every State in the Union outlawed abortion, just like murder is outlawed.

Abortion isn't murder. A foetus is not a person in the meaningful sense of the word.

Side: pro choice
Cicero(239) Disputed
7 points

Isn't animal cruelty a crime? Animals are technically not people. So shouldn't it apply to unborn humans when one ends their life?

Side: pro life
3 points

Frankly, anyone has the right to abortion because of free will and liberty, and nobody has the right to tell anyone what to do with their body.


The only problem I have is the definition of fetus and human.

If it is isn't murder, then why is that when a person murders a pregnant woman, whom is carrying a fetus, is charged with double homicide? How can that be? Where is the justice? Shouldn't it be only homicide? The person did in fact murder only one person because the fetus is not human

Side: pro life
sayyad99(773) Disputed
1 point

For your information why don't you read up on an important case, Webster v. Reproductive Health Services which upheld that life begins at conception and this view was also supported by doctors. Isn't the fetus referred to as a developing human being?

The whole concept is that the fetus posses life and if the fetus comes from the family of homosapiens which in other words is referred to as human beings then don't that make it a human being also or a plant?

Side: pro life
bigassbiker(5) Disputed
1 point

So great .. if a fetus isn't a person, if someone is deemed not responsible enough to raise a child (say a woman convict who wants the child) then it should be fine to force the abortion on her right? It should be like not allowing her to have a car. "Oh don't worry, it wasn't a real life anyhow, off you go."

Side: pro life
2 points

What puzzles me is the fact that a mother can have an abortion but if someone else kills the mother and the child dies in her, then that person can be slapped with a charge of double homicide.

Side: pro life
aveskde(1935) Disputed Banned
1 point

What puzzles me is the fact that a mother can have an abortion but if someone else kills the mother and the child dies in her, then that person can be slapped with a charge of double homicide.

Laws don't have to be logical or consistent.

Side: pro choice
sayyad99(773) Disputed
1 point

Exactly i know why i made that statement. If the fetus does not have life then why does the state and the federal government institutes a charge of double homicide if the fetus dies through the death of the mother because according to those supporting abortion the fetus does not have life. Are the laws therefore wrong?

Side: pro life
2 points

I am really against abortion. I know that most of the abortions are cause by the teens because they arent prepared to raise a child. First of all i dont think thats a good reason to kill a baby. There are always other options not just that. I come from a family of 10 people and my mom raised us all by her self aborting never crossed her head. So what im basecly trying to say is that aborting is not a way to solve things so i think it should just be illegal.

Side: pro life
2 points

I am really against abortion. I know that most of the abortions are cause by the teens because they arent prepared to raise a child. First of all i dont think thats a good reason to kill a baby. There are always other options not just that. I come from a family of 10 people and my mom raised us all by her self aborting never crossed her head. So what im basecly trying to say is that aborting is not a way to solve things so i think it should just be illegal.

Side: pro life
2 points

I am really against abortion. I know that most of the abortions are cause by the teens because they arent prepared to raise a child. First of all i dont think thats a good reason to kill a baby. There are always other options not just that. I come from a family of 10 people and my mom raised us all by her self aborting never crossed her head. So what im basecly trying to say is that aborting is not a way to solve things so i think it should just be illegal.

Side: pro life
2 points

I am really against abortion. I know that most of the abortions are cause by the teens because they aren't prepared to raise a child. First of all i don't think thats a good reason to kill a baby. There are always other options not just that. I come from a family of 10 people and my mom raised us all by her self aborting never crossed her head. So what I'm basically trying to say is that aborting is not a way to solve things so i think it should just be illegal.

Side: pro life
1 point

There are many issues in today’s United States government. Government workers from different political parties have trouble working together, the education system is poorly regulated, and taxes are steadily climbing. There is, however, an issue that is more important than the aforementioned. It is literally a matter of life or death. It’s called abortion. And it’s legal.

I believe a better name for “abortion” is “convenient murder,” and I’m not the only one who thinks this. In the court decision of Roe v. Wade, the case responsible for abortion becoming legal, one of the judges noted that the court valued “the convenience of the pregnant mother more than the continued existence and development of the life or potential life that she carries.” That’s right. A judge in Roe v. Wade admitted that there is life at stake in a situation of abortion, and that most abortions are a choice of convenience over life. This is an obvious indication that the Supreme Court’s decision was flawed, and that pro-choice supporters’ way of thinking is flawed.

But the flaws don’t end there. 18% of American women who have abortions are teenagers. One would think that, if a teenager was going to get an abortion, she would have to get parental consent or at least notify her parents. But in 14 different states, teenagers can get an abortion without doing either of these things. As of 2007, in every state that requires parental consent or notification, minors can go around their parents and try to obtain a court approval. If they do, then their parent’s or parents’ say becomes completely invalid. Because of these laws, over 200,000 teens get abortions every year.

As staggering as that number is, it gets worse. 22% of all pregnancies, teen or otherwise, end in abortion. In 2008, 1.21 million abortions were performed. The year before, it was 1.31 million. Between the time that abortion was legalized in 1973 and the present, over 50 million abortions have occurred. To give you an idea of how significant that is, 50 million people is almost 7% of the current United States population. Abortion isn’t a small issue. It’s causing millions of lives to be lost through the years, thousands of lives to be lost daily. It needs to be stopped.

This isn’t to say that abortion should be completely eradicated. If the mother’s life or health would be severely endangered if she carried her baby to term, she should be given the option of abortion. The issues of rape or incest should be considered when contemplating the outlaw of abortion, as well. This is a tricky objection. What if a twelve-year-old girl was forced to give birth to a child? A possible solution to this is making abortion illegal in cases of rape or incest after a certain age, perhaps 16. Pro-choicers also argue that a woman shouldn’t be forced to carry the child of her rapist. With the number of child care services available today, however, the mother is not necessarily required to care for her baby after it is born, so this argument is losing strength. Another common argument from pro-abortionists is that even if abortion was outlawed, illegal abortions would still take place. Out of the three arguments mentioned in this essay, this argument is the most ridiculous. Though stealing is outlawed, it still takes place. If abortion were illegalized, it would not cease entirely. The number of convenient murders, however, would decrease significantly.

Now that the arguments for legal abortion have been dealt with, I will mention one of the strongest cases against abortion. This case is not one tried in a court, but one tried in the mind: abortion versus conscience. Despite slanted denials that abortion and negative mental conditions coincide, post-abortion trauma is real. In the words of an anonymous pro-life supporter, “Yes, abortion does traumatize women -- especially the females that are aborted. There are two victims in every abortion.”

In addition to unprofessional opinions, there are several studies done by doctors and universities in the recent past that support the correlation of abortion and poor mental health. In 2008, Dr. Priscilla Coleman, a professor of Human Development and Family Studies at Bowling Green State University, and her coworkers published a study in the Journal of Psychiatric Research. The results showed that induced abortions increase risks for a several mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and substance abuse disorders. The research team also found that the number of cases of mental health issues rose by as much as 17% in women that had abortions compared to their abortion-abstaining counterparts, and the risks of each individual mental health problem rose as much as 145% for post-abortive women. For 80% of the negative mental health outcomes examined, a woman’s decision to have an abortion in the past resulted in an increased risk of experiencing one of those outcomes.

In a study done outside of the United States, researchers at Otago University in New Zealand found that abortions increased the risk of extreme depression and anxiety in women by one-third.

A third study, from a team at the University of Queensland and published in the December issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry, discovered that “women who have an abortion are three times more likely to experience a drug or alcohol problem during their lifetime.”

There is yet more proof that abortion is wrong: in 1995, Norma L. McCorvey, who went by the alias Jane Roe in Roe v. Wade, stated that she became pro-life. She attempted to get the case retried, but though she failed, her opposition is notable. She published a novel on why she became pro-life, and continues to support anti-abortion.

In short, abortion is wrong. It is convenient murder, obtained by minors who do not have parental consent, and responsible for over 50 million deaths. Abortion can cause severe trauma, possibly haunting the almost-mother for the rest of her life. It is not something to be taken lightly. It is a severe issue in our society today.

Please do not support abortion.

Side: Pro Life
1 point

I would like to tell the situation of abortion in Central Asia, I live in Almaty, Kazakhstan and we have very bad stereotypes. In central Asia it is an extremely shame to have a child without getting married and for that reasons very young and naive girls make abortion because of parents, relative and society. Kazakhstan, like other Central Asian countries, dedicates considerable attention and funds to family planning. Girls and boys should get an education about sex and birth control options. In Central Asia countries we have stereotypes that family planning is about having fewer children but actually it means healthier family.In conclusion, in order to have healthier family government, schools and parents should work out a program that will decrease the quantity of abortion among young girls.

Side: Pro Life
1 point

That's a good suggestion. A lot of pregnancies come about because girls don't know how likely it is they'll become pregnant if they are sexually active without birth control. About 85% of sex had without birth control results in conception.

Side: Pro Life
1 point

Did you know that if your parents had decided to abort you, you wouldn't be here right now? Abortion should definitely be made illegal. The fetus isn't just a bunch of tissues. With the technology we have, you can look closely and see the baby moving around. Abortion also has the probability of resulting in cancer.

Side: Pro Life
1 point

Why would you risk the sacred life, they are not yet born but we already torturing them.


Misty of

Supporting Evidence: (
Side: Pro Life
aveskde(1935) Banned
9 points

Most abortions that occur are before it is even a foetus. The second most likely stage aborted is that in which the foetus is barely developed, barely has a brain and only might have a heart.

The figures are roughly 50% and 30% respectively.

I support abortion because we need mothers who want their child and are prepared to raise it well. What we do NOT need are unprepared, overworked mothers giving their babies to an already flooded adoption market, or attempting to raise a child that gets less than optimal care because the mother can't be there for him.

Side: pro choice
sayyad99(773) Disputed
4 points

Well yeah you are right but read up on the case which The U.S Supreme Court ruled that life begins at conception. I think that is wrong in the whole to take a life. How many of us would even be here today if our parents had chosen abortion for us regardless of poverty or unpreparedness.

Side: pro life
aveskde(1935) Disputed Banned
3 points

Well yeah you are right but read up on the case which The U.S Supreme Court ruled that life begins at conception.

Life does not mean "a life" as in a person worthy of human rights.

I think that is wrong in the whole to take a life.

Don't scratch yourself then, you kill life in the form of skin cells.

How many of us would even be here today if our parents had chosen abortion for us regardless of poverty or unpreparedness.

A lot fewer, and we'd have less poverty, slums, crime and overpopulation if people aborted rather than raise a child unprepared.

Side: pro choice
12icosey(2) Disputed
3 points

First of all, don't argue about something you can't even spell correctly. Second, abortion is completely wrong whether or not it is economically beneficial to an adoption market. Third, if adoption is truly a market, then the correct name is human trafficking, and you mean to tell me abortion is fixing that? Please. Most abortions occur in high school teenagers, so an overworked mother is out of the question for the most part. I am so adamant about this because my mother had two abortions before my birth. I am now a junior in high school with a 3.48 GPA. Abortion is supposed to fix that?

Side: pro life
3 points

Ever think that it is because your mother had 2 abortions before you that you are doing well now? It is just as hypothetical to assume that those 2 abortions were just little yous that got denied a chance as it is to assume that those 2 abortions occurred at a time when your mother wasn't ready and when she was ready she did have you and you are being successful.

Hopefully people here aren't against adoption - it is one of the few options for mothers who can and do go through with a pregnancy even when the mother and or father cannot support the child.

One other thing to mention - while you may feel strongly that one choice is better than the other - making something legal or illegal should meet a different test; for example - if a woman is 5 months pregnant and finds out she needs chemotherapy - should the government force her to not get the treatment and risk killing herself and the child all at once? Government cannot imagine every potential abortion scenario and in a free country is not the one that should make those decisions.

Keep up the good work.

Side: pro choice
sayyad99(773) Disputed
2 points

Thank you very much for that point you made.

I was also born out of child pregnancy and poverty. Today i am a student in pre law with a G.P.A of 4.0 and also a straight A student. Should i have been aborted i would have been robbed of my life and accomplishments.

Side: pro choice
2 points

First of all, don't argue about something you can't even spell correctly.

I try to give people a little leeway on this site unless their grammar is just ostentatiously bad or makes what they are saying ambiguous, etc.

Otherwise, you end up calling someone out for spelling foetus/fetus in a perfectly acceptable way even if it is not the way you are used to.

Side: pro choice
Btime(18) Disputed
1 point

"Most abortions that occur are before it is even a foetus. The second most likely stage aborted is that in which the foetus is barely developed, barely has a brain and only might have a heart."

So maybe this is true. But these stats are completely irrelevant. Does killing someone who is less developed make it right, or justify it? Would you kill a ten year old and say "he isn't an adult yet. He's not developed." You couldn't get away with that alibi in any court system of today.

You also say that you don't want an overflooded adoption market. According to the National Committee for Adoption, over 1.5 million couples want a child to adopt in the US. Every time a couple adopts, there are another 40 in line.

It is not our decision to end a life. It is God's, and unborn babies are human persons. What if you were aborted?

Side: Pro Life
Stryker(849) Disputed
1 point

Does killing someone who is less developed make it right, or justify it?

I hold the position that any action taken against an entity incapable of perceiving negative stimulus is amoral.

It is not our decision to end a life. It is God's

Until "God" has been demonstrated to manifest in reality, this isn't a compelling argument.

What if you were aborted?

I wouldn't have known and would have been incapable of caring.

Side: Pro Choice
6 points

If you admit that abortion is EVER warranted. Then it doesn't make sense to make it illegal.

I think a good angle for reducing unnecessary abortions, could be to legislate the rights the father obtains during the act of consensual sex.

Side: pro choice
5 points

No it should not. I am pro-choice. It's the woman's decision and it's not anyone's business what she should do with her body. The father shouldn't have a say because it's not their body. If a woman wants an abortion, let her have one.

Side: pro choice
sayyad99(773) Disputed
4 points

Really? Then if it's about a woman's right to control her own body, then why is it that the laws forbid her from controlling her own body when it comes to prostitution or the use of drugs? How come you guys are saying that a woman should have her own right to control her body but yet the laws prohibits us from committing suicide, the use of drugs or even prostitution? Doesn't these have to do with everybody's right to control their own body too?

Side: pro life
2 points

actually prostitution isn't illegal at the federal level (with some small exceptions ref) and there aren't any federal or state laws left that ban suicide ref and many libertarians and liberals would want some of the same principles to apply to drugs and euthanasia (in case that is what you really meant by suicide).

PS suicide can only be illegal if you don't succeed. ;)

Side: pro choice
sayyad99(773) Disputed
3 points

Really then if the father should not have a say then why when the child is born the father has to take the expenses of the child?

Side: pro life
1 point

The father would have some say after the child is born (whether to give the child up for adoption, etc.), but the physical relationship during pregnancy is unique to the mother and fetus.

Side: pro choice
expoder(6) Disputed
2 points

I think the father should have a say if he's wiling to raise the kid on his own, but only the mother and the father should have a say in it.

Side: pro life
2 points

wouldn't that be a pro-choice opinion?

Side: pro choice
IfOnly(11) Disputed
1 point

I think the opinion you present is the crux of the debate. If it is the woman's body, then she has the choice. If its another person, then that person has the right to life. If it's not quite a person (no brain and such) but isn't quite just a part of the woman (it will be a person if it's born) then who has a right to decide?

I'd say that it has a right to life because it would be a person if it did. Because even if its not a person, it can become one if you just don't destroy it.

Side: Pro Life
4 points

Just...grow up.

Perhaps you are against abortion and it isn't a good thing for you, but it's just childish to demand that everyone conforms to your silly preferences.

Side: pro choice
sayyad99(773) Disputed
3 points

Why don't you grow up? Do you think abortion is going to make people more responsible. I am not just out here throwing stuff because i want to. I am here because i believe it is wrong. Why don't you read up on Roe Vs. Wade. Do you want to know how abortion came into effect? Jane Roe presented to the Supreme Court that she was raped and the Supreme Court agree with her to have an abortion. It so turned out that she was never raped but she had consensual sex. Now she is against abortion. That is the story that created the legalization of abortion.

This is debating not about silly preferences. For you it is but not me. If it was would it be a national controversy? I don't even see a proper reason for your rebuttal except that it is childish. Would you say that to a District Attorney that he is childish because of what he believes in too?

Side: pro life
ryuukyuzo(641) Disputed Banned
2 points

Do you think abortion is going to make people more responsible.

Exactly where in my post did I write anything that sounded even remotely like this???

I am not just out here throwing stuff because i want to.

Hmm... didn't say anything about this either. =/

I am here because i believe it is wrong.

Always a great way to justify a position. =/

Do you want to know how abortion came into effect?

No. I don't care. Not even a little bit.

But since you went through the trouble of telling me anyway... nope, still don't care. =/

This is debating not about silly preferences.

No, you're debating about your silly preferences. Not getting an abortion is your preference and you're debating about it, also it is silly. Therefore, you are debating about your silly preferences.

If it was would it be a national controversy?

Ah, you're right. There's no way something could be both stupid AND controversial...

Would you say that to a District Attorney that he is childish because of what he believes in too?

Would you say to a pregnant mother that she must keep her unwanted child because YOUR morality dictates it?

Really, what's with the appeal to authority sayyad? Do you think I care what some hypothetical district attorney thinks? Do you think a district attorney can't be stupid?

Side: pro choice
expoder(6) Disputed
0 points

"Do you think abortion is going to make people more responsible."

You're saying that like having a child it their punishment for being irresponsible, let me tell you, its not just a punishment for the terrible parents but also the unwanted and unloved child you forced them to have.

Side: pro choice
3 points

Abortion is going to happen. Its been going on forever. People that are against it do so for moral reasons. I completely understand, but you are failing to realize that it will happen regardless of the legality of the procedure and in some cases is completely warranted. For example, what if your 14 year old daughter is raped and becomes pregnant. Does that not constitute a valid reason for the termination of a pregnancy. What if you are going to give birth to a child with a severe birth defect or extreme retardation. If it wasn't for new advances in medicine these people would never survive anyway, so how is it any different? It sounds harsh and heartless but it is reality none the less. Its like people that are against stem cell research because some of the stem cells come from aborted fetuses. Ok, you object on moral grounds, I get it but what if you're paralyzed and the researchers say a dead baby will help you walk again are you really going to tell me that you're not going to give the green light. The child was aborted regardless of what decision you made, at least let the horrible process have some good that comes out of it.

Side: pro choice
sayyad99(773) Disputed
2 points

I was waiting for someone to bring up this point.

While some women may still have abortions, the abortion rate will definitely decrease by; it is my guess about 90% or even more. How many people would commit murder if it was legal, do you think? Obviously making something illegal is always a deterrent for a large amount of people.

That people will do it anyway is no argument to legalize something heinous. By the same token, should we legalize rape now so that no rapist will have to do it in secret, or because he would do it otherwise anyway?

Why should we abort a child because of mental retardation etc? In the same way should we kill a person because they are mentally ill?

When you talk about horrible process; what is more horrible being half awake whilst doctors are ripping your fetus out of you are giving birth to a life? What if a woman dies from abortion? You are talking as if carrying a pregnancy is more traumatic than doing an abortion. We are against abortion because we are talking about a life and as one professional once said it seems that those who supports abortion are the ones that are already born.

If a person is raped then give the baby up for adoption. There are other choices available. Don't make it seem as if abortion is the only way out.

Side: pro life
IMright101(107) Disputed
2 points

Why should a woman have to carry the child of her attacker? I'm not saying I agree with abortion, what I'm saying is that people have the right to make that decision on their own. I don't think you or anybody else has the right to tell a woman what she can do with her own body. She has to live with the guilt of what she has done. If she want's to carry that burden then so be it.

Side: pro choice
3 points

Hells no. If a woman wants to rid her body of a bunch of extra cells (and thats all a fetus is) then let her. Besides, we could use the fetus for its stem cells.

Side: pro choice
Troy8(2417) Disputed
2 points

A fetus is not just a bunch of extra cells, you moron.......

Side: pro life
Denouncement(15) Disputed
4 points

"Extra Bunch of Cells?"

Maybe not to the same extent as, say, scraping the inside of your cheek or scratching a layer of epidermis with your fingernails, but they lack any human fetus or vertebrae features until well into 3 months of development. Otherwise, what you'd see under a microscope really would just be unremarkable "cell" reproduction.

I'm sure what Hollow more accurately meant to say was "blastocyst," which is really just a scientific term for the pre-fetus stage of conception in which the developing embryo really IS just a clump of cells that begin reproducing after the fertilized ovum has attached itself to the uteran wall. For the technical definition, see:

Blastocyst: A thin-walled hollow structure in early embryonic development that contains a cluster of cells called the inner cell mass from which the embryo arises. The outer layer of cells gives rise to the placenta and other supporting tissues needed for fetal development within the uterus while the inner cell mass cells gives rise to the tissues of the body.


And if you're confused by what an "embryo" is:

A human embryo is a discrete entity that has arisen from either: the first mitotic division when fertilization of a human oocyte by a human sperm is complete or any other process that initiates organized development of a biological entity with a human nuclear genome or altered human nuclear genome that has the potential to develop up to, or beyond, the stage at which the primitive streak appears, and has not yet reached 8 weeks of development since the first mitotic division.


Side: pro choice
Houston(187) Disputed
2 points

Yes it is. It's organs, which is a bunch of tissue. Tissue is made of a bunch of cells. He probably has a higher level of intelligence then you.

Side: pro choice
anotherguy34(5) Disputed
1 point

Extra bunch of cells......what sort of moronic jack ass are you?!

Side: pro life

Can you hug a fetus without damaging it? Can you feed it food? Water? No.

An acorn isn't a tree and an egg isn't a chicken.

The government can NOT take over someones body and tell them if they can have a baby or not.

This is absurd.

Side: pro choice
sayyad99(773) Disputed
1 point

Well the fetus feeds through it's mother. An egg is not a developing human being neither does it possess life. The fetus cannot be hugged i agree but why then when you go to a doctor they normally detect the heartbeat of the unborn to check whether it is alive or not. Does the heartbeat not indicates the presence of life? Does the fetus not have a separate DNA and blood type? Does the fetus not have a growing human body?

Side: pro life
2 points

I know the way I would state my opinions would not prove helpful towards this discussion, so here is a quote, in place, by respected novelist/philosopher Ayn Rand. I find that this quote, in the end, sums up my opinions on this matter.

"An embryo has no rights. Rights do not pertain to a potential, only to an actual being. A child cannot acquire any rights until it is born. The living take precedence over the not-yet-living (or the unborn). Abortion is a moral right—which should be left to the sole discretion of the woman involved; morally, nothing other than her wish in the matter is to be considered. Who can conceivably have the right to dictate to her what disposition she is to make of the functions of her own body?"

Side: pro choice
dragonstyle0 Disputed
2 points

Any Rand was a novelist, not a doctor or a scientist. He had knowledge of books not medical facts or practicals.

Side: pro life
2 points


Well, of course, I would be very happy if an anti-abortion law was passed...on one condition. Since we passed an anti-abortion law, why don't we pass a law similar to, say, the buddy system. This way, all pro-life supporters who really really really wanted to take away the rights of Americans should have to pay 118,590 dollars over 18 years (average expenditures for a child in a low-income single-parent home). I'm sure when they are finally frustrated with paying for that child unnecessarily (like a mother who could have had an abortion), the pro-life supporters will stop denying the rights of others.

Because, you see, not all Americans are as rich as you are and many can't afford one or more child to take care of, especially teenage mothers. Forcing a mother to have a baby will, in most cases, exacerbate the economic conditions and welfare of the child as well as the parent(s).

Side: pro choice
sayyad99(773) Disputed
1 point

So my answer to you is should we pay rapists not to commit rapes and cause unwanted pregnancies too? What about their rights? If you are saying that because we believe abortion is wrong then we are taking the rights of Americans then what about the rights of the child as a developing human too? Isn't that an American too?

Side: pro life
Houston(187) Disputed
0 points

[If you are saying that because we believe abortion is wrong then we are taking the rights of Americans then what about the rights of the child as a developing human too?]

Isn't that an American too?Its not an American till it's born.

[So my answer to you is should we pay rapists not to commit rapes and cause unwanted pregnancies too?]

No, they should pay. Them causing unwanted pregnancies is just as bad as people that would deny a woman an abortion. People taking away the right to have an abortion. Screw the "morals" your thinking about. You are trying to take away someone's right. That's another common thing with gun control, people are trying to take away other people's rights. You are taking the rights of the citizens of America. You sir, are the kind of people who send our country down the drain.

Side: pro choice
1 point

Of course not. Pro-choice doesn't mean forcing every pregnant woman to get an abortion. Every pro-lifer seems to have deluded themselves into believing so. Pro-life means forcing every pregnant woman to have her baby even if she doesn't want it. There are plenty of women out there who want to have children. But if it's just some teen who got screwed over (No pun intended (Just kidding. Pun totally intended)) and she isn't ready to take on a child, especially since her boyfriend is likely to desert her after finding out she's pregnant or if it was just a one night thing between two strangers, she should be aloud to get rid of that extra conglomeration of cells (since that's all it is) and go on with her life. There's no need to change your life for one kid you don't even want. Besides, the fetus can be used for it's stem cells.

Side: pro choice
1 point

Also, don't isn't seem a little ironic that pro-lifer women all look like they can't get laid in the first place? Just saying.

Side: pro choice
1 point

This is my argument for all the pro-lifers out there:

Pro-lifers argue that all human beings, born or not, have human rights. And with those human rights comes the right to live. Therefore abortion should be made illegal.

Here are the holes I have found in this argument:

When a mothers' unborn child is in the womb, pro-lifers claim it has human rights and the mother should not be able to terminate the pregnancy. But in the instance that the unborn child is harming the life of the mother, the pregnancy is terminated. So in this case, the unborn child is then stripped of its human rights, and the mothers rights trump the unborn child's.

So which is it, pro-lifers? Does an unborn child have human rights or doesn't it?

Side: pro choice
sayyad99(773) Disputed
1 point

So my question to you also is a man who holds a gun to shoot another man also has legal rights but wouldnt the cops kill the one holding the gun to save the life of the other one, even though both have legal rights of personhood?

Side: pro life
1 point

If someone is irresponsible enough to avoid having the baby, they are not responsible enough to have the baby. If there is choice, then there is chance to ruin only one life. But if a baby is raised by people not ready, or incapable of raising a baby, then that would ruin two lives. The babies and the mothers at least. Maybe three, including the father.

Side: pro choice
1 point

I admit, I am very unapologetically not pro-life. I also know that most abortions are done as a form of birth control (not good). But wanting to make abortion illegal is saying that the life of a woman is not that important.

Side: pro choice
1 point

If abortion were to be made illegal we could safely say that the government has taken away our right to our own bodies. Not to mention the higher death rates that would be caused by the "back alley abortions" that were extremely prominent when abortion was outlawed.

Side: pro choice
1 point


Is the unborn child a human 'when is a cake a cake'

Rights to our own body

Double dutch

all these questions and many more must be addressed i have written a huge essay for ethics and will edit and upload later since it does give a balanced overview on this exact question :3 But answering this quickly i think the women has a right to her own body.

Side: Pro Choice

No one pro-life is really pro-life because if they were they wouldn't be alive. You have to eat, and everything we eat comes from something alive, that's just the way things work.

The life those hypocrites are supporting is a human's life and the question I have is why? Because they'd feel guilty to let something that's going to look like a human die? What is the importance of a human life, I mean really? There are so many of us that we have no major role on this planet, no individual anyway.

Side: Pro Choice
1 point

I think that once the foetus has started kicking, abortion shouldn't be allowed, but otherwise I think that it is necessary to lose an unborn life in the case of something like a teenage pregnancy or parents that are unable to provide for their child. Women have the right to control their own bodies and the government should not be telling them what to do with their gift of reproduction.

Side: Pro Choice
1 point

1. According to the World Health Organisation, 19-20 million abortions are performed illegally, that is to say by those without the necessary medical training. Approximately 68,000 women per year die as a result of illegal abortion, with many more injured. [1] Of this number, 97% are performed in LEDCs-- in which it remains one of the top five causes of maternal death-- in which access to safe, legal abortion is rare. A good case study would be in Turkey, in which restrictive abortion laws have led to an increased incidence of unsafe abortion over other countries with a similar level of development, particularly in rural areas. [3]. Furthermore, according to Cates (1982), the increase prevalence of legal abortion in the United States led to a decline in deaths due to illegal abortion, as well as several other benefits to women's health. [4]. It can thus be seen that keeping abortion legal will prevent deaths from illegal abortion in almost all cases.

2. A 2005 study, Fetal Pain: A Systematic Multidisciplinary Review of the Evidence, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), has indicated that the possibility of fetal pain is unlikely prior to the third trimester, due to a lack of thalamocortical connections in the fetal brain; said connections are only formed after 23 weeks in the womb. [5] A study by Dr. Stuart Derbyshire confirmed that an intact cortical system was necessary for pain: such a system only appears intact at 23 weeks, and the full system of pain reception is most likely not formed until 26 weeks. [6] It is interesting to note that 26 weeks is above the minimum abortion age in the UK. [7] This suggests that many laws restricting access to abortion are not grounded in biological fact.

3. Contrary to what some politicians have said, there are many conditions which can kill or permanently maim a woman during pregnancy and which cannot be cured using current technology. [8]. An example of such a condition is an ectopic pregnancy, which affects up to 1 out of 50 pregnancies. Such pregnancies occur when the egg implants itself outside of the uterus, usually inside one of the Fallopian tubes, and are rarely if ever viable and in most cases must be aborted [9]. Another example of such a condition is severe preeclampsia, which causes high blood pressure in pregnancy and which can lead to a stroke [10]; milder forms of this condition can occur in 6% of pregnancies [8]. As we have established in point number 2, it is more moral from a scientific point of view to abort the fetus rather than to allow the mother to die. In addition to the point above, there exist many conditions which can leave a child permanently and profoundly mentally disabled, and in some cases such a situation would justify an abortion.

4. Finally, I will talk about maybe the most controversial aspects of this debate: abortion and rape. According to the NCBI, 5% of rape victims are likely to become pregnant, with rape making up about 32,000 pregnancies a year in the US; the majority of these cases occur amongst adolescents. Of these women, 50% chose to voluntarily abort. [11]. Furthermore, 44% of rape victims in the US are under 18, according to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN). [12]. Teenage pregnancy can lead to an increased risk of preeclampsia, as well as postpartum depression, and it also increases the likelihood of having a unhealthily light baby [13] As a result of this and other medical concerns, abortion should be available in cases of rape to prevent the health risks that come with it, as well as to address the attendant moral issues.


1. abortion/articleunsafe_abortion.pdf













Side: Pro Choice

No. Life begins at birth and women have the right to choose. Forcing a woman to give birth is wrong.

Side: Pro Choice

If someone is a strict constructionist who interprets the Constitution word for word, the sanction for abortion is given under the Fourteenth Amendment.

The Fourteenth Amendment of our U.S. Constitution defines a citizen “a citizen” at birth. If a woman is carrying a fetus in the womb, the U.S. Constitution does not designate the fetus as “a citizen.” It would take an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to declare a fetus a citizen. You have to be born in order to be recognized as a citizen. Therefore, a woman does have the right to choose. A fetus inside the womb is not designated as a citizen according to the U.S. Constitution so by default is not entitled to life, liberty, or prosperity. You have to be born in order to be endowed with those privileges. To conclude, neither the Federal government nor any of the States can deny a woman the right to choose.

If abortion is murder, abortion would have been terminated years ago due to the cruel and unusual punishment clause under the Eighth Amendment. Again, proof that a fetus is not recognized as a citizen of the United States of America.

Side: Pro Choice
0 points

what if the women was rapped and then she would have to look at that monsters child for the rest of her life.

Side: pro choice
Btime(18) Disputed
1 point

Untrue, she can easily get an adoption. ..................

Side: Pro Life