
Juggla67's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Juggla67's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

You're a nasty little loser obsessed with taking his own pain out on everybody else.

Why is it every time you insult me it's literally, word for word a description of yourself? It's kind of spooky.

1 point

I'm defining your behaviour. You are rude to everybody, including the people who agree with you, because ultimately all you want out of life is to feel superior.

Those words exactly should be said to you, not the other way around.

and look at you ignoring what you can't dispute. You know what you are guilty of, but you don't care. You would rather pretend it doesn't exist and find whatever excuse you can to bitch at me. You literally will go to any lengths not to admit you are wrong about something. You are petty, dishonest, fake, and oddly stupid in many ways despite being smarter than most in others.

-1 points

Alofri is a nice, regular guy

He is a pro-american dick head who is extremely confused about liberalism, socialism and social democracy. He thinks America in the 30s was "democratic socialism" as his political goal is to bring America back to that "ideal" state according to his own words. He is a reactionary, not a true left winger and only truly cares about keeping America in balance. In other words, he sees America as going too far right under Trump and turned to "democratic socialism" as a reaction, but ultimately he's a centrist who is only trying to create a pendulum affect. Also, "regular" should not be used as a compliment by anyone claiming to be intelligent, because being normal/regular etc. means you are just an average idiot who is nothing special and believes in all the bullshit that the average idiot believes.

1 point

Why would you make arguments you don't even agree with

Like you haven't done the same thing. You're a dishonest little fucker, Nom.

1 point

You're a dangerously delusional, emotionally unstable, angry little infant with last word syndrome.

You are projecting the most negative interpretations of me that you can think of like I said. Thanks for confirming it.

When you did what?

This isn't that complicated. You somehow suddenly decided I was all the worst things in the universe personified into one human being after never saying a single negative thing about me for over a year. You are obviously fake as hell, calling me your friend and your buddy that whole time while thinking god knows what about me. Like I told you before I was testing you, and boy did you show your true colors.

1 point

You don't even know me.

I know you better than you know me, you are making claims about me just as much as I make claims about you except I am honestly judging you whereas you are projecting the most negative interpretations of me that you can think of.

The emotional weight you put into relationships with complete strangers you meet on the internet is a dead giveaway that you are emotionally unstable.

People on the internet are real human beings, even if I haven't met them in person. I put just as much emotional weight on them for good reason. I was also not wrong or unstable when I exposed how fake you are, because I suspected you as being fake when you called me your friend and it was proven by you suddenly hating everything about me the second we got into a significant enough argument after being my "buddy" and never saying anything negative about me. This proves that you thought those things the whole time and that you are a fake piece of shit.

1 point

Then why did you spend two months here impersonating him and defending his talking points?

Because it's fun.

1 point

Yeah, the guy is pretty nutty in some rather amusing ways. He's got a pregnant gf so I fear for the kid's safety. It is going to be raised on a strict diet of raw meat and will just be homeschooled and shown flat earth vids from youtube all day.

Juggla67(142) Clarified
1 point

I hate you, but I couldn't help but upvote this. Fuck you though.

1 point

No but you do need to love neither to be a reasonable person.

1 point

The Bible says it is

But my witchcraft book says Christianity is evil. Which should we believe?

1 point

Better politicians?? Nahhh.. They collapsed under their own weight.

You are an ignorant fool. The USSR didn't collapse, it was taken over by capitalists within the party and taken over long before that by corrupt statists who had no interest in real socialism.

Juggla67(142) Clarified
1 point

I don't see what exactly 'lyrical' means in any objective sense.

words X coherency X flow/melody etc. X poetic complexity (rhymes/wordplay etc.) = Lyricism.

Juggla67(142) Clarified
1 point

He wasn't a marxist

I think he was a corrupted version of a Marxist that was influenced heavily by Marxism but didn't have his priorities straight. His main problem was he was unable to handle power without going nuts thanks to his sociopathic tendencies.

Lenin was corrupt too

Yes, but not as much as Stalin. Even if Lenin stayed in power though the USSR was doomed because Lenin was surrounded by corrupt jackels who either didn't understand or didn't truly care about socialism.

the entire concept start-to-end of the Bolsheviks (as opposed to the Mensheviks) was to make a corrupt state

I don't agree, I think Lenin was a genuine Marxist but his party was infested with fake Marxists and pseudo-socialists. I do agree that the Mensheviks were better though, not because they were less radically socialist (which they were) but because they were more democratic and less authoritarian.

Every single time Communism happens this is the case.

Every single time communism happens it's not communism and it is made to look even worse by it's ideological enemies.

Only Cuba and Vietnam have ever achieved a remotely humane form of it

Most of what went wrong in those countries is America's fault directly because of the economic and military interference. America is a country that treats it's own moderately well (while screwing them over in ways that are more subtle and lawlessly dealing with the few individuals who truly threaten the establishment behind closed doors) but is outright fascist in it's treatment of other nations that it occupies and bullies. When it comes to it's treatment of small, poor nations, America is the most evil country that could possibly exist. If you dare to attempt socialism it will barricade you economically, try to make sure the most corrupt leaders are elected, and ignore the fact that your country was small and poor to begin with while it blames every single "failure" and injustice that happens on socialism.

Juggla67(142) Clarified
1 point

The very thing he sought to stamp out under his regime.

He mainly wanted to stamp out everyone who wasn't an atheist and a marxist. In the USSR I would have a chance to get into the party and steer it in the right direction, and if I could somehow go there in a time portal I would try to take it over and have all the fake marxists in the party shot in the face.

Juggla67(142) Clarified
1 point

It's not magic, it's awareness of your surroundings.

I know it's not magick, people who know real magick use a K at the end to show how occult they are and confuse the mundies.

How did I notice you were Sparrow?

Because of the over-the-top aggression and troll debates designed to trap the opponent in an unwinnable battle. Sadly though my plan didn't come through because everyone went out of there way to vote against me and made up any excuse they could once you convinced half the site it was me and the other half didn't like me either way.

How did I notice that Ramshutu was Nom?

Because of all the ways they synchronize.

1 point

Tell me all about the communist corporations who's communist agenda is all about making money Outlaw.

1 point

You need psychiatric intervention mate.

I have been to a psyche ward, they were unable to help me and I acted my way out.

0 points

God controls the weather

Shut up you halfwitted whore, you are a total fucking moron.

1 point

Hes the most anyoiyng mother fuicker id this stuie mpother fucker fuikcjkermontycjher

Juggla67(142) Clarified
1 point

Hyenas 'laugh' out of fear and anticipation, just so you know.

I know, you know what I meant.

Juggla67(142) Clarified
1 point

I found it amusing as it's the thing you think is dumbest to believe in.

I think believing in free will is dumb, not "human will" as he meant it there. He is talking about willpower, not free will. I also can tell who you are now.

1 point

What makes your bitch ass think I am going to open a link you send me, Bronto?

1 point

When you write this how does it make you feel inside?

It makes me laugh like a hyena getting it's nutsack tickled by a feathered dildo.

1 point

What do you think Stalin would do with a rebel like you?

I am an atheist and a Marxist so he would probably shake my hand, suck my balls and call me his big commie comrade home diggity dog.

0 points

I wish the USSR was still around and run by real Marxism.

1 point

Be careful, his sword might be bigger than yours

It's probably not though. It's probably one of those french swords. I have one from Africa where they make the really big ones.

doesn't have a sheath!

I find it funny that he upvoted this without realizing that you essentially just said he doesn't get pussy.

1 point

Nom is fat

but what's wrong with that?

well, everything he ever sat on is flat

plus he can hardly walk his ass

from the couch to the fridge to the pot, and back

he's a chunky mother fucker

funky smellin' tub of blubber

he has more crack than humpty dumpty mother fucker

what I mean is when the cops saw his ass fat

they took em' in for having fifty pounds of ass crack

1 point

Liar, it is the socialists who steal

Yet you are the one ignoring what your opponent says, banning them and stating self-affirming bullshit with no argument attached. You seriously need to stop clinging to the nutsacks and pussy lips of right wing thought leaders, think for yourself, fix up your diet and get some exercise so you can stop being so stupid and fat. When the means of production are privately owned or owned by the state, the private owners and the state rob the ones who produce everything (the working class) but socialists are the ones who want everyone to own their own labor, as in collective ownership of the means of production, as in everyone owns the means of production equally. Your fat ass would know this if you read and understood what banthisaccou said about libertarian socialists, you need to stop eating so much junk food and stop getting your information from Steven Crowder, that will help you be less obese and dumb you big fat mother fucking idiot. Also don't confuse liberals and social democracy with socialists, taxes don't exist in socialism.

1 point

mern, I isn't ain't ever be seenin' dat sheeit ya mother fuckin' butter balls booty plug cocker doodle sandwich ass bizzatch ass mutha fugggalooooooooooooooo

Juggla67(142) Clarified
1 point

Yeah, I watched both seasons a few months back.

What were your thoughts little baby bitch ass?

1 point

I am not against gays but tbh I don't usually like witnessing acts of gayness or being around flamers. I think lesbians are often very hot though, I just wish they were all bisexual so I could get some neden too.

0 points

There is absolutely nothing wrong with masturbating to anthropomorphic cartoon animals and having orgies in animal suits. Just as long as you don't rape actual animals like Nom does it's cool.

1 point

lol I love those movies. I was like 8 when I first watched them. Are you aware of the youtube red series?

1 point

Do you deny the existence of Jewish eugenicists? Are you a history denier and fact hater excon? Fuck you.

1 point

Trump is the type of guy who would have been pro-Hitler pre WW2 when eugenics was mainstream in America. Fun fact, a lot of eugenicists were Jews.

1 point

You are the one who has never moved on from the trauma of getting your dick sucked by your own mother's herpes infested mouth as a toddler and getting beat by your dad and raped in the ass by your step dad and called "little baby bitch ass" by all your gay pedophile uncles.

0 points

Nom was the kid in school who got abused by his parents and took it out on everyone else by being a massive dick to everyone. He never grew out of that and he is 45 years old.

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