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This personal waterfall shows you all of NikkiChumley's arguments, looking across every debate.

yes. Love is a rise in hormones. And no, i do not mean just s*x. The only thing science can't prove is why humans produce tears when we are upset. It really is fascinating!

NikkiChumley(23) Clarified
1 point

When it is being used as a derogatory term or to make fun of someone for their skin color.

I think the word itself is fine. If some friends use that as a term of endearment (lol) then they should be able to without being called racist. Black people call white people "Crackers." What's the difference? As long as people know when to not say that word. And who to not say it around. I'm cool with it

no, yeah thats what I was trying to say =) sorry for the confusion! Haha

2 points

No, many companies and people would like their mail to arrive somewhere in a timely manner. Some things are urgent and this new policy could create potential confusion amongst the general public. Obviously this system has worked fine all this time, why change it now?

3 points

Lol yeah. Without a gun it's harder (not impossible) to kill someone. This way though, the bad people will come into posession with guns that much easier

2 points

Am I saying that no one can choose? No. I'm saying I believe they shouldn't choose to. I am against it but I'm not actively trying to stop it. Anyone is at liberty to kill themselves or have others kill them, I'm just stating my opinion.

I agree with you wholeheartedly! Helena did not start working for Hitler because of propaganda. It was through her experiences. But I don't believe that our experiences should be counted as propaganda because propaganda is used to persuade a the whole, not just one person. But you make an excellent point!

2 points

Harry Potter ALL THE WAY! Yes Twilight is good but Harry Potter is classic. I can recite every book/movie! Lol I am a totes Harry fan!

Yes the pure German race you are reffering to is the Aryan term that you see/hear when studying Hitler and the WWII era

NikkiChumley(23) Clarified
2 points

I am not forcing my beliefs on other people. This is a debate topic. And that means I can say what I want as long as I'm not being rude or derogatory. You can say what you want, I can say what I believe.

What would any of you had done if you lived in this time period? Especially since the choices you make is a matter between life and death. Would you have tried to save your friends or even total strangers? Would you have helped with their execution? Or would you sit back and not do anything?

What would any of you had done if you lived in this time period? Especially since the choices you make is a matter between life and death. Would you have tried to save your friends or even total strangers? Would you have helped with their execution? Or would you sit back and not do anything?

5 points

I believe that there is always help for someone. Suicide is not an option in my book. If the going gets tough, I will find a way out. I will not, nor will I permit anyone else, help hurt so many others who loved the person who wants to commit suicide

Well I think that may have sparked it for Hitler but obviously that was already somewhat (while not prominent) public opinion. But like so many others have said, there were contributing factors like him being unaccepted into a Jewish-run art school and such.

NikkiChumley(23) Clarified
1 point

Actually, that lady was a Jew. She was using saitre to address a growing problem (that problem being Hitler and his beliefs)

NikkiChumley(23) Clarified
1 point

Maybe schizophrenia. The symptoms are there: disbelief of other people, out of touch with family or friends, and apathy.

NikkiChumley(23) Clarified
1 point

Hitler used his charisma skills to persuade people to join his cause. You need to remember that this was a desperate country who were seeking guidance. Hitler gave them that sense of leadership after being brutally defeated in WWI. Now, that would not work in modern society because we are taught to think and question, the lost war consumed the minds of all citizens and different political parties were rising out of the ashes. Hitler only did what others were doing and just took it to the extreme

I am reading the book Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf. And in the very beginning is a not from Hitler himself saying, "... and in so far it may serve to destroy the foul legends about my perspn dished up in the Jewish press." He wrote this book to basically defend himself and to further humiliate Jews. And the fact that he says there are legends about him?!?! Conceited much?

2 points

No! Banning the sales of guns to civilians will only make it that much easier for criminals and "Adam Lanza" type people to obtain them. In reality, there is not a lot of shootings, we hear about them BECAUSE they are rare. Giving guns to good people can protect families and CHILDREN from bad people

Yes, I think the government should quit debating gay marriages and start focusing on importatn issues. Issues such as: gov't spending, crime, homeless people, and the unemployment rate! I'm 15 and I know this!

I want to know what happened to the journalist. How did he get away with printing those articles, why didn't the Brownshirts stop him? And how long could his opinion last after Hitler eligibility for parole comes into effect? I hope nothing bad happens to him! Lol

Yes I agree with you whole heartedly. He was a very powerful speaker. And he did great things. Terrible, yes. But great. (Yes that is from Harry Potter but i think it fits!)

2 points

I don't think reffering to all Jews as, "selfish human beings" is inaccurate. Just because some made a living doesn't make them selfish.There were poor Jews and rich Jews, just like any other religion or race.

The Jews were his scapegoat. He needed a common enemy and he created one for the nation.

Ever since that man in the market place told him that Jews were inferior he didnt want to fight alongside them in the war. It is apparent when he sees the Star of David on the commanding officer's ring

Totally. I would want someone to "come out of the ashes" and lead us. I think our whole country would want someone, and it would probably end up (while not as extreme) almost the same as this did. Hopefully no genocides! Lol.

Hitler was a force of nature. He believed whole heartedly in what he was doing. While i do not agree with his opinions or his actions i do admire his resolve. I just want to know why so many people agreed with him at that time and all we hear is how Hitler was the only Jew hater.

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