
Picklejuice's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Picklejuice's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

This site is evidence that natural selection has been bypassed by humans. We now are under the influence of socially constructed selection. Take Outlaw60 or Bronto for example, in nature they would be very, very dead by now, but the stupidity that should be their bane is actually rewarded in society because their stupid values are those valued by society. If you are against the status quo, you are ostracized whereas those mindless parrots who follow it are rewarded, as demonstrated by the fact that right wing trolls flood the site and the few reasonable people are constantly drowned out by a constant stream of bullshit. Selection in these times comes down to what cultures value, and those who are at the top are using the stupidity of the masses to create a culture that benefits them, while the masses are rewarded for serving the establishment, leaving those who are vastly superior to either join those at the top in being a scumbag or live their life as a ridiculed hermit.

1 point

What is the idea here, that God loves prostitutes and tax collectors?

2 points

You have the intellect of a stale biscuit in a barrel on a scurvy ridden pirate ship.

1 point

FromWithin has no empathy or moral standards without the bible, which is evidenced by the fact that he is totally indifferent to all human suffering unless it concerns fetuses. This is also hypocritically retarded in that God is pro-abortion. There are numerous bible verses wherein God smites infants to punish nations he doesn't like.

1 point

What I am to your mom.

I looked it up, authoritaty isn't even a word. That means you don't even exist to my mom.

2 points

I can do it in private or public it's your choice.

Damn Mingi, you're quite the kinky little son of a wank.

1 point

Looks like he is citing Wikipedia as an authoritaty on what Nazis said

What's an authoritaty?

1 point

Hentai is a pretty big rabbit hole. One minute you are merely looking at some boobs and the next minute you are looking at a transgender rabbit being molested by a tentacle monster.

0 points

You're like Houdini

you stuck your teenie eenie weenie

between each

one of your thighs and made it disappear like a genie

1 point

Would you like me to pull down my pants and let you have a mouthfull? Or do you think this thing will suck itself?

I only suck pickled bananas, and only when they are served with bacon and eggs.

1 point

One more thing. I will only debate you if you promise to refrain from using profanity or personal insults. Agreed?

I suppose I can do that...for a time.

1 point


Homicide is related to poverty and white collar crime is related to class. Save your disputing of that fact for the debate.

1 point

I'll debate you on poverty and crime, if you fix the link

What do you mean by fix the link? Also, what about the other ones? Are you pussying out because your brain is the size of a gay walnut?

I just checked it and indeed there's a problem with the link. I made a new one that should work.

(edit) Kuso desu. It still isn't working, I'm going to try making a random one to see if the topic of the debate is the problem because the illuminati doesn't want me disclosing the truth.

(edit again) Okay for some reason the sexy banana debate works. The illuminati must be afraid I'll reveal their secrets. Let's have the poverty and crime debate in the sexy banana debate because it won't let me make one about poverty and crime.

1 point

Shut up, you jealous bastard.

The only thing that I'm jealous of is the bliss that comes with your ignorance you finger licking chicken fucker.

I'll debate you on any subject and kick your ass. I'll even allow you to choose what we debate.

Alright then, bring it on wanker boy. I'll destroy your arguments in due haste my little wanky poo. Yes, indeed, most indeedingly yes.

1 point


Created by the Progressive movement.

No where in that farticle does it say progressives created eugenics you pickle massaging cum dumpster. I read the whole thing twice.

1 point

Damn! And I thought you were as dumb as a rock. It's actually worse than that. I have no idea what's dumber than a rock, except for yourself. Sucks to be you.

Reading your posts is about as irritating as having sand on my pickle. You're the most brain dead thing in the universe and your brain looks like a baboons butt hole.

1 point

I'm the deepest man in your midst

you have no answer for this

no chance to resist

each flow is a cancerous cyst

I can't believe you have the audacity

to doubt my brain capacity

knowing that Jacque Fresco's torch of mastery

was passed to me

1 point

Your beak is designed for pecking peckers and persistently plucking penis particles.

1 point

I know your purpose in life is to deliberately be as stupid as possible but that was actually a fair point.

1 point

All of your guesses suck. It will obviously be Mark Zuckerberg.

1 point

But more importantly I have an italian sausage in my ass and it came with mayo if you catch my drift.

1 point

Nobody takes you seriously because you type like a senile chimpanzee.

1 point

At LEAST Ben Shapiro looks human..

Ben Shapiro looks like an estrogen infused cuck and he sounds like mickey mouse and peter dinklage had a baby.

2 points

I have a lot more accounts you know. Banning me and claiming I "ran off" isn't going to save you from being retarded.

What you just said is a perfect example of something that is meaningless to anyone with a brain by the way. What are you even trying to say? That him thinking your religion is stupid is just as bad as forcing you not to practice it because laws exist in the world that infringe on religious rights?

1 point

Aww look at the little nigger getting all butthurt that superior whites conquered your savage monkey race and penetrated your women with our big white cocks.

-1 points


You inferior niggers will always hate your superiors because you are prideful self glorifying gutter trash who plague white societies as well as your own with violence, profanity, lewdness and knavery.

1 point


I agree with everything except not enslaving blacks. Blacks are too stupid to vote and have normal people jobs.

1 point


You can google 'black geniuses' and find plenty of black people who have been valuable scientists, though not on the level of (einstein, tesla and co.)

Lol that's like saying "you can find really smart orangutans, but none as smart as humans".

This wouldn't imply that it is impossible for a black "genius" to exist, just that it is less likely.

You said it yourself, there's no black Einstein mate.

Why do you care so much?

Because there are only three truths in life.

1: If you want something, you should earn it.

2: People should be nice to each other unless they disagree on the internet

and 3: white people are smart and the darker your skin is the more stupid you tend to be.

1 point

Yes I CAN.. Apparently, you're white. Your question is STUPID.

There ya go.

Non argumentative adhominem fallacy noodles.

1 point

Of course black people can be as smart as white people

Of course ants can be as smart as humans, because to say otherwise hurts ants feelings.

all it takes to prove that is to find one black person who is smarter than one white person

That's not quite true, because while it is true that many blacks are smarter than many whites there has NEVER been a black person in recorded history who can be called a "genius" compared to white geniuses like Einstein and Tesla. This suggests that blacks can't reach the level of intelligence that the white race can.

it may be true that this is due to genetics rather than something like lower quality education

Why does you think they have lower quality education? Because stupid people don't care about education, and are bad at educating and being educated, therefor stupid blacks suck at education.

I haven't actually looked at the studies because I don't care

You don't care because you are white, not a race baiting hyper-tribalistic bongo man. Blacks are the most racist people on earth, they constantly kill each other in africa because the people they are killing are from a different tribe, just think about that next time you think a black is capable of getting along with an entirely different race. Very few can cope. Yet when whites engage in tribalistic behaviour they easily defeat the savages, just look at what the nazis or british did in the empirial days.

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