
Debate Info

Debate Score:20
Total Votes:25
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xMathFanx(1722) pic

Name a 'Rabbit Hole' to Explore

Name a 'Rabbit Hole' to Explore

Please provide a few starter, foundationalĀ links and/or information for the onlooker to investigate.
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1 point

Flat Earth theory, if you would stop pointing and laughing, is the start of the most fascinating rabbit hole ever. Illuminati? Aliens? All connected to flat earth theory.

2 points

This would be an interesting debate to have, provided people could debate without resorting to personal attacks. I'm really very curious about what people think on it.

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

I can do it in private or public it's your choice.

FrogofLondon(57) Disputed
1 point

Name a 'Rabbit Hole' to Explore

MintTea's underwear drawer

xMathFanx(1722) Clarified
1 point


Links please .

Mingiwuwu(1446) Clarified
1 point

Starting to question, starting to elaborate, starting to prove, starting to expand...

many levels, which level are you at?

1 point

Hentai is a pretty big rabbit hole. One minute you are merely looking at some boobs and the next minute you are looking at a transgender rabbit being molested by a tentacle monster.

1 point

Infinite Tsukuyomi .

All of the correlations between the politics of CD conservatives and Hitler.

1 point

Minecraft .

1 point

quantum consciousness theories

Name a 'Rabbit Hole' to Explore

MintTea's underwear drawer

1 point

SpawnOfWank's dildo moritorium library in his dungeon of wank.

Jessica Rabbit cosplayer's ;)