
Rusticus's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Rusticus's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

Yes it is. President Tweety bird tweeted that Sessions should end the Russia investigation and that was an order.

You've been in the military and I haven't so let me ask you a question; if you're in the military and your superior officer tells you that you should do something, what happens if you don't do it?

1 point

D-Y-I-N-G dumbass.

2 points

I like that list. I consider myself a Bernie Sanders type democratic socialist. I'm all about the working class, EXTREMELY strong on Unions and don't give a flying fuck about billionaires. I want to do away with the Citizens United Ruling and do away with MONEY IN POLITICS altogether. If it were up to me, lobbyists would not be able to give a single penny to a politician or a political campaign because money corrupts. Lawmakers should be paid much more than they are now in order to attract quality people, but they wouldn't be able to accept bribes in the form of high paid positions once they retire, in other words, stop the revolving door.

That being said I'm not an anti-capitalist. I believe that capitalism works with firm restraints in place because unbridled capitalism allowed to run amok is bad for the country and robs from the poor and working class.

Do I qualify as a socialist?

1 point

Get out while you still can.

1 point

So if Trump says it, it’s true?

That would be a first.

Trump is headed for the best ever prison cell.

1 point

Religion has done far more harm than good. The main reason for this is because tyrants have co-opted religion and used it to control the weak minded masses. Being religious brands you as a target for tyrants because you've already demonstrated that you've bought into a philosophy that no rational objective thinker would fall for, therefore the tyrant knows religious people are ripe for the plucking or you could say, they're sheep ready to be shorn. Here in the United States, tyrants have used the Republican party which has managed to brand itself as the party of Christianity and gets the Christians to march lock-step with them and push an agenda that works against the working class to which the vast majority of Christians belong. Christians happily screw themselves with every Republican vote.

Take Trumps tax cut for example. In a short couple of years the carrot on the end of the stick will disappear and then the HUGE PERMANENT tax cut for the rich kicks in. The taxes will still get paid but take a wild guess as to who will be paying the rich mans share from now on. SUCKERS!

-1 points

Another asinine post. Do I actually have to point out to you that humans ARE animals?

1 point

It’s obvious to any sane person that Trump is Putin’s bitch.

Russia is a kleptocracy and Putin is the head of the Russian mob.

Trump borrowed from the Russian mob and now Putin owns him.

1 point

That's a cute argument but if nobody served we wouldn't have a country.

Thanks excon

0 points

@brontoraptor - I don't get it, you say you hate communists but you're in love with a President who loves communists.

Somebody's confused and it's not me.

1 point

An all raw meat diet is bad for dogs. Dogs need fiber and there isn't any of that in raw meat. A good quality dry dog food with fiber and vitamins is the way to go.

3 points


How many more years will you use Obama in your pointless efforts to mitigate Trumps misdeeds? Not that I believe for one second that Obama wasn't a good President, any sane person knows he was and particularly when you compare him to the disaster in the White House tonight. Oh wait it's a weekend, Trumps at one of his resorts.

Do you have enough integrity to admit that If Obama were President right now and had committed just one tenth of the egregious errors that Trump's has to date, that you and the entire Reich wing world would be out of your minds screaming for impeachment?

Of course you don't.

1 point

brontoraptor: Are you claiming that you aren't the beneficiary of any government programs?

I'm going to retire in a few years and I expect to get Social Security, Medicare and Medicade, programs I've paid into my entire life.

What a silly debate. Animals also crap on the ground. Should humans do that too?

1 point

Best not to feed the troll. I don’t read any of his posts. He’s just a deranged attention craving no-life shut-in of absolutely no consequence.

Pathetic mental case is in love with me and frustrated that I ignore him.

2 points

Sorry excon, but dozens didn't die on a Duck Boat in Seattle. Three years ago a Duck Boat had a mechanical malfunction (it fell apart) on the Aurora Bridge in Seattle and it collided with a tour bus killing 5 people.

My opinion based on my 40 plus years on the water and frequently driving the streets on the Seattle waterfront where these boats operate is that Duck Boats are a menace and should be scraped. First of all many of these boats are 75 years old and they were never intended to haul elderly civilians, they were intended to ferry soldiers from ships to the beach in beach assaults. They aren't really a boat and they aren't really a bus. They worked great for their intended purpose but their intended purpose wasn't to haul elderly civilians.

I frequently drive over the Aurora bridge and have followed these vehicles over that bridge many times. I give them as much room as I possibly can because they're so obviously dangerous. They're too wide for the bridge and too wide for the streets in Seattle on which they travel. They're so old that they're falling apart (and the owners obviously don't do the necessary maintenance) and that's exactly what caused the 5 deaths on the Aurora Bridge 3 years ago.

As a boat they're a sick joke because the hull integrity is terrible. The hulls are 75 year old aluminum. Think metal fatigue. If there's a breach in that 75 year old hull that stupid boat could sink very quickly because the bilge pumps can only do so much providing they've been properly maintained and function as intended, but if a seam rips open those pumps might not keep up. To make maters worse, these "boats" have a lot of weight that normal boats don't have. They have all the heavy running gear of a WW2 era truck, frame, axels, wheels, leaf springs, brake drums or disks and everything else you find under a truck. The weight of all that gear can only cause it to sink more quickly.

And then there's the greed component. That these operators would allow a piece of crap like that to operate on rough water while full of civilians should be cause to run that operator out of business forever.

Put the old ladies on a nice comfortable bus and haul them to the waterfront and then put them on a good seaworthy and safe boat.

1 point

Yes there seems to be no end to the Obama economy but don’t fret, Trump will wreck that too soon enough.

1 point

Get your hand out of your pants.

1 point

It's now clear to any sane patriotic American that Trump is a traitor.

There's every reason to believe that we're at a tipping point and the inevitable fall of Trump has finally begun and since we know that the bigger they are the harder they fall, this will be one for the ages.

I can only hope that the GOP and the radicalized fascist bowel movement that took it over will never recover.

0 points

You quoted Rudy Giuliani?

Has it really come to that?

1 point

@ Jacob - And you wonder why I blocked you.

0 points

Your obsession with him proves that Nom has taken your mind. He owns you.

1 point

A lot of Republicans have won Wisconsin. This is something that Trump didn't have to lie about but he did. Like most pathological liars, Trump often lies when it would be easier to tell the truth but his default is to lie. It's just who he is. Normal people have some sense of shame. Trump has none.

1 point

Get over me, move on.

Rusticus(810) Clarified
1 point

excon, I sent you a message

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