
Solomonsston's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Solomonsston's arguments, looking across every debate.

mmmmhhhhh. if that's not a burn i don't know what is. but that, that right there was gold, on crack or something.

it was like a little kid talking to an adult

kid: "but my candy is good for you have some."

adult: : "no, shit gives you cavity's, plus theirs poo on it."

no hard feelings to any one.... well....

thats a major factor so i dont know. maybe maybe. not. we could never know untill we can do parallel universal tech. and then develop the ability to pick one.

what ifs can be real questions. this question dos not apply not because its a"what if" but because there are way to many variables to say he would be that person with any of the same ideas.

so my point again is the mass murders and violent rape marries and endless self diminishing right?

what if one plus one was 2.

what ifs can be real questions. this question dos not apply not because its a"what if" but because there are way to many variables to say he would be that person with any of the same ideas.

"Did the Republicans decide to shut down the government just because they didn't want a black president to implement his magnum opus?"

now thats a question!!!

its easy to say yes but i think it would have happened if mitt was president as well. that being said. yes. it might not have been now but it would have. and the shut down is not just cuz.... it was a build up. from way back when. remember we are over 17 trillion in debt. that did not happen over night.

this is why aliens dont come to see us.

the topic is the bible. the question is: is it real? if i were to say its a bad copy it would be false because its another story. if we use the very real hard copy at motels to say its full of contradictions as well as sexism and unfair justice we are still wrong because we used it. why are you protecting something so bitter sweat?

bitter for it lies

sweat for thous who don't see it.

OK um, maybe i missed something. so Jesus in not god, but im supposed to pray to him for a good life?

The trinity thing is what? three parts to one god? i thought god was not physical. so how is he be a man and still god? oh yeah cuz he willing brakes rules, right...?

Horus's story was before his that was my point to bring him up. unless you think Jesus can time travel. witch would be a neat plot twist. And no, im content if there is a hell (witch i don't think is real either).

do i think ill go. i don't know. im not worried about dying and going to heaven; when there is so much more on this world that has to be done. the heaven and hell thing is stupid to every worry about ever! when now, you should worry about education, rent, jobs, people wanting your stuff because they know no better and most of all, a family that looks up to you...

i think the bible was a good moral stepping stone, to expand our understanding and thinking at the time it was given. however as time goes on we see we dont need it more and more. further more, we see it to be wrong over and over again. How is it ok, to make your daughter marry her rapists? yet Jesus was right in everything he did?

heaven and hell? come on, i dont want to be in a place filled with rapists. those people are scum of the earth. Yet they are glorified and get to go to heaven?

listen if there is a hell and i end up going it would not be because i did not believe. it would be because i did not do enough to help another person.

the bible is a stepping stone. not an absolute.

Through out history! the bible kills millions, no billions because people are still doing it today from it. you said you did history on this. so why do you believe? whats in it for you? a spot next to a guy that has probably raped some poor girl? A justified mass murder? or maybe that guy who brain washed billions to get more money? heaven sounds like hell. and to deny it would be child like and beyond foolish.

"Why do you disbelief Jesus, and believe Horus, when you could disbelief Horus, and believe Jesus?" i dont believe i was just using them as examples.

Egyptian mythology has hell to.

if it makes it any more of an interesting discussion explain how the parts that are not from Egypt but from Jewish history; only altered to fit the need.

right... i almost dont want to go through a history class to prove a point on this site. id much rather wright a book about it and not just settle our argument but the delusional belief as well... so, wait a bit for that answer.

but i have a question for you. how is it ok to have a fundamental part of your religion, be fake? to me thats illogical

Solomonsston(40) Clarified
1 point

the idea of god is amazing. but not practical. if there was something like it and it could be proven rather then just believed. i would believe it. but you cant.

Solomonsston(40) Clarified
1 point

What do you want me to say? i told you way its an invalid question, and i told you it happened before, under a white guy. so what do you want?

0 points

its not that they are similar, its that they are identical. plus if your to say Jesus came before the Egyptians, then im sorry but no, you would be wrong. and you are now.

Oh I'm sorry. forgive me for misunderstanding it then. Now allow me to tell you why that question is stupid and why my answer is right.

To say something that would effect a past event in our time, has way way to many variables to say he would even be alive to be president today. The Question "Would the government have shut down if Obama were white?" Is not due to him being black or white its due to a lot more then that. To say its because he is white then its saying something with out real basses. How could it shut down because he is black? Did we not have this happen before?


In 1996 the government shut down for 28 days UNDER Bill Clinton (white guy btw). Would it have happened if he were black? maybe who knows. However the result of a government shut down was inevitable. Be it by Obama or Clinton. it would have happened.

thats a stupid question. the government shut down before under a white guy. this was inevitable. well maybe not if there was a well know successful billionaire was running the country. and i say that cuz regardless of what you think he is a billion air. and he made that. i dont think he had enough education to handle some of the things he has to deal with but thats on him and his advisers.

prove that there is a god other then saying there is a god, and using this world galaxy and universe to justify him

beautifully said. i could not have said it in any other way myself. well done on finding this.

2 points

The Egyptian god Horus, and so, so, so, many others are like that man. i do not doubt he was a man. but if he was real he would be a man. and nothing more.

Solomonsston(40) Clarified
1 point

"You cannot create life by yourself, God did by creation"

Whats the definition of "life" to you?

So why do we have limitations? We are apparently made out of his image.

Totally fake. In fact its been copied like a million times over from the Egyptians

OK so, this "god" makes something that can not apply to him. yet he is in it. Thus he is real?

For it to work (in this physical world) he would have to be a physical being in this world. Why would he make something to be broken by him? If we are his ultimate creation then why has no one seen him here? Why do we not see him now? are we unworthy? If so then why does he not talk to the people that have done grate things or the worthy ones? Surly out of the 7 billion + people, one should be able to talk to him and be brave enough to tell people about it.

Its just not practical.

He is, an imagination.

Explain to me how physics apply to everything in the universe BUT this one thing, that is everything?

god is an imagination made by people who had no control over there situations. Much like a person would go to there parents, family members who have made it, a government, and a king; they would fill in the blank with the idea of god.

Its natural to look.

ok that question does not matter though: "Why should human life be valued more than sub-human life exactly?"

In reality another billion years from now we would have had no effect on that future we can only prolong our self now. that also apples to the general public.

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