
Altarion's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Altarion's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

5 Gum actually lasts quite a long time when you chew a new piece. And the gum doesn't get all hard either, it says moist and soft and chewy for a long LONG time.

1 point

5 Gum actually lasts quite a long time when you chew a new piece. And the gum doesn't get all hard either, it says moist and soft and chewy for a long LONG time.

1 point

5 Gum actually lasts quite a long time when you chew a new piece. And the gum doesn't get all hard either, it says moist and soft and chewy for a long LONG time.

1 point

Well what if the button contacted Joe, wherever he is in the universe, and made him log on to CD and respond to one of your arguments in JoeCavalry style? I'm sure that would make you bust up laughing if you could do that! (;

1 point

Hell ya. No matter what happens, Americans will never get so pissed off that they put aside their anger with one another to unite against a corrupted government. That's why Obama has been able to move this country into a more socialist state of life instead of the capitalist way that we should be in. If Americans looked past their differences they would see and understand that we need to tear down our government and start over.

1 point

It's true! I'm the nice guy and find it way too hard to hook up with girls because they all just want to be friends and nothing more. )':

It totally sucks when you are friends with the greatest gal in the world but because she likes you too much as a friend you will never get anywhere with her!

1 point

No I would not consent. The government works for me and our country and they belong to us. We don't belong to them. Consenting to such a thing would be worse than Communism, probably even more like slavery. And who would ever consent to being a slave?

2 points

Homework sucks. I mean, teachers expect you to spend 2-3 hours on their class every day, but we students have 6 classes. If we spend 2 hours a day on homework for 6 classes and spend 8 hours a day at school that means we get 4 hours of sleep a night, if that, not counting the time to take showers and eat. And studies show that a growing adolescent should get 8-10 hours of sleep per night. So we are getting half of what we need.

0 points

And why did I just get downvoted without reason? This makes no sense. I pose a valid question and then get downvoted with no response. Someone is throwing a tantrum.

1 point

Personally I think that Manhatten is the greatest city in the world. I mean, I know I haven't traveled all over the world, but I definitely love Manhatten and Boston. Those are my two favorite cities and they are amazing!

1 point

Welcome back. Why did you leave school? You didn't bring Jesus back with you did you? I hate that guy. ):<

1 point

I don't like the baja steak, but Chalupas are the greatest thing to happen to a taco ever man! Like the Chalupa Supreme is just crazy good!

1 point

The dollar menu has the Whopper Jr. If McDonalds had like a Big Mac Jr. on their dollar menu I would totally vote for McDonalds. (Oh, McDonalds is spelled wrong in the debate title, just FYI)

0 points

Then why is this a 2 sided debate and not a popularity contest? o_O;

1 point

Alcoholics at least pay taxes on their alcohol. Druggies don't pay taxes. So in that sense, alcoholics contribute more to society than stoners do.

1 point

Isn't there a theory that there is a universe within every atom? And that our universe is just an atom of someone else's universe?

1 point

Oh! Harsh! (;

But I mean if you truly that weed is that great then who knows what someone might do to get it.

1 point

There is more white on a zebra than there is black, so that means that the black is the recessive color thus is the stripe and not the color. And there are such things as stripeless zebras that have white fur and not black fur.

1 point

Oh. I thought he went to those "massage" parlors to fool his wife into thinking he was still straight. (;

1 point

No no no, that doesn't work. Lol. Water is water is water is water. Water makes things wet, but it is not wet itself. That is like saying that someone who bullies other people bullies himself as well.

2 points

And where does a metrosexual come into play? (;

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

1 point

And since I put my argument on this side, clearly I think that being right is the most important thing about a debate. My reasoning was all to support my opinion that being right is more important than understanding.

2 points

True, but if you are Chuck Norris you can. (;

And since the numbers are still in variable form it's somewhat more acceptable.

AND, no one knows what 0 divided by 0 is, so it might be ok. (;

2 points

Well I mean, why not? As much as people say it isn't, homosexuality is a choice. You choose to be gay if you like men more than women. And you can choose to be straight again if you decide you actually like women more than men.

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