
Dude19's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Dude19's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

While i do hate these people so musch and want them to stop breathing my air, nothing that theyre doing is ilegal. They are being huge dcks, but there is nothing that can be charged against them. However, that being said, there is still ways for us to defeat their protests. Take the KKK for example. I do hate the KKK, but they actually counter protested the westboro baptist church. I don't think that they should be allowed to do this, but they have every right to. all we can do is counter protest, help support the people they are hating, and maybe a fire will accidentally start in their church or an anvil falls on their leader.

2 points

As you do have some fair points, they are in no way backed with facts. You are talking about violent things that happen on TV and you think that teens can be influenced by that. Really, only the stupid ones can be. Common sense is something taught in this era. You should not be blaming these games and television shows for a childs violent behavior, but rather the parent, or a guardian who is supposed to be teaching kids and teens what and what not to watch or play. There are studies that show kids who play violent video games do not always grow up violent, its just the person or how they are raised. also i am awesome and that makes your argument invalid.

0 points

it is not in the nature of society to say this argument. I for one want to see proof that there is a god, and if you say a babys smile im gonna kick you right in the stomach. Smiling is not caused by the happiness and love of god, but by different muscles in the face caused by EVOLUTION! You're only proof that there is a god is a book from 2000 years ago written by people who thought the sun was magic. So if you think that not believing in the afterlife is sad, it should be sad that people out there are dieying from dieseases because they don't want to go to the doctor because thy think god will save them. i used to be a believer in the after life, but as i rounded up the facts, athiaests have a ton , and the only proof you have is crazy people who get "stigmata", but is probably just people cutting themsleves to get famous. Everysingle person who has recieved this "stigmata" has been made famous by the media around the world. We have science, which was caused by evolution through the years of the planet and universe growing.

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