
Flabingobabe's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Flabingobabe's arguments, looking across every debate.

Animals hunt, so it's obviously a natural thing to do. I'm certainly not against farming coming from WI and all, but it's not like I would be happy to watch a baby calf grow into a cow, give him a name and everything, and then eat him. I'll stick to buying my meat from the supermarket, i think.

Quite obviously, Barney is more gangster. He has years of air time under his belt that those idiodic, pastel coloered freaks don't.

0 points

Although i understand some people have it VERY rough at the beginning, there is always an oppurtunity to better yourself and choose the right path. Where there is a will, there is a way. No one owes money, healthcare, etc. to the people living in poverty. If they want out, they need to do it themselves or with help, not become a government freeloader.

4 points

I thought the ones at Disney World were spectacular! I bet they are a sight to see on the Fourth!

2 points

Information DOES change, so no to black and white.

2 points

We learn from our mistakes, so yes.

8 points

I hope it's this side : )

4 points

I'm pretty sure (and hoping) McCain will be our next president. God help us all if Obama wins!

FALSE. That needs no elaboration.

2 points

Yes- If we didn't than we would not be here.

2 points

No of course not. Communism is totally just looks good on paper. It won't ever work out in the end because if there is no incentive no work, no one will.

No. The children are abused and brain washed. Read 'Escape' by Carolyn Jessop----

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