
Fwc67's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Fwc67's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

Unfortunately, you've ignored one major weakness of nuclear power, nuclear waste. The waste produced by nuclear plants is quite extensive and our current means of eliminating the waste is stuffing it into giant caverns hoping it will lose its radioactive state before we run out of room.

Scientists have said for some time now, that civilization moves in 3 stages and two of them use the suns rays. I think we have to move on from the earth based energy sources.

Three stage civilization
-2 points
3 points

This should be a popularity contest. People don't have the option of Spike Spiegel. [see Cowboy Bebop]

1 point

I heard top neurosurgeons are avoiding use of cellphones without hands-free systems enabled.


2 points

Italian pesto. The English are famous for their crappy food.

17 points

Yes, pirates are tougher and more manly. Ninjas have to sneak around in the dark like cowards.

Which would you rather fight? A short Japanese in spandex or a bearded, angry European with a peg-leg and eye patch?

1 point

Curling because sports tend to interest me more. There is probably some Zen underlying theme in curling I could catch onto while infomercials would just drive me nuts.

5 points

Probably a personal liking but without some kind of structure provided under the dictatorship, violence and chaos would reign supreme. As long as the dictator was somewhat benevolent, the country would be in a better state.

2 points

It's not such an argument of good vs. bad, we should look at safety. As of yet, almost all genetic modifications to mammals and non-plant life forms has resulted in negative side-effects. I agree it may be OK for plants and some animals but not humans.

1 point

I fully agree that money sent is probably spent poorly and inefficiently due to corruption and a lack of infrastructure to support a wide scale boost in the economy. Roads, power lines and irrigation systems need to be built and the government just seems to fund arms, explosives and violence with the money sent.

0 points

Although sleazy does match the profile of any politician, Batman definitely has a better education and upbringing. Iron man is too haphazard and would probably end up passing some giant tax loopholes for his corporate buddies. Batman on the other hand would protect the weak and support and more Democratic party system.

2 points

Although, I agree Tiger is currently dominating at an extreme level, I don't believe he is far beyond other golfers of today. One must remember historically there have been very good golfers like Jack Nicholas and others who still hold many records and trophies. Micheal Jordan on the other hand, was the most dominant player in years on the court, brought the Bulls out of nowhere and made the sport alive again for TV viewers.

6 points

They're ugly, repulsive and an insult to my intelligence. Although, pride might have something to do with my disgust with Crocs, it probably has more to do with the bright coloring and piss-poor design element that makes me want to burn them.

3 points

Assuming that there is a chance that global warming exists, it would be monumentally stupid to ignore it and go about our lives merrily. If we don't do something now or at least monitor global weather closely we may end up growing gills like some bad Kevin Costner movie.

3 points

No it will not. Macs are a fad which will fade after their overly expensive, white and shiny gimmick runs its course. PCs evolve quicker and do not make their users elitist snobs. Of course, they hold a large market stake with the iPod and iPhone but I believe in the long run other more competitive products will edge these pricey gadgets out.

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