
Hmsayi01's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

this is such a stupid thing to talk about because no muslim guy forces his wife to wear burqa she chooses to because he wouldnt have married her if she wouldnt wear it , a muslim guy doesnt try to change nothing about his wife becuase he will love her just the way she is he will try to convince her to wear but he will never force i dont know where you people get that from because if a girl is forced to marry a guy he could care less about what she wears and yes there such things as arranged marriages but muslim man arent that cruel to force their wife for anything.

1 point

this is stupid first of all dont u people know how much trouble african american people went through and your still racist against them. religion has nothing to do with color anybody can be muslim if they want to.

1 point

first of al spell muslim right then worry i obama is really muslim i mean so what if he is a muslim, i mean mohammed ali is a muslim do you see him hanging around terrorists and why call muslims terrorist i mean not all muslims caused 9/11

1 point

well to be honest muslims cant swear on anything because if they lie allah is watching so if theyre good muslims they dont need to

1 point

this is stupid to say muslims are having too many babies i mean god give them babies just because you americans have like one or 2 kids doesnt mean everyone should, i mean were bringing new life to the world and you think thats too many all you think of is having too many babies will make you wanna buy lots of stuff i mean thats dumb always want to take the easy way out if people have lots of babies so what just cause you couldnt mean dont mean they shoulsnt

0 points

Listen now that obama. Was the one who killed osama bin laden your stupid for calling him his a muslim and stop stereotyping on people you hardly know plus mohamed ali is a muslim are u going to call him out.....I hate stupid people

1 point

I don't really know who but ya know americans fights everyone and they save people too But don't you think its stereotyping hating on all muslim calling all muslims terrorists when you haven't met any only sow some in media I don't hate anyone but if you like being called something your not jus because of your belief then don't do to others.

2 points

maybe thar could be the reason but still we dont know wat caused it maybe this will go on till forever but you cant hate all muslims theres good and bad people

0 points

if obama said his not a muslim then his not if he did said it then he is but dont make a big deal out of it

1 point

well listen you are wrong muslim are suppose to be peaceful i am not saying all of them are i mean nobody is going to think something good about muslim because theres hates in the internet and theres movies about terrorist that are muslim i mean to be true america is being hated on other countrys not just in iraq or etc.

1 point

you people are being really stupid making big deal out of whose peaceful and believe not all christians peaceful this is wrong making blogs about muslims and talking about them and posting word in your blog like a muslim actually going to get scared or leave the country this is silly

4 points

It's Arab (pronounced ah-rab) not A rab.

It's Arabian (pronounced uh-rabe-eon) not w.e you guys say

It's Iraq (pronounced E Rack) not I rack

It's Muslims (pronounced Moo slim) not Moss Slim.

2 points

thank you but it doesnt have nothing to do with saying words proper i mean sometimes muslims cant say the americans words right its about just hateful

4 points

muslim people i mean not all bad there’s good people and bad people but you can’t blame it on every muslims , see i don’t hate muslim because is if muslims said something bad on americans like all of you are terrorists that would make all americans mad because now yall are mad because muslims are everywhere what if muslims said something bad about people that hate muslim that will get yall mad, people say muslims hating us they are terrorists to our country’s, the girls wear some kind of towel thing their heads, i just feel like grabbing it off their heads and lots of more mean words to muslims then you say why are they being bad i mean i even seen on google if you just type terrorist the first thing is muslims people wrapped in something that covers all their face you know what i think you guys are being bully’s making pictures, videos, and comments about how much you hate muslims deal with it because were not going anywhere soon.

i even seen Obama picture wrapped in muslim clothes because he didn’t said what you americans think he would say so suddenly Obama is a muslim dont you guys get tired and keep your comments to yourself instead of spreading everywhere because muslims dont care because they living their life and you guys wasting your time thinking they give a damn THEY ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE

5 points

im not trying to make a big problem bout this but doesnt some of the amendments of america has something called freedom of religion? i think so, i wanna know why some of you people trying so hard to make a big arguement in the internet when muslims dont give a damn about what you post in the computer you people (who hate the muslim) need to know that they are not gonna leave the united of state just becuase of stupid comments, really they dont they will not waste their time reading lame stupid comments about how much you guys want muslims out seriously you really got nothing to do with your life.

6 points

idk wat yhu talking bout but i myself am a muslim that is married i am not killed to death by my husband his not my master okay he dont take adventage of me because he married me becuase he love me and plus our parents are the one who decides if they want the girl to be married with a man and our parents love us they would not make us get married to someone that would kill us so FYI stop using arabic word if your not it okay i am a muslim and i know how it feels, have 2 kids and a wonderful hard working husband so stf up you know nothing الكلب القذرand you are this

5 points

the pronoucing have nothing to do with hate i mean be honest not a single muslim came to your face and said something hateful you just see that on t.v or internet then you spread it like a rumors and they hate that if you actually live next to them they are nice and peaceful and plus they think americans are the haters cuz they are in a new world where their country are talked about, some of them are scared of americans because they came here to make a good likfe and it got worst for them the languages, the foods, the places are wierd for them

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