
Mumin's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Mumin's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

This generation is so full of itself. I think a paradigm shift is long overdue. While people are no more intelligent than before (if not less - so much for human evolution), robots are the only ones getting smarter. Can you prove it otherwise?

2 points

You know, I haven't yet caught up with any MMOs, and neither have I ever really taken up a serious RTS (unless 'Worms' qualifies)!

But titles I do find myself purchasing more often and enjoying on a regular basis are action-adventure exploration games that are usually third person shooters or beat 'em ups as well, requiring stealth and weaponry/ combat skills and a creative, immersive story line.

0 points

Cool. Got any links?

0 points

Hey can you like list some of the best joy-pads around and why they're so cool?

0 points

Cool! I haven't ever played it yet, so I don't have a clue what you mean. Which console are you playing it on?

1 point

I guess you've proved that keyboarding with mice is definitely for pro-gamers that need high-performance hardware.

But what you and Bradford are leaving out is that "Game controls maketh the gaming experience, and you gotta admit, sticking keys in to the enemy is pretty dull when compared to vibrating organ-like hand-held devices in which you only spend half as much time looking for which button to press.

To me, there's keyboards at one end of the spectrum that's so last generation that you're almost programming in your moves. On the other end is stuff like the Wiimote which is a truly virtual gadget, and therefore much more immersive and new gen.

1 point

Hmm, mice are nice, though keying in stuff is boring. Maybe gaming mice would be better! I wonder if there are any with a bunch of keys on 'em.

0 points

Hey man that Wiimote rocks! Can't wait till there's a suit that can do sth like that in RPG type games.

-1 points

:P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

-2 points
1 point

Throwing kicks and punches or battling it out in a graphical world just doesn't flow on the keyboard. Eventually I'm hoping they'll have controls you can wear like a glove. Closest thing that comes to that right now is a gamepad.

1 point

Hey you and geoff need to get this straightened out in my other debate: That_game_controls_maketh_the_gaming_ experience

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