
Nagtroll's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nagtroll's arguments, looking across every debate.
3 points

Feminism was engineered by the Rockefellers to control American society.

Feminism Was Created To Destabalize Society - Aaron Russo Interview
3 points

Feminism was engineered by the Rockefellers to control American society.

Feminism Was Created To Destabalize Society - Aaron Russo Interview
1 point

Feminism was engineered by the Rockefellers to control American society.

Feminism Was Created To Destabalize Society - Aaron Russo Interview
1 point

For your information, the Feminist movement was manufactured by the Rockefellers to control American society.

Feminism Was Created To Destabalize Society - Aaron Russo Interview
1 point

For your information, the Feminist movement was manufactured by the Rockefellers to control American society.

Feminism Was Created To Destabalize Society - Aaron Russo Interview
1 point

And I call shotgun!


1 point

Tag. You're it.

No backsies


1 point

You may not be able to make create debate better. But that's no reason not to try. So i say try.

1 point

Give away a free tank of gas to the first person who (fill in the blank). That will motivate people to participate more.

1 point

Have dancing naked chicks on the screen. People love that stuff. Or just have a dog chasing its own tail. Yes that will work.

1 point

You can threaten to close down, then people will be all afraid, and plead not to close it down, and then you can get them to do whatever you want, like spend more time here. Some might call that extortion, but so what.

1 point

Get people to talk more. Some people already talk enough, but some need to talk more. Get these people to talk more. Some way to get them to talk more would be to encourage them, like by telling them they made a good point. Or maybe by complimenting them, like by saying "Hey, you're wearing some really swanky shoes today, and I mean that in a good way." That might get them to spend more time here.

1 point

Here's an idea. Have specials every Tuesday, or whenever, like every Tuesday is clam chowder day, and make up some kind of debate or discussion on clam chowder, that way every Tuesday people can come in and just discuss clam chowder, and nothing else. Sound reasonable?

2 points

Add the ability to shamelessly point grab, so people don't have to go through so much trouble. Like a big button that says Shameless Point Grab on it, and when you click it, it just adds more points to your side, so you don't have to actually try to do anything, or even look like you did.

1 point

That sounds nice, but it is actually just a popularity vote, and unpopular people will be downvoted, and popular ones will upvote each other, resulting in popularity being the major factor instead of measuring the substance of the issue. But hey, whatever works right.

1 point

It starts with the people. Take the log out of your own eye, instead of pointing out the splinter in someone else's.

1 point

They went extinct. So what?

Here are three more animals that went extinct: the Dodo, Thylacine, and Steller's Sea Cow. If we can bring them back, we should try. It would be so amazing to see these creatures alive again. It would satisfy that curiosity.

Jurassic Park was science fiction, and a scare tactic film. Really there is nothing to be afraid of. Make way for progress.

2 points

So they went extinct, so what? So did the Dodo and Thylacine, and Steller's Sea Cow. If we could bring them back, we should try. It would be so amazing to see these creatures alive again.

1 point

Hardly, You're just jealous that your not presently number one, and you want to get back there.

0 points

I'll say it cuz I don't think anyone else will, but that's fucked up Yeah, I bet all you queers are gonna jump my ass for saying that, but that's the truth, if you can't deal with it, that's your problem. I have the balls to say what others won't and are only thinking. So if you're too delicate to hear what others have to say, then you shouldn't even be here.

1 point

High five.

Down low.

Your too slow.

Ok now you are just trolling for points.

1 point

No, you got it right. Although its more like a recession/depression, and its never going to get better, because of bad governance like this.

3 points

Yes, and they probably taste like chicken, but more beefy. I call the drumstick!!!

1 point

That will not happen. Scare tactics, thats what Jurrasic park movie was. Its nothing to be afraid of, make way for progress.

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