
Nooo's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nooo's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

Well everyone who hates America is in a team, so why would they fight each other?

1 point

Crap what is his/her name, um.... oh gag1192

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

So Obama's excuse is too not do anything b/c of Bush. The job of the President of the United States is supposed to have an open mind and to work for the people while he spends most of the people's money on vacations. Bush was not in this scenario he could vacation but he did vacation too much Obama can't vacation he must save us and we have done worse since the second year of Obama, so who's fault is it.

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

Yeah but he can punch and grapple better also sometimes he is amazing to taking people down[compared too Hendo]

-1 points

But he still did work. Obama won't even work with the republicans he only works with democrats. During the Fiscal Cliff he said if no one goes with his view on it, everybody would suffer he finally stopped being a moron and went with a decision his advisors made, so what do you call that, retardness or ignorance?

2 points

Has anyone counted how many vacations he has gone on, about 50 right.

1 point

That means original I know, I meant his only problem is his age, sorry.

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

You have never seen Hendo fight then, sure he can punch[which is his specialty] but he is a all around fighter his only default his age, which has not even affected him.

1 point

#1. Almost everything you read on the internet is not true.

#2. Did you get this from Wiki?

1 point

Anyone who knows anything about MMA knows Hendo can fight but Lyoto Cheetah is a good fighter also so it can go either way.

3 points

Watch the Michael Bisping fight that is fighting.

1 point

Obama, Bush did his best while Obama goes on 50000000000000000 vacations

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