
Nooo's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nooo's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

Well everyone who hates America is in a team, so why would they fight each other?

1 point

Crap what is his/her name, um.... oh gag1192

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

So Obama's excuse is too not do anything b/c of Bush. The job of the President of the United States is supposed to have an open mind and to work for the people while he spends most of the people's money on vacations. Bush was not in this scenario he could vacation but he did vacation too much Obama can't vacation he must save us and we have done worse since the second year of Obama, so who's fault is it.

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

Yeah but he can punch and grapple better also sometimes he is amazing to taking people down[compared too Hendo]

-1 points

But he still did work. Obama won't even work with the republicans he only works with democrats. During the Fiscal Cliff he said if no one goes with his view on it, everybody would suffer he finally stopped being a moron and went with a decision his advisors made, so what do you call that, retardness or ignorance?

2 points

Has anyone counted how many vacations he has gone on, about 50 right.

1 point

That means original I know, I meant his only problem is his age, sorry.

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

You have never seen Hendo fight then, sure he can punch[which is his specialty] but he is a all around fighter his only default his age, which has not even affected him.

1 point

#1. Almost everything you read on the internet is not true.

#2. Did you get this from Wiki?

1 point

Anyone who knows anything about MMA knows Hendo can fight but Lyoto Cheetah is a good fighter also so it can go either way.

3 points

Watch the Michael Bisping fight that is fighting.

1 point

Obama, Bush did his best while Obama goes on 50000000000000000 vacations

1 point

I can't click on the link

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

It's America we need our candy

1 point

Anyone famous can kill someone and get away with it b/c of fame and money so I am sure but if everyone does not go crazy for the celebrity he is going to jail.

0 points

If he was alive everyone would make jokes about him. Because he is not dead, he is just taking a break like James Bond.

1 point

Good job on being a great debater you try your hardest and always give your view, I wish some people would stop doing that, Jk.

nooo(128) Clarified
0 points

He's back

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

The angry bird is back... Run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

Yay, you're back, crap. I must of hit a nerve, but if you spell better and everything can you put capital letters on I's and A's.

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

I guess that is true but still, you were so... angry, Oh wait he can spell better. [No offense]

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

Okay, but he certainly acts like the "old you".

2 points

Ohh ohh, I want to be the next one banned.

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

The CIA's job is too research but they have been reserching since Bush. Oh and P.S I'm not a moron like your self.

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

The day I make since too YOU is when YOU get fucked.

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

No, that is the CIA's job, which they did, they just told him SOME of the info.

nooo(128) Clarified
2 points

Really you have too ban every freaking person who comes on. He's not Mic or whatever he is Randomdude or Assface so they can still piss eveybody of. The reason you debate with yourself is b/c no one wants to be banned, you must be Randomdude.

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

Oh my gosh, Obama gets all the credit for killing bin laden yet he did not pull the trigger and they said they would have killed him even if he said no.

1 point

Obama is a douche bag, that is the word that comes too mind

2 points

Ghosts not that I have ever met one, ahhh I am getting possesed gjgfjsdhfsgdfgfsffdsskgffd, so what was the question, mehahhahhaha.

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

Too late it's mine,mwhahahahahahahaahaahhahah [I don't really care if he takes it]

1 point

There is only one person you can blame well two but they have similar names, Osama and Obama, and no I am not saying that Obama is as bad as Osama but he has not been doing his job of saving the economy and everything he has done was because, George Bush started it and Obama just got to finish it but I do wish that Bush did it a little quicker though but he did do better in 4 years than Obama, besides the bombing on the twin towers.

1 point

I just think he is funny and he only debates with himself so it must be pretty entreating

1 point

I think that buddhism is kinda weird but it is your choice. There is nothing holding you back.

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

Do you only type in caps?

2 points

Some cops are very nice but in Orlando, FL where I live the cops are corrupted so cops can help you or hate you no matter if you're good or bad.

nooo(128) Clarified
2 points

Do pictures change your life, you were reallly angry with the angry bird now with the dog you're nice.

1 point

Not when it's coming from you.

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

[Burp] Me?

1 point

Hot chick= Hell Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some guy= Hell Nooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 point

What !

1 point

Well I have 99 points counting this one so, nana abobo.

1 point

Oh I don't know, someone is about to blow up the twin towers, it would have worked there.

1 point

Yeah except most of em are assholes.

nooo(128) Clarified
2 points

No I had to delete it because I remembered I had a life that did not involve you and I was joking.

1 point

Damn it you made me hungry again, why the link.

nooo(128) Clarified
1 point

I had to delete it, I got charged with stalking.

1 point

Then everyone would have HIV

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