
XVDeathWishV's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of XVDeathWishV's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Liberals, We can handle and recover from a Martyr or a Hostage situation, what we cant do is recover from what the Liberals are doing to us, like taking our basic rights and putting the homeless or families on welfare into an even deeper hole than their only in, I could go on but basically Liberals are the death of America.

2 points

Honestly? Spiderman could never amount up to the badass that Superman is, yeah SM's weakness is Kryptonite, but most common enemies arnt exactly in possession of the highly rare rock, where as with Spiderman, any villain can grab MJ and Pete's screwed, Additionally, I'd like to see Spiderman take on Doomsday.

Twilight has a good thing going for itself but Harry Potter takes the cake on this one any day of the week

Sure Metal changes the way you look and act, but I dont see a negative problem with it, most Metal heads with behavioral issues usualy act that whay because of problems started at home, other than that, Kids who listen to metal are usualy much more respectful to higher authority figures than say most of the kids who listen to rap.

Im totaly for kids doing whatever they want when it comes to the Pledge, personally I say it everyday for Im proud of what our country once stood for(Im not so crazy about it now). I just have an issue with kids under the belife that they look like some badass not saying it because its uncool, other than that I have no problem with it

CoD is alright but you cant compare it to a game that actually requires strategy, noone here is stating facts, its all opinionated. I have played both games and put much time into both, Im a 6th Prestige on CoD 4 and a third on MW2. With Call of Duty, it has even been stated even by people of Machinima that its a free for all with people you cant shoot, where as with Battlefield, if you dont work as a team, the chances of having your objective completed is slim to none, for people actually defend the bases, unlike in CoD when as soon as you cap a flag or base, they run off to get more kills. Also maps are much bigger and destructible in battlefield!!!! Allowing for a more tactical approach to the game, which many legit war gamers appreciate. And most of all there is actually Vehicles in BF where as in CoD its up to you to run across the map, vulnerable to fire from enemy players who are just running around or "camping" which for some reason is looked down upon by the CoD community. Thereforth, Battle Field wins in Scenery, Platform,Weapons, Community, Multiplayer, and in my opinion Campaign.

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